HYADAIN feat. ディスクン星人 - リア充ってこんなもんだっけ - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais HYADAIN feat. ディスクン星人 - リア充ってこんなもんだっけ

Is This What It's Like to Be in a Relationship?
I've never fallen in love.
I've never fallen in love.
Betrayer! My Friend!
Traitor! My Friend!
You got a girlfriend!
You got a girlfriend!
リア充って こんなもんだっけ
Is this what it's like to be in a relationship?
付き合って 三ヶ月 たつのに
We've been dating for three months now,
手も握れない (マジで)
But we still haven't even held hands (seriously).
マジで (ありえねーって)
Seriously (this is ridiculous).
溜まってく ストレスと アレ!
All this pent-up stress and those things!
友達のくせ ぬけがけ
You've stolen my thunder, my friend.
彼女 いない歴 イコール 年齢
The number of years I've been single is equal to my age.
共感!? ムリ!(助けろよ!) ムリムリ!
Empathy? Impossible! (Help me!) Impossible!
Luxury is the enemy!
なんで 毎日 メールしてくれないの?
Why don't you email me every day?
おやすみの電話 約束でしょ!?
You promised to call me goodnight every night!
友達と どっちが 大切なの?
Who's more important to you, me or your girlfriend?
あー じゃまくせ (たしかにじゃまくさい)
Oh, I'm always getting in the way (it's true, I get in the way).
これが リア充ライフ?
Is this what it's like to be in a relationship?
(Baby Boy) 誕生日 クリスマス
(Baby Boy) Birthdays, Christmases
(Slaving Boy) 出逢った記念日?
(Slaving Boy) Our anniversary?
(You're my Boy) 毎週 プレゼント
(You're my Boy) Presents every week
バイトしても 貯金しても 足りない!
I work part-time and save money, but it's still not enough!
Look at me!
(Baby Boy) そっこうで スネるし
(Baby Boy) You get mad right away.
(Slaving Boy) また 泣き出すし
(Slaving Boy) You always start crying.
(You're my Boy) こんな もんなの
(You're my Boy) Is this normal?
りょりょりょりょりょ☆ 両想い
彼女いるとか マジ うらやましすぎ
Having a girlfriend like this is awesome
心から 願う BA☆KU☆HA☆TSU
I wish I could EXPLODE from happiness!
イチャイチャ イチャイチャ している暇ありゃ
If you have time to make out and cuddle,
ゴミでも拾え リア充
You could at least pick up some trash, you slacker.
念願の 彼女 ゲットだぜ!
I finally got a girlfriend!
恋愛マスターに 俺はなる!
I'm going to become a master of love!
(三次元 未経験 We're Cherry Boys)
(I've never been in a real relationship before, We're Cherry Boys)
ムッシュムラムラ 今宵も スパーク!
Monsieur Mushiramura, Spark tonight!
なんにも してない、ってったって
Even if I don't do anything,
彼女いると なしじゃ 天地の差
Having a girlfriend makes all the difference.
(ゆずろうか) マジうぜえ (大変だって)
(Let me think about it) It's such a pain (it's hard).
全然 わっからねえーーー
I don't understand any of this.
ちょっとまって ネイルしてくるから
Wait a minute, I'm going to get my nails done.
30分 遅れそう ごめんね
I'll be about 30 minutes late, sorry.
そうだ! ホットケーキ屋 並んどいて
Oh, and wait in line for the pancake house.
これがデフォルト? (こんなもんなんじゃね?)
Is this the standard? (Maybe it is)
夢の リア充ライフ
The dream of being in a relationship.
(Baby Boy) 笑う とことか
(Baby Boy) When you smile and stuff.
(Slaving Boy) ちょい ズレてるし
(Slaving Boy) It's a little off.
(You're my Boy) ガマンしなくちゃ、か
(You're my Boy) I have to be patient, huh?
それ 単純に 相性悪くない?
Aren't you just simply incompatible?
(Baby Boy) 生まれて 初めて
(Baby Boy) For the first time in my life,
(Slaving Boy) 恋が 叶った
(Slaving Boy) I've found love.
(You're my Boy) 大切なんだ
(You're my Boy) You're so precious to me.
りょりょりょりょりょ☆ 両想い
遊び誘っても 付き合い悪いし
Even when I ask you to hang out, you're always busy.
常にケータイ いじくりまわすし
You're always messing with your cell phone.
彼女いるとか うらやましいけど
Having a girlfriend like this is awesome,
なんか ちがくね?
But something's not right.
(Baby Boy) 正直言うと
(Baby Boy) To be honest,
(Slaving Boy) お前といるほうが
(Slaving Boy) I have more fun when I'm with you.
(You're my Boy) 楽しいんだけど
(You're my Boy) But if we were to date, we'd get into trouble.
変なウワサたつから やめろよ
Stop saying weird things like that.
My Friend!
My Friend!
(Baby Boy) 生まれて 初めて
(Baby Boy) For the first time in my life,
(Slaving Boy) 恋が 叶った
(Slaving Boy) I've found love.
(You're my Boy) 大切なんだ
(You're my Boy) You're so precious to me.
りょりょりょりょりょ☆ 両想い
First love!
On the same old route to school
トボトボ 帰る
I walk alone.
Did I Fall in Love?
Did I Fall in Love?
空は 飛べないなぁ
I can't fly like a bird.
りょりょりょりょ☆ 両想い

Writer(s): 前山田 健一, 前山田 健一

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