Hazzie - for YOU。 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Hazzie - for YOU。

for YOU。
for YOU。
俺についてこい 未来はもう安泰
Follow along with me, and I guarantee your future.
愛してるよ お前はどうなんだい?
I love you, but what about you?
これからも なにかと世話になるとは思うけど
From now on, I'm sure I'll be leaning on you more than once,
But I'll make you happy.
あの日 出逢ってから今日まで
From the day we met until today,
マジほんとにありがとう 感謝してるよ
I'm really, truly thankful. I appreciate you so much.
Like that enormous sky,
ずっと見守ってくれた お前がいてくれた
You always watched over me, by my side.
そのおかげで 俺の今が あるなあって
Because of that, where I am now,
I feel it deeply.
お前がいなかったら どうなってたかな
If you weren't here, who knows what would have happened to me.
きっとあの頃のまんま 今もくすぶってたろうな
I'd probably still be stagnating, stuck like I was back then.
I caused you a lot of trouble.
But you stuck with me all the same.
You could have found someone else instead, right?
Someone rich and handsome, a great guy.
なのに 見た目もぱっとしない
But you chose me, even though I'm unremarkable-looking,
職業 フリーター 貯金もない
A jobless, penniless freelancer.
You entrusted your future to someone like me.
お前に今 やっと胸張って言うよ
Finally, to you now, I can proudly declare:
俺についてこい 未来はもう安泰
Follow along with me, and I guarantee your future.
愛してるよ お前はどうなんだい?
I love you, but what about you?
もしも 俺と 同じ気持ち なら
If you feel the same way as I do,
微笑んで うなずいてくれよ
Smile and nod in agreement.
お前とじゃなきゃ 叶えられやしない
There's no way I could fulfill my dreams without you,
色んな夢を 二人で追っかけたい
I want to chase all kinds of dreams together.
これからも なにかと世話になるとは思うけど
From now on, I'm sure I'll be leaning on you more than once,
But I'll make you happy.
温泉 カフェ巡り 居酒屋 街ぶら ドライブに 映画
Hot springs, café hopping, izakaya, street wandering, drives, movies,
二人好みのデートは "いつだって背伸びはせずに 自然体でいい"
Our favorite kind of dates are always "being ourselves, no need to act fancy".
That's our motto.
Just by being there next to you,
Why do I feel so happy?
今が永久に続けばいいのに そんな祈りを今日も俺は歌うのさ
I wish this moment could last forever, and I'll sing this prayer again today.
They say that humans are creatures who forget easily,
So this precious feeling,
決して 見失わぬように
I will never lose sight of it,
無くさぬように ここに記そう
I will not let it go, and here I will write it down.
ぶつかり合ったり すれ違いそうになった時
For when we clash or drift apart,
全てを元通りにしてくれる 魔法の歌をお前に書いたよ
I wrote a magic song that will restore everything to its original state, just for you.
なあどうか 受け取ってくれや
Please accept this song.
俺についてこい 未来はもう安泰
Follow along with me, and I guarantee your future.
愛してるよ お前はどうなんだい?
I love you, but what about you?
恥ずかしそうに はにかむ お前
You, shyly blushing,
見るのが好きだから 何度も言うよ
I love watching you like this, so I'll say it again and again.
俺についてこい 明日がどうなるか
Follow along with me, what the future holds,
I'm not a fortune-teller so I don't know,
たったひとつだけ ここに 確かな気持ちがあんだよ
But here's just one thing I'm sure of,
いつまでも お前だけを愛してる
I will always love you, and only you.
もし お前より 俺が先に死んでも
If I should die before you,
空の星になって ずっと見守っていいか?
Can I become a star in the sky and watch over you forever?
死んでも 守り抜きたい そんな女に
Even in death, I want to protect a woman like you,
Because I've finally met you.
俺についてこい 未来はもう安泰
Follow along with me, and I guarantee your future.
愛してるよ お前もそうなんかい?
I love you, do you feel the same?
これからも なにかと世話になるとは思うけど
From now on, I'm sure I'll be leaning on you more than once,
But I'll make you happy...

Writer(s): ハジ→

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