Hazard - Rože Za Elzo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Rože Za Elzo - Hazardtraduction en anglais

Rože Za Elzo
Flowers for Eliza
Znana založba sporoča v oglasu,
A famous publisher's promoting a new book ad,
Da pošilja novo knjigo na trg.
Is sending a new book to the market.
Vsem so na voljo natančni podatki,
For all available exact details,
Od platnic, pa do števila vseh črk.
From the covers to the number of all letters.
Roman o bajni ljubezni sijajni.
A novel about a fabulous love so bright.
Da tu trpi srce, naslov nam že pove.
That here a heart suffers, the title already tells.
"Rože za Elzo", avtor neznan,
"Flowers for Eliza", author unknown,
Zelo napeto in doživeto.
Very exciting and very lively.
"Rože za Elzo", sodoben roman,
"Flowers for Eliza", a modern novel,
Primerno branje za kratek čas.
Suitable reading for a short time.
Obris ljubezenskega trenja,
Sketch of a love friction,
Ki postane vir trpljenja,
Which becomes a source of suffering,
Knjiga, polna srčnih bolečin.
A book full of heartfelt pain.
Vse se zdi tako značilno,
Everything seems so typical,
Da se hrepenenje silno
That the yearning is so strong
Po poglavjih vrača kot spomin.
To come back as a memory in chapters.
Moje je tvoje, povesti je konec
Mine is yours, the story ends
In navdušen sem nad zadnjo stranjo.
And I'm thrilled with the last page.
Zdaj mi ostaja edini prijatelj
Now I have only one friend
Knjiga, ki si mi jo dala v slovo.
The book that you gave me as a farewell.
Roman o bajni ljubezni sijajni.
A novel about a fabulous love so bright.
Da tu trpi srce, naslov vam že pove.
That here a heart suffers, the title already tells.
"Rože za Elzo", avtor neznan,
"Flowers for Eliza", author unknown,
Zelo napeto in doživeto.
Very exciting and very lively.
"Rože za Elzo", sodoben roman,
"Flowers for Eliza", a modern novel,
Primerno branje za kratek čas.
Suitable reading for a short time.
A zdaj, ko ga že drugič berem,
But now, when I'm reading it for the second time,
Komajda lahko razberem
I can hardly understand
Kdo je Elza, ko ji rož ne da.
Who is Eliza when he doesn't give her flowers.
Pesem ta o njej razlaga:
This song explains about her:
"Elza moja bivša draga,"
"Eliza - my ex-girlfriend,"
Jaz sem tisti, ki ji rož ne da!
I'm the one who doesn't give her flowers!

Writer(s): D.velkaverh

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