Hannya - ちょっとまって - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Hannya - ちょっとまって

Gotta Wait
Talkin 東京の根っ子 イートコも嫌なトコも
Talking about the roots of Tokyo, the good places and the bad places,
知ってるぜ滅方 ドコの誰が何をして
I know everything under the sun. Who did what, where, and when.
Who did what, where, and when?
連続 勤務 25年 遅刻 早退 欠勤 1度も無ぇ
25 years of continuous service, never late, never absent,
母親 女房 息子に娘 ハタから見れば円満な家庭
A good mother, wife, son, and daughter, a seemingly perfect family from the outside.
"春日部"に建てた 1戸建て
A house in Kasukabe,
The mortgage will take half a century to pay off.
家族が命 仕事一筋 来月息子は結婚するし
My family is my life, work is my passion, next month my son gets married,
がんばれ親父 ろくに寝てない
Work hard, old man, you're not getting any younger.
But my daughter is going to college, it's a blessing.
あの笑顔 生き甲斐 来年こそは皆でハワイに行きたい
That smile makes it all worthwhile, next year we'll all go to Hawaii.
On a typical weekday,
I was invited to a taxi by my boss and colleagues.
行った先は高級飲み屋 久しぶりにハメ外した 本当にな
We went to an expensive restaurant, I let loose for once, it was really something.
ソコで上司がこー言う 「さぁ、もう一軒勝負!!」
My boss said, "Okay, let's go to another one!"
酒もあり興奮 更に上司「よし、おごっちゃるソープ!!」
A little more alcohol, more excitement, my boss said, "Okay, I'll pay for a trip to the soapland!"
ストレスも溜まってた 女房とも御無沙汰溜まってた
I was stressed and hadn't been with my wife in a while.
Suddenly, a black-clad figure knelt before me,
And said, "Welcome," with a smile.
写真など見ないで十分 ここは吉原 待つ事数分
no need to look at a picture, this is Yoshiwara, wait a few minutes.
Here comes the soapland girl.
"What the...?"
This can't be happening.
ちょっと待って 本当なのね
Gotta wait, is this real?
Talkin 東京の根っ子 イートコも嫌なトコも
Talking about the roots of Tokyo, the good places and the bad places,
知ってるぜ滅方 ドコの誰が何をして
I know everything under the sun. Who did what, where, and when.
Who did what, where, and when?
貧乏ヒマ無し 今年42 バツイチ 日雇い 自称"自由人"
Poor and overworked, 42 this year, divorced, day laborer, self-proclaimed "free spirit".
口グセは「女は金がかかる」 何故か常に泣いてる背中
Always saying, "Women cost too much money," a constant stream of tears running down his back.
恋人は日曜競馬 いつもサングラス一応"RayBan"
Sunday horse races are his true love, always wearing sunglasses, "Ray-Bans" of course.
負けて帰る ソレが定着 差し押さえ... 笑えねーじゃん
He always comes back broke, his house is in foreclosure... not funny.
実は自給800円 貯金なんて全く無え
He actually makes 800 yen an hour, and has absolutely no savings.
"The alimony payments are really tough," he says.
My co-worker, the one we used to gossip about.
I'm like, "I never want to end up like that guy."
ぶっちゃけ オレもしてた同情
To be honest, I even felt sorry for him.
ソレが週明け月曜早朝 6: 00に電話が鳴った丁度
Then, on Monday morning at 6:00 AM, the phone rang.
「...どーしたンスか? 朝早く」
"...What's up? It's too early in the morning."
"I'm sorry, but I'm quitting the company..."
He said that and hung up.
I tried to redial several times, but I couldn't get through.
あのオヤジ... 何か変だ 会社にとぶと何故か金庫無えんだ
That old man... something's not right. I went to the company and the safe was gone.
ホワイ? コロス 殺ル 絶対! あ、窓の外 赤灯 数十台
Why? I'll kill him! Oh, outside the window, dozens of red lights.
取り押さえられるのはオヤジ 「コノヤロウ」急ぐ傍に
The old man is being arrested, "You bastard!" I rush to his side,
走る只 野次馬の中
Running through the crowd of onlookers.
I meet the old man's eyes as he's being taken away.
その横 曲がった金庫 プレート無しのクレーン車4トン
Next to him, the stolen safe and a 4-ton crane with no license plate.
「アイツが共犯」叫ぶオヤジ 近づくケーカン
"He's an accomplice," the old man shouts. The cops approach.
「...え? そんな」
"...What? That's impossible."
ちょっと待って 本当なのね
Gotta wait, is this real?

Writer(s): Hannya, Crackerz Gas

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