Hablando en Plata - Hermanos del mal - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Hablando en Plata - Hermanos del mal

Hermanos del mal
Brothers of Evil
Letras malignas escrituras satanicas nos asignan
Malignant lyrics, satanic scriptures assign us
Las tinieblas tiemblan tu sabes porque?
The darkness trembles, do you know why?
Hijos de puta os lo explicaremos
We'll explain it to you, sons of bitches
Nosotros no somos guerreros de la luz
We are not warriors of light
Somos enviados del infierno lo entendeis hijos de puta?
We are envoys from hell, do you understand, sons of bitches?
Mcs de ultratumba
MCs from beyond the grave
Fabricantes de sarcofagos galacticos
Makers of galactic sarcophagi
Seres de otra dimension de otra dimension
Beings from another dimension, from another dimension
Donde decrece la luz, hermanos del mal
Where the light diminishes, brothers of evil
Hermanos del Mal a.k.a. raiz de tanis
Brothers of Evil a.k.a. Root of Tanis
Voladoras pelotas de tenis
Flying tennis balls
Para sonambulos vestidos de Karl Kani
For sleepwalkers dressed in Karl Kani
Gusanos en vuestra kilkenny (x2)
Worms in your Kilkenny (x2)
Llega el miracle que vuela como penney pinacle
The miracle arrives, flying like Penny Hardaway at his pinnacle
Su arte vale acres, todos votan al rafa como pelotas
His art is worth acres, everyone votes for Rafa like basketballs
De basket, no hay mas que... Ver las armas del mister
There's nothing more to see... than the weapons of Mr.
Majestic este, con el no hay nasty que valga sobre plastics,
Majestic East, with him there's no nasty that's worth anything on plastics,
Antes, todos reian del que ahora parte y trae medicos partes
Before, everyone laughed at the one who now breaks through and brings medical parts
Y lexicos cortes de martes a lunes quita esmaltes,
And lexical cuts from Tuesday to Monday, remove nail polishes,
Hombres trincan el micro como drak queens
Men grab the mic like drag queens
Somos como steve austin, breiko, alfa, papa, charly, mayday...
We are like Steve Austin, Breiko, Alpha, Papa, Charly, Mayday...
Quereis ver como rappers se hunden?
Do you want to see how rappers sink?
Como pierden el tren? no quedan en anden?
How they miss the train? How they don't stay on the platform?
No saltan al track y se esparcen?
How they don't jump on the track and scatter?
Ojos que no ven corazon siente el doble, talvez
Eyes that don't see, the heart feels double, maybe
Si supierais que somos invencibles aprenderiais, aunque...
If you knew we were invincible, you would learn, although...
Quiza podriais conseguirlo si venis con tanques, pon que...
Maybe you could achieve it if you came with tanks, let's say...
Lanzemos rayos que hagan que cañones se doblen,
We launch rays that make cannons bend,
Hombres nobles se conviertan en nubes,
Noble men turn into clouds,
Egoistas se priven del flow del que escribe,
Egoists deprive themselves of the flow of the writer,
Los ciegos digan, tu ves... entrar aqui cuesta
The blind say, you see... it's hard to get in here
Igual que la fama, a muerte, no cualquiera tiene el don
Just like fame, to death, not everyone has the gift
El glamour nos persigue hasta sentados en el parque
Glamour follows us even sitting in the park
No son rumores... Llenamos poloflahes de semen y la
These are not rumors... We fill Polaroid pictures with semen and the
Gente chupa y dice "sabor coco" creeme hombre...
People suck and say "coconut flavor" believe me man...
A christopher reeves no le salvo del accidente
Not even the wires saved Christopher Reeves from the accident
Ni los alambres sabes?
You know?
Hermanos del Mal a.k.a. raiz de tanis
Brothers of Evil a.k.a. Root of Tanis
Voladoras pelotas de tenis
Flying tennis balls
Para sonambulos vestidos de Karl Kani
For sleepwalkers dressed in Karl Kani
Gusanos en vuestra kilkenny (x2)
Worms in your Kilkenny (x2)
Es tiempo de volar, nuestra hermandad es eficaz
It's time to fly, our brotherhood is effective
Como la katana que nos respalda, es tiempo de hacer soñar
Like the katana that supports us, it's time to make dream
A hermanos que nos acompañan en cada batalla, valla
Brothers who accompany us in every battle, fence
Como clavamos las rimas, quien vaticina nuestras tacticas
How we nail the rhymes, who predicts our tactics
Dios, satan, ni religion, ni politica, nosotros mismos con punteria
God, Satan, neither religion, nor politics, ourselves with aim
Que son tonterias, que va, que te creias que ibamos a hablar
That's nonsense, what, did you think we were going to talk
De lo que ya se habla, de norte a sur, hasta fuera de españa
About what is already being talked about, from north to south, even outside of Spain
Llegara nuestra maldad, hermanos del mal nunca callan,
Our evil will arrive, brothers of evil never shut up,
Calculamos nuestra intensiones, calibrando el instinto,
We calculate our intentions, calibrating instinct,
Dejando a un lado nuestras emociones mas deviles,
Leaving aside our weakest emotions,
Acumulando el odio, explosiones, asi denominamos nuestros sentimientos
Accumulating hatred, explosions, that's what we call our feelings
Como heroes, supervillanos, quien iba a decir que estos hermanos
Like heroes, supervillains, who would have thought these brothers
Iban a ser tan malos, destrozando a todos los cabrones
They were going to be so bad, destroying all the bastards
Sembrados bajo la sombra que dejamos,
Sown under the shadow we leave,
Hablando en plata squad, el sicario, juan peralta y rafael fernandez
Speaking Silver Squad, the hitman, Juan Peralta and Rafael Fernandez
Capaces de hacer lo impensable, lo imposible, lo increible,
Capable of doing the unthinkable, the impossible, the incredible,
Hermanos del mal nunca fallan
Brothers of evil never fail
Hermanos del Mal a.k.a. raiz de tanis
Brothers of Evil a.k.a. Root of Tanis
Voladoras pelotas de tenis
Flying tennis balls
Para sonambulos vestidos de Karl Kani
For sleepwalkers dressed in Karl Kani
Gusanos en vuestra kilkenny (x2)
Worms in your Kilkenny (x2)
Gasta cuidado con los hermanos del mal
Be careful with the brothers of evil
Con malas intenciones van vuestras zanjas caban
With bad intentions they dig your ditches
Mcs nos alaban el nabo nos lavan
MCs praise us, they wash our balls
Si cantamos para abajo los esquemas nos elevan
If we sing downwards, the schemes elevate us
El espacio surcan inocentes usurpan
They travel through space, usurp the innocent
Sus problemas resuelvan si no incrementan
Solve their problems or they will increase
No respetan a nadie a todos insultan
They respect no one, they insult everyone
I feel staten island de rencores minan
I feel Staten Island of resentment, they undermine
En los adentros atinan perversiones maquinan
They hit the mark within, they plot perversions
Los hermanos del mal cuando sus voces afinan
The brothers of evil when their voices tune
Eliminan fulminan we are the mental sultans
They eliminate, they fulminate, we are the mental sultans
Satanismo inculcan intoxican tabletas del metodo milton muchos son
They instill Satanism, they intoxicate, Milton method tablets, many are
A perder os destinan serpientes piton sin ajos cocinan
They destine you to lose, python snakes cook without garlic
Calcetines calcinan en cualquier tempo nos metemos como si nada
They burn socks, we get into any tempo as if nothing
Que te operan y se dejan las herramientas quirurgicas dentro y se oxidan
That they operate on you and leave the surgical tools inside and they rust
Imaginan vuestros planes aplanan siempre cosas increibles chillan
They imagine your plans, they flatten, they always scream incredible things
Que os quedais hecho polvo exclaman el texto explanan
That you are left in dust, they exclaim, they explain the text
No rapean truenan no veas tu cuando se juntan como suenan
They don't rap, they thunder, you don't see when they get together, how they sound
A haceros hechizos se inclinan existencia declinan por aqui
They are inclined to cast spells on you, they decline existence around here
Los raperos de pastel estan que trinan les hace falta disciplina.
The cake rappers are fuming, they need discipline.
Hermanos del Mal a.k.a. raiz de tanis
Brothers of Evil a.k.a. Root of Tanis
Voladoras pelotas de tenis
Flying tennis balls
Para sonambulos vestidos de Karl Kani
For sleepwalkers dressed in Karl Kani
Gusanos en vuestra kilkenny (x2)
Worms in your Kilkenny (x2)

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