Hasan - Sun - traduction des paroles en anglais

Sun - Hasantraduction en anglais

to to furt musím jet,
I have to jet,
to furt musím jet.
I have to jet.
to to furt musím jet,
I have to jet,
to furt musím jet.
I have to jet.
to furt musím jet,
I have to jet,
Furt musím jet.
Have to jet.
to furt musím jet,
I have to jet,
Furt musím jet.
Have to jet.
Dělám track co nemá název,
I'm making a track that has no name,
A furt kolem sebe mám klec.
And I'm surrounded by a cage.
Sedím uprostřed místnosti a vokolo tma,
I'm sitting in the middle of a room and it's dark,
Nesnaž se nahánět strach, dělám track co nemá význam,
Don't try to scare me, I'm making a track that has no meaning,
Stejně jako ty nemáš význam.
Just like you have no meaning anymore.
tolikrát mi bodaly ty kudly do zad,
Your knives have stabbed me in the back so many times,
Vždycky přišel výsměch.
Always with a laugh.
Směju se všem a všemu, a
I laugh at everyone and everything, and
řešit lidi kolem sebe nemá cenu, stej
Dealing with the people around me is no longer worth it, same
jak řešit tebe nemá cenu, furt to musím jet.
As dealing with you is not worth it, I have to jet.
Tak to jedu.
So I'm going.
Je to povinnost a ty neruš.
It's my duty and don't you bother me.
Rapuješ ve třídě svým fellům a hned máš pocit že
You rap to your friends in class and you immediately feel like
Si na vrcholu, měl by si na to srát a dělat školu.
You're on top of the world, you should ignore that and go to school.
Nesejmeš armádu jelenů,
You won't take down an army of deer,
Nikdy nás nepošleš k ledu.
You'll never send us to ice.
Nesejmeš armádu jelenů,
You won't take down an army of deer,
Nikdy nás nepošleš k ledu.
You'll never send us to ice.
Nesejmeš armádu jelenů,
You won't take down an army of deer,
Nikdy nás nepošleš k ledu.
You'll never send us to ice.
Nesejmeš armádu jelenů,
You won't take down an army of deer,
Nikdy nás nepošleš k ledu.
You'll never send us to ice.
to furt musím jet,
I have to jet,
Furt musím jet.
Have to jet.
to furt musím jet,
I have to jet,
Furt musím jet, furt musím jet, furt musím jet.
Have to jet, have to jet, have to jet.
to furt musím jet, furt musím jet.
I have to jet, have to jet.
to furt musím jet, utopenej v moři slov a vět,
I have to jet, drowned in a sea of words and sentences,
Čumím na to jak je debilní svět.
I look at how stupid the world is.
Jsi zapomněl jak se používá mozek,
You forgot how to use your brain,
Vdechuju kouř vidím realitu.
I inhale smoke and see reality.
A tabák si nech, chcem co je naše,
And keep the tobacco, we want what's ours,
Neptej se na věk.
Don't ask about age.
A oni nám nepřejou nic, to je motor k tomu snažit se a mít všechno.
And they don't wish us anything, that's the motivation to try and have everything.
Na co si vzpomenu vlasy ve větru vlajou, asi kabrioletu.
What I remember is the wind blowing through your hair, probably in a convertible.
Paprsky dopadaj všude, neschováš se, doufaj že nikdy nic nedokážem.
Rays of sunshine fall everywhere, you can't hide, hoping that we'll never achieve anything.
Možná maj pravdu a možná ne.
Maybe they're right and maybe they're not.
Tebe to nesere? Nestarám se.
Doesn't that piss you off? I don't care.
Nesejmeš armádu jelenů,
You won't take down an army of deer,
Nikdy nás nepošleš k ledu.
You'll never send us to ice.
Nesejmeš armádu jelenů,
You won't take down an army of deer,
Nikdy nás nepošleš k ledu.
You'll never send us to ice.
Nesejmeš armádu jelenů,
You won't take down an army of deer,
Nikdy nás nepošleš k ledu.
You'll never send us to ice.
Nesejmeš armádu jelenů,
You won't take down an army of deer,
Nikdy nás nepošleš k ledu.
You'll never send us to ice.
to furt musím jet,
I have to jet,
Furt musím jet.
Have to jet.
to furt musím jet,
I have to jet,
Furt musím jet, furt musím jet, furt musím jet.
Have to jet, have to jet, have to jet.
to furt musím jet, furt musím jet.
I have to jet, have to jet.

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