Hamza Namira - داري يا قلبي - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Hamza Namira - داري يا قلبي

داري يا قلبي
Hiding Your Heart
My darling.
مش باين ليه ؟
Why is it not obvious to you?
قلبك تايه من مدة كبيرة
Your heart has been lost for a long time
خايف ... تتكلم ليه ؟
Are you afraid... to speak?
في عيونك حيرة . وحكاوية كتيرة
In your eyes is confusion. And so many stories
متغير يامة عن زمان
How much you've changed from before
قافل على قلبك الببان
Closing the doors to your heart
حبيت وفارقت كام مكان عايش جوااك
You've loved and left how many places, living inside you
احساسك كل يوم يقل
Your feelings diminish every day
وتخطى وخطوتك تزل
You stumble and falter each step of your way
من كتر مأحبطوك تمل
Exhausted from all that's let you down
فين تلقة دواك؟
Where can you find your cure?
بتودع حلم كل يوم تستفرض بيك الهموم وكل يوم والغربة كوم
You bid farewell to a dream each day, as worries impose themselves upon you, and each day the loneliness compounds.
والجرح كبييير
And the wound is deep.
مبتديش حاجة اهتمام
You don't give anything much attention anymore,
اهلا اهلا سلام سلام
Hellos and goodbyes, goodbyes and hellos.
بقا طبعك قلة الكلام ومفيش تأثير
Now your nature is one of few words, with no impact
ياقلبى مهما تدارى قصاد الناس حزننا مكشوف
My sweetheart, no matter how much you try to hide it, our sadness is evident to all.
وهو عادى عادى محدش فى الدنيا دى بيتعلق بشئ ألا وفراقه يشوف
And it's normal, normal that no one in this world can cling to something without seeing its departure.
كل المعاك فى الصورة غاب
All the people close to you in the picture are gone,
وطنك والاهل والصحاب
Your homeland, your family, your friends,
كام واحد ودع و ساب منغير اسباب
How many have you bid farewell to and left without a reason?
شايف فى عنيك نظرة حنين
I see a look of longing in your eyes
بتحن لمين ولا مين
Who are you yearning for? Or perhaps for whom?
طول عمرا ماشيا السنين
All your life you've been walking through the years,
والناس ركاب
And people are but passengers
مع دقة عقرب السعات
With each tick of the clock
بتموت جوانة زكريات
Memories die within you
عشمنا قلوبنا بالفات
We pinned our hopes to the past
ونسينا نعيش
And forgot to live
كان مكتوب نمشى الطريق
It was written that we would walk this path
ونفارق كل مادة شئ
And depart from all that is material
اتسرق العمر بالبطيئ
Life was stolen slowly
ورسى على مفييش
And left us with nothing
ودارى دارى يقلبى مهما تدارى قصاد الناس حزننا مكشف
And darling darling, my sweetheart, no matter how much you try to hide it, our sadness is evident to all.
وهو عادى عادى محدش فى الدنيا دى بيتعلق بشئ الا وفراقه يشوف
And it's normal, normal that no one in this world can cling to something without seeing its departure.

Writer(s): حمزة نَمِرة

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