Helena Vondráčková - Nebudeme sedět doma - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Helena Vondráčková - Nebudeme sedět doma

Nebudeme sedět doma
We Won't Be Sitting at Home
Ha ha! Hej hej! Cha cha!
Ha ha! Hey hey! Cha cha!
Ha ha! Hej hej! Cha cha!
Ha ha! Hey hey! Cha cha!
Nebudeme sedět doma a pudem tancovat.
We won't be sitting at home and we're going to dance.
Napijem se, pobavíme, budem se milovat.
I'll get a drink, we'll have some fun, we'll make love.
Když se začne měnit den v noc, tak se to stává.
When the day starts to turn into night, it happens so much.
Zase nás to táhne někam ven, kde se hrává.
It pulls us somewhere, where it plays.
Cha, cha, cha, noc letní rozezní, jak to mám ráda.
Cha, cha, cha, summer night rings, how I love it.
Cha, cha, cha, cha, rozvlní poslední, co ještě váhaj...
Cha, cha, cha, cha, shakes the last, so still uncertain...
Nebudeme sedět doma a pudem tancovat.
We won't be sitting at home and we're going to dance.
Napijem se, pobavíme, budem se milovat.
I'll get a drink, we'll have some fun, we'll make love.
Pohoda se každým tónem do těla vkrádá,
The tranquility to each tone creeps into the body,
Ke štěstí mi chybí snad jenom piña colada.
To my happiness I only lack a Piña Colada.
Cha, cha, cha, touhu v nás probouzí, to se mi líbí.
Cha, cha, cha, awakens the desire in us, I like that.
Cha, cha, cha, cha, láska v nás zvítězí za malou chvíli...
Cha, cha, cha, cha, love will soon triumph...
Nebudeme sedět doma a pudem tancovat.
We won't be sitting at home and we're going to dance.
Napijem se, pobavíme, budem se milovat.
I'll get a drink, we'll have some fun, we'll make love.
Nebudeme sedět doma a pudem tancovat.
We won't be sitting at home and we're going to dance.
Napijem se, pobavíme, budem se milovat.
I'll get a drink, we'll have some fun, we'll make love.
Přeci nebudeme sedět doma!
We won't be sitting at home after all!
Pudeme tancovat!
We're going to dance!
Cha cha cha!
Cha cha cha!
Cha cha cha cha!
Cha cha cha cha!
Nebudeme sedět doma a pudem tancovat.
We won't be sitting at home and we're going to dance.
Napijem se, pobavíme, budem se milovat.
I'll get a drink, we'll have some fun, we'll make love.
Nebudeme sedět doma a pudem tancovat.
We won't be sitting at home and we're going to dance.
Napijem se, pobavíme, budem se milovat.
I'll get a drink, we'll have some fun, we'll make love.
Nebudeme sedět doma!
We will not sit at home!
V žádném případě!
Not in any case!

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