霍尊 feat. 韓雪 - 飄雪 (Live) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 霍尊 feat. 韓雪 - 飄雪 (Live)

飄雪 (Live)
Falling Snow (Live)
男:憂鬱的一片天 飄著紛飛的雪
Man: A melancholy sky, with snow swirling and flying,
這一泓伊豆的溫泉 浸濕我孤單的思念
This hot spring in Izu soaks my lonely yearning.
女:飄零的一片葉 就像你我的終結
Woman: A leaf, drifting and falling, like our ending,
這一泓伊豆的溫泉 盛滿溫暖的從前
This hot spring in Izu fills with the warmth of the past.
男:你的手 曾經擁著我的肩
Man: Your hand, once embraced my shoulder,
呢喃著 愛我直到永遠
Whispering, "Love you forever."
女:雪花 像綻放的禮花 天地間肆意地飄灑
Woman: Snowflakes, like blooming fireworks, freely scattering between heaven and earth,
合:縱情在一刹那 為何現在只剩下
Together: Indulging in a fleeting moment, why now only remains
Woman: The wind tousling my hair,
Man: My hair,
女:撕開我記憶的傷疤 讓往事像霧氣慢慢地蒸發
Woman: Tearing open the scars of my memories, letting the past slowly evaporate like mist.
合:讓我知道什麼叫放不下 為何我的淚
Together: Let me know what it means to be unable to let go, why my tears
女: 會不停地流下 滑過你曾經
Woman: Keep flowing down, across the cheeks you once
Together: Kissed.
女:所有的對錯在頃刻 崩塌
Woman: All right and wrong, collapsing in an instant.
男:飄零的一片葉 就像你我的終結
Man: A leaf, drifting and falling, like our ending,
這一泓伊豆的溫泉 盛滿溫暖的從前
This hot spring in Izu fills with the warmth of the past.
合:你的手 曾經擁著我的肩
Together: Your hand, once embraced my shoulder,
呢喃著 愛我直到永遠
Whispering, "Love you forever."
雪花 像綻放的禮花
Snowflakes, like blooming fireworks,
Freely scattering between heaven and earth,
Indulging in a fleeting moment,
Why now only remains
The wind tousling my hair,
Tearing open the scars of my memories,
Letting the past slowly evaporate like mist.
Let me know what it means to be unable to let go,
為何我的淚 會不停地流下
Why my tears keep flowing down,
Across the cheeks you once kissed.
所有的對錯在頃刻 崩塌
All right and wrong, collapsing in an instant.
Woman: It turns out you took away the warm spring and summer of my life,
Man: Even the fruits of autumn hang only in dreams.
Woman: It turns out what I was searching for was my own unresolved attachment.
Together: This hot spring in Izu is a punishment from heaven.
Woman: If we knew the ending, would we still fall in love?
合:如果就讓我的淚 不停地去沖刷 沖刷你曾經親吻的臉頰
Together: If so, let my tears keep washing away, washing away the cheeks you once kissed.
Woman: Reaching out, wanting to hold onto the same ice and snow,
Man: That instant of melting seems to be
Together: A memorial for you and my love.
Man: Fairy tale,
Woman: Fairy tale,
合:祭奠你和我的愛情 童話
Together: A memorial for you and my love, a fairy tale.

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