Helena Vondráčková, Josef Vobruba, Bezinky & Taneční orchestr Čs.rozhlasu - Kam zmizel ten starý song (What Have They Done To My Song Ma) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Helena Vondráčková, Josef Vobruba, Bezinky & Taneční orchestr Čs.rozhlasu - Kam zmizel ten starý song (What Have They Done To My Song Ma)

Kam zmizel ten starý song (What Have They Done To My Song Ma)
Where Did That Old Song Go? (What Have They Done To My Song Ma)
Kam zmizel můj dobrý přítel?
Where did my good friend go?
Kam zmizel ten starý song?
Where did that old song go?
Nehrál se hodně let, vy přece znáte svět,
It hasn't been played in years, you know the world,
A tak možná někdo víte,
And so maybe someone knows,
Kam zmizel ten starý song.
Where did that old song go.
Louis Armstrong jej kdysi hrál i jiní
Louis Armstrong used to play it and others
Kam zmizel ten starý song?
Where did that old song go?
Novou píseň hleď, tu zpívám teď
A new song I seek, I sing it now
A ji ráda mám, stejně při
And though I love it dearly, I hear
Slyším ten starý song
That old song in it too
Pan Kainar text k němu psával
Mr. Kainar wrote the lyrics for it
Kam zmizel ten starý song?
Where did that old song go? gee
Ten text nebyl škvár, ne nezestárl a tak
Those lyrics were not a hack job, they haven't aged a bit
Věděla bych ráda
So I'd like to know
Kam zmizel ten starý song?
Where did that old song go?
To snad je osud písní
Perhaps this is the fate of songs
Zmizet jak míček na ping-pong
To disappear like a ping-pong ball
Když jim došel dech, tak v archívech
When they run out of steam, they crowd into archives
V šuplíku se tísní
In a drawer
Tak končí snad každý song
That's how every song ends
Kam zmizel můj dobrý přítel?
Where did my good friend go?
Nevíte, kam zmizel ten starý song?
Don't you know where that old song went?
Máte vlastní svět
You have your own world
Je vám šestnáct let
You are sixteen years old
A dnes neslyšíte
And today you no longer hear
Jak tenkrát zněl starý song
How that old song sounded back then
La la la lá, la la lá.
La la la lá, la la lá.
La la la lá, la la á.
La la la lá, la la á.
Byl kdysi swing a jazz,
There used to be swing and jazz,
Ale dnes je dnes
But today is today
Voda pryč co vzala, to vzala
The water has gone and taken what it took
S zmizel ten starý song...
With it, that old song has disappeared...
Tak zpívej
So sing
slunce dál pořád sálá
May the sun continue to shine brightly
Ten pevný bod, zlatý gong, ou jé.
That fixed point, golden gong, oh yeah.
jednou budeš chtít
When one day you want
Slyšet svou dnešný píseň znít
To hear your today's song ring out
řeknu: lalalala, voda vzala,
I'll say: lalalala, the water took it away,
Tak jako ten starý song.
Just like that old song.

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