Hard GZ feat. Akila - Mi Mundo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Hard GZ feat. Akila - Mi Mundo

Mi Mundo
My World
Se nubla el cielo aún que viva más alto ese sol
The sky clouds over, even though that sun shines high above
Eu son gallego, á merda o pasado español
I'm Galician, to hell with the Spanish past, love
El mundo entero recordará a Repsol
The whole world will remember Repsol's name
Como a Shell, quemando gases sin ningún control
Like Shell, burning gases without any control or shame
Con el silencio siempre se ha hecho gobierno
Silence has always been the way governments maintain their hold
Hablar te hace ser León y callarte ser un cerdo
Speaking makes you a lion, silence makes you a pig, I'm told
Pero cuántas veces se han callado cosas, ni me acuerdo
But how many times things have been hushed up, I can't recall
Los verdaderos héroes nunca quieren serlo
True heroes never want to be heroes at all
África es violenta, Europa es una estafa
Africa is violent, Europe is a scam, it's true
Los sobornos duran tiempo, mezclados en la baraja
Bribes last a long time, shuffled into the deck, for me and you
Los medios meten miedo a la bolsa y a la masa
The media instills fear in the market and the mass
Mientras hay unos contentos con avión en la terraza
While some are happy with a plane on their terrace, alas
La era tecnológica por lógica retrasa
The technological era, logically, delays
La peña que te enseña instagram más que unas bonitas piernas
The people who show you Instagram more than pretty legs these days
Así están locos hoy, los niños la verdad
That's how kids are crazy today, the truth be told, my dear
Obsesionados por las fotitos y los likes de mierda
Obsessed with shitty photos and likes, it's clear
Valoras el agua si limita una garrafa
You value water when it's limited to a jug, you see
Valoras a un perro cuando no es carne de caza
You value a dog when it's not game to hunt, you agree?
Raperos de mierda ya no sois una amenaza
Shitty rappers, you're no longer a threat, I say
Amenaza es un niño con cólera sin agua en casa
A threat is a child with cholera without water at bay
El camino de la vida es diferente para todos
The path of life is different for everyone, it's plain
Diferente no es el blanco, diferente no es el moro
Different isn't white, different isn't Moorish, again and again
Diferente es la gente que no tiene un plato caliente
Different are the people who don't have a hot plate to eat
Contra los delincuentes que son los dueños del globo
Against the criminals who own the globe, underneath our feet
El dinero negro es el dinero honrado de los pobres
Black money is the honest money of the poor, it's a fact
Lo utilizan ellos pa' que en blanco lo cobres
They use it so you can collect it clean, without looking back
Es lo que tiene esta barbaridad de mundo odre
That's what this barbaric wineskin world has in store
Donde el capital es Dios y no está a favor de los hombres
Where capital is God and not in favor of the poor anymore
No, este no es mi mundo
No, this is not my world
Este no es mi mundo
This is not my world
Este no es mi mundo, no
This is not my world, no
Este no es mi mundo, no
This is not my world, no
Este no es mi mundo, no
This is not my world, no
No necesito éxito pal' ego, pa' mi estética
I don't need success for my ego, for my aesthetic, sweetheart
Ninis que limpiaron los prejuicios de sus éticas
NEETs who cleansed the prejudices of their ethics, playing their part
Que va a cambiar, mirad a esas niñas diabéticas
What's going to change, look at those diabetic girls so frail
Mientras pa' el hambre y la guerra en Somalia buscan técnicas
While for hunger and war in Somalia they seek techniques that fail
ONG's no valen si el gobierno contribuye
NGOs are worthless if the government contributes, you see
Al conflicto bélico por el que la población huye
To the war that the population flees, tragically
Por materia prima de una mina se destruye
For the raw material of a mine, everything is destroyed, believe me
Y la sangre del Coltán pero eso no lo harán que estudies
And the blood of Coltan, but they won't let you study that, freely
El litoral arrasado por los barcos europeos
The coastline ravaged by European ships, a sorry sight
Un chaval llega del Chad, asusta'o, tiene mareos
A kid arrives from Chad, scared, he's dizzy, holding on tight
Y papá debió migrar pa' prosperar, vaya canteo
And dad had to migrate to prosper, what a song, what a plight
Yo no tendría huevos de cruzar el mar
I wouldn't have the balls to cross the sea, day or night
A veces creo que es fácil hablar cuando te enseñan a escribir
Sometimes I think it's easy to talk when they teach you to write
Nosotros íbamos a clase, ellos curraban pa' vivir
We went to class, they worked to live, with all their might
Es comer o comer, ahí no existe no cumplir
It's eat or eat, there's no such thing as not complying, darling
Cuando nadie te da derechos te resignas a sufrir
When nobody gives you rights, you resign yourself to suffering
Cuánta gente se habrá hundido dentro del Atlántico
How many people have sunk into the Atlantic's deep
Antes de llegar a Canarias siguiendo el tránsito
Before reaching the Canary Islands, secrets they keep
Cruzan escondidos bajo gomas de neumático
They cross hidden under tire rubber, trying not to weep
Y por Marruecos se comentan palizas de pánico
And in Morocco, they talk about panic beatings, so steep
No, este no es mi mundo
No, this is not my world
Este no es mi mundo
This is not my world
Este no es mi mundo, no
This is not my world, no
Este no es mi mundo, no
This is not my world, no
Este no es mi mundo, no
This is not my world, no
No necesito éxito pal' ego, pa' mi estética
I don't need success for my ego, for my aesthetic, my love
Ninis que limpiaron los prejuicios de sus éticas
NEETs who cleansed the prejudices of their ethics, rising above
ONGs no valen si el gobierno contribuye
NGOs are worthless if the government contributes, it's true
Al conflicto bélico por el que la población huye
To the war that the population flees, me and you
El litoral arrasado por los barcos europeos
The coastline ravaged by European ships, a tragic scene
Un chaval llega del Chad, asusta'o, tiene mareos
A kid arrives from Chad, scared, he's dizzy, it's keen
Qué fácil hablar cuando te enseñan a escribir
How easy to talk when they teach you to write, it's clear
Nosotros íbamos a clase, ellos curraban pa' vivir
We went to class, they worked to live, year after year

Writer(s): Julian Martinez Vallejo

Hard GZ feat. Akila - Mi Mundo
Mi Mundo
date de sortie

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