Hangzoo feat. BewhY & Don Mills - F-Killer - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Hangzoo feat. BewhY & Don Mills - F-Killer

지금 체했어
I'm feeling indigestion right now,
랩이 신선하지 못하단 반응
Reactions saying my rap's gone stale.
앞에 식단표를 공개할게
Let me reveal my diet plan,
주식은 상한가 rhyme
My staple's just rhymes that hit the ceiling.
헛구역질 나는 커뮤니티
The community makes me wanna puke,
옳고 그름 토하는
Spewing rights and wrongs,
속을 불편하게
Making my stomach churn even more,
만든다는 알지
You know it, don't you?
날이 갈수록 익혀가는
Rap skills I hone day by day,
스킬에 비례해 raw 해진
In proportion, my vibe gets rawer,
치명적인 바이브
My lethal vibe.
느낄 없던 지루해져
You, unable to feel it, get bored even more,
지루 도져
Your boredom gets worse.
그루브가 뭔지도 모르는
Those who don't even know what groove is,
고자들한테 바라겠어
What can I expect from them?
어차피 사정 봐줄 수도 없지
I can't show mercy to your situation anyway,
고작 공개했고
I just released one song,
반복해서 다음 번개
Repeating the next lightning track.
방송에선 느낄 없던
My identity you couldn't feel on broadcasts,
정체성 담겨있는 벌스
Verses containing it.
선에서 개선해서
Improving within my limits,
업데이트해 계속
Updating continuously.
앵앵 거려 fuckin′ Hater's
Whining fuckin' Haters,
Dirty 닦을 이름
My name, wiping away all the dirt.
행주 행주 천장에 돈다
Hangzoo, Hangzoo, spinning on the ceiling,
없는 벌레 같은
Insignificant bug-like,
놈들 놈들
Guys, guys.
치익 소리가 나면
When you hear the sizzling sound,
내게 음성을 남겨
Leave me a voice message.
My enemy enemy
My enemy enemy,
놈이 됐든 상관 없어 덤벼
Doesn't matter how many, bring it on.
어이 거기 벌레 같은 자식들
Hey, you bug-like bastards over there,
어이 족치지 못해 아쉽군
Ah, it's a shame I can't finish you all off.
어이 같이 킬러놀이 하실
Hey, anyone wanna play killer?
어이 여기 여기 붙어라
Hey, come here, come here.
F Killah F Killah F Killah
F Killah F Killah F Killah
Yes I′m a
Yes I'm a
Fuckin Killah
Fuckin Killah
Fuckin Killah Fuckin Killah
Fuckin Killah Fuckin Killah
I got that
I got that
F Killah F Killah F Killah
F Killah F Killah F Killah
Yes I'm a
Yes I'm a
Fuckin Killah
Fuckin Killah
Fuckin Killah Fuckin Killah
Fuckin Killah Fuckin Killah
Sway D on the Beat
Sway D on the Beat
인천 브라더 행주형님
Incheon brother, Hangzoo hyungnim,
싸비로 조져주는
Crushing it with the chorus,
어깨 깡패 던밀스
Shoulder gangster hyung, Don Mills.
무게감을 알고
Knowing my weight,
형들이 마련해준 Finale
The Finale the hyungs prepared for me.
날레 날레 날레
Nale nale nale
이제부터 티낼 거야
From now on, I'll show off even more,
B e w h Y
B e w h Y
그래 눈에 명이
Yeah, the one that caught my eye,
구데기 같은 애새끼들
Among the maggot-like bastards,
사이에서 들고 F F Killer
What he brought was F F Killer.
개나 소나 말하는 I'm so Fly
Everyone's saying I'm so Fly,
구데기라고 말한 정말 미안
I'm really sorry for calling you a maggot,
이미 파리가 버린
You've already become a fly,
아닌 거려
You're buzzing instead of rapping, wing wing wing.
니가 남기고 있는
What you're leaving behind,
역사 아닌 발자국
Isn't history, but a trail of shit.
Fan 이어폰에서
In your fans' earphones,
똥내 풍기려 애쓰네
You're trying your best to spread the stench.
다해 김치감성
With all my heart, kimchi-sentiment,
래퍼들에게 쌓이는 악감정
Resentment building towards rappers.
트랙 위에서 죽이고
I kill them all on the track,
실제론 착한
And act all innocent in real life.
사실 나의 Target
Actually, my targets,
햇병아리 놈들 아닌 대가리들
Aren't the chicks, but the big heads.
이름이 들리는 순간이면
The moment my name is heard,
니네들의 상황은
Your situation,
모조리 아비규환
Will all be pandemonium.
금년도 내년도 내후년도
This year, next year, the year after,
먹을 거야
I'll eat it all up.
우리 사이는 허니문
Our relationship is a honeymoon,
걔네들은 내가
Those guys,
시키지도 않았는데
Without me even telling them to,
홀딱 벗고 있네 바지를
Are taking off their pants completely.
어이 거기 벌레 같은 자식들
Hey, you bug-like bastards over there,
어이 족치지 못해 아쉽군
Ah, it's a shame I can't finish you all off.
어이 같이 킬러놀이 하실
Hey, anyone wanna play killer?
어이 여기 여기 붙어라
Hey, come here, come here.
F Killah F Killah F Killah
F Killah F Killah F Killah
Yes I′m a
Yes I'm a
Fuckin Killah
Fuckin Killah
Fuckin Killah Fuckin Killah
Fuckin Killah Fuckin Killah
I got that
I got that
F Killah F Killah F Killah
F Killah F Killah F Killah
Yes I′m a
Yes I'm a
Fuckin Killah
Fuckin Killah
Fuckin Killah Fuckin Killah
Fuckin Killah Fuckin Killah

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