Haades - Dope Fiend - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Haades - Dope Fiend

Dope Fiend
Dope Fiend
Smál sem se smažkám a teď vypadám jak voni
Little Ms. Priss has gone and gotten herself all strung out
Dřív to byla prdel, ale neni
It was all fun and games at first, but now it's not
Pani, mohl bych po vás dojet ten vajgl?
Excuse me, ma'am, could I bum that cigarette butt?
Jenom se ptám, proč hned řvete "Zmiz ty hajzle"?
Why you gotta start yelling "Get away from me, ya creep"?
Nechtěj se bavit, všichni se mi vyhejbaj
Don't wanna chat, everybody's avoiding me
Jebat na ně, chci bejt high, navštívit jinej kraj
Screw 'em, I just wanna get high, go somewhere else
Deep Space 9, jenom tam mi je fajn
Deep Space 9, that's the only place I feel at home
Nebo ani tam? to nepoznám
Or maybe not even there, I can't tell anymore
Furt je mi stejně, tak nějak nijak
I feel the same all the time, nothing really
Ale víš jak, to nejde jinak
But you know, there's no going back
Vlak? Tak ten mi dávno ujel
The train? That left me ages ago
Asi sem dojel, kam sem chtěl, party in the hell
Guess I ended up where I was headed, party in hell
Ve i okolo hnus a špína
Filth and grime all around and inside me
Je mi to fuk, přestal sem to vnímat
I don't care, I've stopped noticing
Výtah do těch nejnižších pater
Elevator to the lowest level
A všechno jenom proto, že sem chtěl bejt real rapper
And all because I wanted to be a real rapper
Dope Fiend, myslim jenom na jedno
Dope Fiend, I only think about one thing
to budu mít, sjedu to všechno najednou
When I get it, I'm gonna snort it all at once
Dope Fiend, zřítil sem se z okraje
Dope Fiend, I fell off the edge
Pudu se zabít, jen co tahle sračka dohraje
Gonna go kill myself as soon as this crap is over
Dope Fiend, myslim jenom na jedno
Dope Fiend, I only think about one thing
to budu mít, sjedu to všechno najednou
When I get it, I'm gonna snort it all at once
Dope Fiend, zřítil sem se z okraje
Dope Fiend, I fell off the edge
Pudu se zabít, jen co tahle sračka dohraje
Gonna go kill myself as soon as this crap is over
Dope Fiend, no eat, no sleep
Dope Fiend, no food, no sleep
Nose-bleed, furt být most deep
Nosebleed, toujours le plus défoncé
No job, bitches mi nechtěj dát blowjob
No job, bitches won't give me no blowjob
Zdrhaj a křičej, asi sem ztratil kouzlo
They run away screaming, guess I lost my touch
Dřív sem měl talent a byl docela fešák
Used to have talent, used to be kinda cute
A teď sem jenom dement a špinavej feťák
Now I'm just a dumb, dirty junkie
Nemám zub, mám ksicht samej strup
I lost a tooth, my face is crusted with scabs
Mám pohublej trup, nemám byt, jenom srub
I got a mangled body, no apartment, just a shack
Nemám nic, jenom pech, kartu a plech
I got nothing but bad luck, a credit card and some cash
Sem nula, abych zdech, je napsáno na zdech
I'm a zero, gonna die, it's written on the walls
Kam zmizel Haades pes? Se sám sebe ptám
Where did Haades go, man? I ask myself
Ale odpověď neznám, sem myslel, že to dám
But I don't know the answer, I thought I had it all figured out
Víš, ale vyhrát nejde, vítěz je dán předem
You know, but there's no winning, the victor is already chosen
Rok 2 nebo 10, nakonec to svede
Year 2 or 10, it'll get you in the end
Tak jedem! Po hlavě rovnou do hajzlu
So let's do it! Headfirst into the toilet
Bude to kult, za chvíli přijď za mnou na hajzl
It'll be a cult, come join me in the bathroom in a bit
Dope Fiend, myslim jenom na jedno
Dope Fiend, I only think about one thing
to budu mít, sjedu to všechno najednou
When I get it, I'm gonna snort it all at once
Dope Fiend, zřítil sem se z okraje
Dope Fiend, I fell off the edge
Pudu se zabít, jen co tahle sračka dohraje
Gonna go kill myself as soon as this crap is over
Dope Fiend, myslim jenom na jedno
Dope Fiend, I only think about one thing
to budu mít, sjedu to všechno najednou
When I get it, I'm gonna snort it all at once
Dope Fiend, zřítil sem se z okraje
Dope Fiend, I fell off the edge
Pudu se zabít, jen co tahle sračka dohraje
Gonna go kill myself as soon as this crap is over

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