Hanhae feat. Owen Ovadoz & D.Meanor - Fill It Up - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Hanhae feat. Owen Ovadoz & D.Meanor - Fill It Up

Fill It Up
Fill It Up
기회가 닿는 곳이라면
Wherever I got the chance,
꾸밈없이 나의 모습을 보여줬네
I showed myself without pretense.
척이나 귀여운 척하는 랩퍼들
Rappers who act tough or cute,
보겠어 고개를 돌렸네
I can't stand to see, so I turned my head away.
안하고 얌전히 내꺼 했더니
I didn't pretend, I just quietly did my thing,
누구는 나보고 끼가 없대
but some say I lack talent.
이유 없이 나를 욕하길래
They badmouth me for no reason,
물어보니 우리 회살 싫어한대
and when I asked why, they say they hate our company.
웃기는 일이지 카메라 앞에서
It's a funny thing, in front of the camera,
부자연스러운 행동을 한건
the ones who acted unnaturally
회사가 있는 내가 아니고
weren't me, the one with a company,
여기에 목숨을 걸어 판돈을
but those desperate rappers over there
키우려 했던 저기 절실한 랩퍼
who were trying to increase their bets
and risking their lives on this.
나를 문제 삼아서 방패를 두려
Why are they trying to make me the problem, to use as a shield?
생각엔 그게 문제
I think that's the real problem.
아는 사람은 알지 나는 허파에
Those who know, know that my heart is hollow,
바람 들어가 임마
the wind doesn't blow through it easily, man.
그동안 많이 겪어왔어 때로는
I've been through a lot, and sometimes
과걸 보기 싫어 부끄러운
I'm ashamed of my life, I hate to see arrogance.
이제 모든 가사 중에서
Now, out of all my lyrics,
구절 나와
find even just one verse,
어울리지 않는 구절이 있다면
one phrase that doesn't ring true,
내게 돌을 던져봐 그럼 무감각
and throw stones at me. I won't even flinch.
저기 부산항에서부터,
From Busan Harbor,
나고 자란 개금동까지
to Gaegeum-dong where I was born and raised,
얹혀살던 군자동에서부터
from Gunja-dong where I crashed,
방배동에 전세 원룸까지
to a studio apartment in Bangbae-dong,
내가 얻어왔던 에너지를 실어내
I'm putting all the energy I've gained to use.
실제로 그것들이 필요해
I need them, for real.
그리고 좋은 음악들이
And good music,
필요해 (That's right)
I need that. (That's right)
들어봐 노랠
Listen to this song.
수많은 비난들과
All the countless criticisms
깎아내리는 모함들 전부
and the false accusations trying to bring me down,
이젠 아무렇지도 않아
they don't bother me anymore.
좋은 기분
All the bad feelings,
버려야 버려야 버리고
gotta throw them away, gotta throw them away, and
채워야 채워야 좋은걸로
fill them up, gotta fill them up with good things,
채워야 채워야
gotta fill them up, gotta fill them up more.
지금 뭔가를
I need something more right now.
한해 형이 덜어내고 왔지 앞에
Hanhae hyung cleared it all out, now it's in front of me.
채우고 싶데 긍정 그럼 내가 대답해
I want to fill it up with positivity, so I'll answer that.
사실 별거 없고 비결도 딱히 없는 상태
It's nothing special, there's no real secret.
마음가짐만 확고하면 졸다가도
Just have a strong mindset, and you'll wake up from any slumber.
그래 그런거야
Yeah, that's it.
긍정 1일부터 100일까지
Positivity, from day 1 to day 100.
그래 그런거야
Yeah, that's it.
화가 나도 일단은 눌러 참지
Even when you're angry, just hold it in for now.
그래 그런거야
Yeah, that's it.
익숙해지면 이미 용서하지
Once you get used to it, you'll have already forgiven everything.
그래 그런거야
Yeah, that's it.
생각 없이 채우지 8마디
Just fill it up without thinking, eight bars.
긍정의 힘,
The power of positivity,
유인력을 무시하지마 매일 아침
don't underestimate the law of attraction. Every morning
그리고 다시 해가
and until the sun
때까지 쉬지 않지
rises again, I don't rest.
아침 식사를 끝내고
I finish breakfast
작업실로 돌아와 소화가 끝날
and come back to the studio, working until
순간까지 작업을 재개하고
my food is digested.
다들 깨있을 잠들지
I sleep when everyone else is awake.
밤낮이 바뀐게 아니야
It's not that my days and nights are flipped,
일어나면 해봐야
it's just that when you wake up and try, it's only
오후 세시 너네가
two or three in the afternoon.
점심밥에 퍼져있을 shit
While you're sprawled out after lunch, shit,
I better be back on my grinding
I better be back on my grinding.
없어 나에게 휴식
No rest for me.
하늘아 사랑해 너랑 결혼하는 그날까지
Sky, I love you, until the day I marry you.
수많은 비난들과
All the countless criticisms
깎아내리는 모함들 전부
and the false accusations trying to bring me down,
이젠 아무렇지도 않아
they don't bother me anymore.
좋은 기분
All the bad feelings,
버려야 버려야 버리고
gotta throw them away, gotta throw them away, and
채워야 채워야 좋은걸로
fill them up, gotta fill them up with good things,
채워야 채워야
gotta fill them up, gotta fill them up more.
지금 뭔가를
I need something more right now.
우리 회사가 멋있는 음악을 했음 좋겠어
I wish our company made cool music.
거기에 음악이 보탬이 된다면 좋겠어
I hope my music contributes to that.
이십대 대부분을 라이머 형과
I spent most of my twenties with Rhymer hyung,
함께 보냈어 여기 속해서
being a part of this.
그게 부끄러운 일이
I hope that's not
정말 아니었으면 해서
something to be ashamed of.
밑빠진 독에다가도 퍼부어봤지
I poured it all into a bottomless pit.
삶이란 그런거더라고
That's how life is.
조금은 알겠어 퍼부어봤으니
Now I know a little, because I've poured it all in.
이제는 쏟아붓는대로
Now, as I keep pouring,
채워지고 있음을 진짜로 느껴
I can really feel it filling up.
너는 내가 채워줄게
I'll be the one to fill you up.
그러니까 임마 들어
So man, raise your glass.
What's up
What's up
What's up
What's up
수많은 비난들과
All the countless criticisms
깎아내리는 모함들 전부
and the false accusations trying to bring me down,
이젠 아무렇지도 않아
they don't bother me anymore.
좋은 기분
All the bad feelings,
버려야 버려야 버리고
gotta throw them away, gotta throw them away, and
채워야 채워야 좋은걸로
fill them up, gotta fill them up with good things,
채워야 채워야
gotta fill them up, gotta fill them up more.
지금 뭔가를
I need something more right now.

Writer(s): Hyun Woo Kim, Young Ho Kim, Shi Hyeong Lee, Han Hae Jeong

Hanhae feat. Owen Ovadoz & D.Meanor - I Used To
I Used To
date de sortie

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