Haze - Abusos De Autoridad - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Haze - Abusos De Autoridad

Abusos De Autoridad
Abuse Of Authority
Articulo 25.2 de la constitucion española.
Article 25.2 of the Spanish Constitution.
Las penas privativas de libertad
Sentences of imprisonment
Y las medidas de seguridad estaran orientadas hacia
And security measures will be aimed at
La reeducacion y reinsercion social,
Re-education and social reintegration,
Asi como al acceso a la cultura
As well as access to culture
Y al desarrollo integral de su personalidad.
And the integral development of their personality.
Violencia en las carceles, esposado al catre sin colxon,
Violence in jails, handcuffed to the cot without a mattress,
Vuela mi odio como angeles, la prision me huele a sangre, edor,
My hate flies like angels, prison smells like blood, stench,
De tanto dolor k provocan golpes, cobardes,
Of so much pain that cowardly blows provoke,
Su hijo a muerto por suicidio, no se te ocurre otra escusa,
Your son died by suicide, can't you think of another excuse,
Pa tapar un homicidio? despues, ojo por ojo y sangre por sangre.
To cover up a homicide? Then, an eye for an eye and blood for blood.
Crece la violencia en las carceles,
Violence in prisons is on the rise,
Cargo mi arma de rap como carga de rabia un preso
I load my rap weapon as a prisoner loads his soul with rage
Su alma k busca libertad, calma,
That seeks freedom, calm,
Yo busco dar mas informacion pa el k no kiere mirar patras,
I seek to give more information to those who don't want to look back,
Pork impacta, tortura, medidas antisuicidio,
Because it impacts, torture, anti-suicide measures,
Escritura acontece un genocidio, atses sudan,
Writing, a genocide takes place, they sweat,
No denuncian la agresion, 3000? callan el silencio del terror,
They don't report the aggression, 3000? They silence the terror,
Cuando el forense reconoce al paciente
When the coroner recognizes the patient
Poco despues el abogado consiente visita al cliente y no esta,
Shortly after, the lawyer agrees to visit the client and he is not there,
Decunda a otra ciudad, desaparecen las marcas, otra injusticia mas...
He moves to another city, the marks disappear, another injustice...
La ley, te jode day a day, la calle te enseña
The law screws you day by day, the street teaches you
K pierdas tu fe my friend, chivatos llegan,
To lose your faith my friend, snitches arrive,
Posturas vuelan, piden carne, ya no sabes lo k hacer,
Postures fly, they ask for meat, you no longer know what to do,
Fatman y haze gritan porke, tu no lo ves, lo k corrompe el poder,
Fatman and Haze scream why, you don't see it, what corrupts power,
Armate solo el fuerte sobrevive
Arm yourself, only the strong survive
El caminante hace camino al andar y pasa fatigas,
The walker makes his way as he walks and gets tired,
Entre calles mojadas y tristes, farolas le iluminan,
Among wet and sad streets, streetlights illuminate him,
Sombras acexan, en bocacalles estrexas,
Shadows sharpen, in narrow alleys,
Sientes k alguien mira y notas en el cogote dos flexas,
You feel someone watching and you notice two arrows in your neck,
Xaxi, estas solo, tu miedo crece y cadavez encogen
Xaxi, you are alone, your fear grows and every time they shrink
Mas los ombros un cruel dia 13, tu sabes k
More shoulders, a cruel day 13, you know that
En el destino no hay jueces,
There are no judges in destiny,
Te pue tocar a ti sin avises acabas oliendo a muerte,
It can touch you without warning, you end up smelling like death,
Y enfrente de ti, aparecen luces en un cruze en alivio
And in front of you, lights appear at a crossroads in relief
Sur k cruzo mi puerta, deja atras las cruces,
South that crossed my door, leave the crosses behind,
Un intruso mas, eso es lo k eres unicamente,
One more intruder, that's all you are,
Con la impotencia azte mas fuerte entre empujones e insultos,
With the Aztec impotence stronger between shoves and insults,
Salvadores o berdugos, el brillo de la placa, el humo del puro,
Saviors or executioners, the shine of the badge, the smoke of the cigar,
Es duro, tragar si es crudo, te dices: pasa de ellos
It's hard, to swallow if it's raw, you say to yourself: forget them
Pero te an visto cara de camello y xulo, no exo na señor agente,
But they've seen your camel and pimp face, I didn't do anything Mr. officer,
Vengo del estudio voy pal kelly
I'm coming from the studio I'm going to Kelly's
Me espera mi mujer y una cena caliente,
My wife and a hot dinner are waiting for me,
Contra la pared yo soy la autoridad y se lo k hacer,
Against the wall I am the authority and I know what to do,
Pon las manos el anterior miedo vuelve a crecer, el costao sufre,
Put your hands up, the previous fear grows again, the side suffers,
Hoy tienen ganas de joder estos "bitches", solo es bithces,
Today these "bitches" feel like fucking up, it's just bitches,
Un golpe tras otro, insisten,
One blow after another, they insist,
El sabor de la sangre en tu boca sin ningun pork resistes,
The taste of blood in your mouth, without any pig you resist,
Piensas, k icistes? nada, solo andar por la calle
You think, what did you do? Nothing, just walking down the street
A las tres de la mañana, sin acer parada yo y mi libreta,
At three in the morning, without stopping, me and my notebook,
Iba contento, en mi tema, mis tretas,
I was happy, in my theme, my tricks,
Pensaba llegar ileso repasando mi letra, y cruje el hueso,
I thought of getting there unscathed, going over my lyrics, and the bone cracks,
Lagrimas, rabia, hoy me llevo a la tumba un ijo puta
Tears, rage, today I'm taking a motherfucker to the grave
De estos ni na ni na, ahi kedo tumbao con la cara ensangrentada
Of these or nothing or nothing, there I was lying down with my face bloodied
El cuerpo lleno de palos y una mano partia, ou mama,
The body full of sticks and a broken hand, oh mama,
Solo por llevar estas pintas te atacan,
Just for wearing these paints they attack you,
El haze y el gordo parten la placa, fuck de police
Haze and Fatman break the badge, fuck the police
Only hip hop real el show destaca...
Only real hip hop the show stands out...
La ley, te jode day a day...
The law, screws you day by day...
Mil funcionarios de prision matan, muxos abusan
A thousand prison officials kill, many abuse
Con orgullo de su placa, corrupcion mafia,
With pride in their badge, mafia corruption,
En la oscuridad se esconden ratas, un brazo
In the darkness rats hide, an arm
De la le ataca se vende por plata, kien escapa,
Of the law attacks, it is sold for silver, who escapes,
Billetes de silencio bocas tapan, jefes de servicio maltratan,
Bills of silence mouths cover, heads of service mistreat,
Las luces se apagan, gritos de impotencia reclaman,
The lights go out, cries of impotence demand,
Galerias oscuras exclaman. Seguid dejando a xavales
Dark galleries exclaim. Keep leaving kids
Drogaos con sinoganmia alosperidos,
Drugged with synogamy to the lost,
Y ahora hablarme de reinsercion,
And now talk to me about reintegration,
Especial dedicacion a Don francisco el rayban,
Special dedication to Mr. Francisco el Rayban,
Y las gitanas, vais a pagar mas carcel k ninguno
And the gypsies, you are going to pay more jail than anyone

Writer(s): Unknown Source

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