Herman Medrano - Basabanchi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Herman Medrano - Basabanchi

Gnente robe insulse de carton o plasticon
Nothing but nonsensical cardboard or plastic things
Ste robe no sta in piè e va basso co un spinton
This dress doesn't stand up, it falls down with a nudge
Da cuando che so nato che me e cato sol gropon
Ever since I was born, I've only found big groups
Pa tanti e sa da vecio, ma anca da cagnon
For many, it's true when they're old, but also for dogs
I xe 2000 ani de carota e de baston
It's been 2000 years of carrot and stick
I altri no xe mejo se i te ciava col sabion
Others are no better if they hit you with sand
Chi vive col magon, chi voe a rivoussion
Those who live with sorrow, those who want a revolution
Chi veste de arancion e chi se fa su un canon
Those who dress in orange and those who get on a cannon
Seto quante tante volte xe question de distrassion
I've seen so many times that it's a matter of distraction
E basta poco gnente pa canbiare situassion
And it takes very little to change the situation
De queo che te senti xe fadiga na gestion
Managing what you feel is hard work
E no te guaivi tuto co do colpi de fraton
And you don't fix everything with two slaps in the face
E giustificassion xe robe bone pa un poltron
And justifications are good things for a coward
Mi fasso costrussion meto maton sora maton
I build constructions, I put brick on top of brick
Ogni vestito messo el va ben pa so stajon
Every outfit worn is good for its season
No te ve miga in spiaja co e braghe e col majon
You don't go to the beach with pants and a sweater
10 basabanchi, 9 basabanchi
10 fools, 9 fools
8 basabanchi, dime quanti basabanchi?
8 fools, tell me how many fools?
7 basabanchi, 6 basabanchi
7 fools, 6 fools
5 basabanchi, dime quanti basabanchi?
5 fools, tell me how many fools?
4 basabanchi, 3 basabanchi
4 fools, 3 fools
2 basabanchi, dime quanti basabanchi?
2 fools, tell me how many fools?
1 basabanchi, e vanti e vanti
1 fool, and on and on
Quanti basabanchi? Senpre massa tanti
How many fools? Always too many
Uncuò dopia rassion, magna tuta to porsion
Somewhere, double ration, eat all your portion
Fa ben to funsion, fin che no te ve in pension
Do your job well until you retire
Recita un copion, matrimonio da finton
Recite a script, marriage from the window
Messa de matina e dopo mesodì baeon
Mass in the morning and then afternoon drool
Testa bassa al luni el to paron col baston
Head down on Monday, your boss with the stick
E se te ghe rajon serca almanco de stare bon
And if you are right, at least try to be good
Gnente obiession e te daremo un medajon
No objections, and we'll give you a medallion
Gnente reassion o te tachemo na sansion
No reaction, or we'll attach a sanction
So e robe se ghe riva fra un ano o fra un milion
These are things that happen in a year or a million
A ti te voe un secondo, mi me basta na frassion
You need a second, I need a fraction
Co te ghe tolto bici e te ve fora dal porton
When your bike was taken and you left the gate
Te ghe da fare strada da restare co el sercion
You have to make way to stay with the worm
Se no te voi capire e te va ben ste spiegassion
If you don't want to understand and you are fine with this explanation
Va ben che naltro riva e te inpacheta a soussion
It's okay that someone else comes and packs you up with suction
Xe tuto beo pronto, gnanca na conplicassion
It's all ready, not even a complication
Se tuto va benon te fe e robe de scondon
If everything goes well, you do things secretly
10 basabanchi, 9 basabanchi
10 fools, 9 fools
8 basabanchi, dime quanti basabanchi?
8 fools, tell me how many fools?
7 basabanchi, 6 basabanchi
7 fools, 6 fools
5 basabanchi, dime quanti basabanchi?
5 fools, tell me how many fools?
4 basabanchi, 3 basabanchi
4 fools, 3 fools
2 basabanchi, dime quanti basabanchi?
2 fools, tell me how many fools?
1 basabanchi, e vanti e vanti
1 fool, and on and on
Quanti basabanchi? Senpre massa tanti
How many fools? Always too many
Ti studia situassion e toi na giusta posission
You study the situation and take a right position
Ma studiate par ben co tute e to limitassion
But study it well with all your limitations
Se sa ghe voe passion, ghe voe tanta conprension
If it takes passion, it takes a lot of understanding
No pa chi se bate el peto messi la in xenocion
Not for those who beat their chests kneeling
"Tratien e to pulsion, aversion e repulsion"
"Hold back your impulses, aversion and repulsion"
Fin che no te rivi al'esplosion o al'inplosion
Until you reach the explosion or implosion
Fasso na prevision pa chi vive in repression
I make a prediction for those who live in repression
I deventa cussi boni che i te riva al'aggression
They become so good that they reach aggression
Espression dea propension pa sta sorta de tension
Expression of the propensity for this kind of tension
No xe che l'estension de na serta educassion
It's nothing but the extension of a certain education
Astension, aspersion, devossion, procession
Extension, aspersion, devotion, procession
Atension: orassion, conversion, guarigion
Attention: prayer, conversion, healing
Se te ghe pensi ben e xe robe che te fa inpression
If you think about it, these are things that impress you
Nessuna riflession, sensa logica o rason
No reflection, without logic or reason
Però i xe senpre tanti e i va pure in teevision
But there are always so many of them and they even go on TV
Co a prima ocasion vien fora a perversion
On the first occasion, perversion comes out
10 basabanchi, 9 basabanchi
10 fools, 9 fools
8 basabanchi, dime quanti basabanchi?
8 fools, tell me how many fools?
7 basabanchi, 6 basabanchi
7 fools, 6 fools
5 basabanchi, dime quanti basabanchi?
5 fools, tell me how many fools?
4 basabanchi, 3 basabanchi
4 fools, 3 fools
2 basabanchi, dime quanti basabanchi?
2 fools, tell me how many fools?
1 basabanchi, e vanti e vanti
1 fool, and on and on
Quanti basabanchi? Senpre massa tanti
How many fools? Always too many
Voria sentire sta canson in alta rotassion
I'd like to hear this song in high rotation
Pa e volte che i me ga tratà come gavesse na infession?
For the times they treated me like I had an infection?
No posso che usare e paroe e l'invension
I can't help but use words and invention
Ma co sti qua nessuna comunicassion
But with these people, no communication
Gavì presente logica? Questi xe al'antitesi
Do you remember logic? These are the antithesis
Demensa assoluta e azardo na diagnosi
Absolute dementia, I venture a diagnosis
Disturbo dea personaità e del'io
Personality and ego disorder
Chi se crede el rapresentante in tera de dio
Those who believe they are God's representative on earth

Writer(s): E. Menegazzo

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