Herman Medrano - Merda - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Herman Medrano - Merda

Desso che el rep xe de moda xe in voga
I guess rap is trendy, it's in vogue
In mexo come el xioba dappartutto come la droga
In the midst, like rain, everywhere, like drugs
Bella sta canzone
Nice song, this one
Piaxe si? ben ben
You like it? Good, good
Meglio di quelle che fai di solito piene di parolacce
Better than those you usually do, full of bad words
Ahhh e allora forse la prossima proprio non te piaxarà
Ahhh, so maybe you won't like the next one
Merda, par comissiare ben, e no de merda
Shit, to do well, and not give a shit
Se calcossa no va ben anca ti te dixi merda
If something is not good, you also say shit
Ciarìmo sto discorso che te parará de merda
Let's clarify this speech that will stop you from shitting
Ma gnente rende mejo, o no dirìa merda
But nothing renders better, or I wouldn't say shit
Ok, radio e teevision, chi xe che xe na merda?
Ok, radio and television, who is the shit?
E te pensi: scelgo mi! alimentando merda
And you think: I choose! Feeding this shit
Na costante che fra tante espression scelga merda
A constant, among many expressions, to choose shit
So na sisuassion pesante e na nassion de merda
We're in a heavy situation, and a nation of shit
Go misure storiche, rappers coliche e merda
I have historical measures, rappers with colic, and shit
Mi figure retoriche, questi figure de merda
I have rhetorical figures, these figures of shit
Ma ti te pensi: "fassie, te dixi senpre merda"
But you think: "He does it, he always says shit"
Scolta el rap e grassie, vedemo chi fa merda
Listen to the rap, and thank you, let's see who does shit
No te capisso ti, ogni te dixi merda
I don't get you, you say shit every day
E se lo fasso mi tuti pronti a tirar merda
And if I do it myself, everyone is ready to throw shit
A un saco de xente no ghe piaxe sentir merda
A lot of people don't like hearing shit
Ma e robe va cussì, e va proprio de merda
But things are like this, and they're really shitty
Merda che se pesta? schei in vista
Shit that you step on? Money in sight
Merda inscatoeá? xe merda d'artista
Shit in a box? That's artist's shit
Merda, merda, merda come un vero artista
Shit, shit, shit like a true artist
Merda, merda, merda in quantità mai vista
Shit, shit, shit in quantities never seen before
Posti de merda, xente de merda
Shitty places, shitty people
Giorni de merda, vita de merda
Shitty days, shitty life
Senti che merda, varda che merda
Feel that shit, look at that shit
Magna sta merda, bevi sta merda
Eat this shit, drink this shit
Qua na cosa xe certa altro che merda
One thing is certain here, other than shit
Tuti quanti soto coperta che fora piove merda
Everyone under the covers while outside it's raining shit
Che aea fine pa quanto sia merda pare che no serva
That in the end, however much shit it is, it seems it's not enough
Te concimi l'erba e ghe xe xente manco ùtie dea merda
You fertilize the grass and there are people who are not even worthy of shit
Serve a niente come merda che te magni
It's useless like the shit you eat
Come merda che te pensavi fosse fanghi, si de merda
Like the shit you thought was mud, yes, of shit
Differenza sostanziale tra cioccolato e merda
Substantial difference between chocolate and shit
Mica male perché spesso la scambiate
Not bad because you often mistake it
Paghi oro ma i te vende merda, chi ha fatto l'oro con la merda
You pay gold but they sell you shit, who made the gold with the shit
E ha reinvestito in altro modo, e adesso ti rivendono la merda
And reinvested it differently, and now they're reselling you the shit
E tu ripaghi loro per riavere la tua stessa merda
And you're paying them back to get your own shit back
(Che giro de merda)
(What a shitty turn of events)
So che sta canson te pare na (merda)
I know this song seems like (shit) to you
Pare tuto bon ma xe tuta na (merda)
It seems all good but it's all (shit)
No posso stare bon se xe tuto na (merda)
I can't be good if it's all (shit)
Se ga rienpìo el casson prova dire de: (merda)
If the bin is full try saying: (shit)
Merda che se pesta? schei in vista
Shit that you step on? Money in sight
Merda inscatoeá? xe merda d'artista
Shit in a box? That's artist's shit
Merda, merda, merda come un vero artista
Shit, shit, shit like a true artist
Merda, merda, merda in quantità mai vista
Shit, shit, shit in quantities never seen before
Posti de merda, xente de merda
Shitty places, shitty people
Giorni de merda, vita de merda
Shitty days, shitty life
Senti che merda, varda che merda
Feel that shit, look at that shit
Magna sta merda, bevi sta merda
Eat this shit, drink this shit
Te fe spesa co i coupon e te conpri soeo merda
You go shopping with coupons and you only buy shit
Co te magni pare bon, ma el fegato va in merda
When you eat it it seems good, but the liver goes to shit
Grassie, ma no voto el to poitico de merda
Thank you, but I don't vote for your shitty politician
Co magnarò soeo verxe sensa fare merda
When I eat only vegetables without making shit
Interessante el fato che dire tanto merda
Interesting fact that saying so much shit
No migliora a condission de na situassion de merda
Doesn't improve the condition of a shitty situation
Ma lavori de merda co guadagni de merda
But shitty jobs with shitty earnings
Progeti, inpegni, tenpo, e testa tuto va in merda
Projects, commitments, time, and head everything goes to shit
So che sta canson te pare na merda
I know this song seems like shit to you
Pare tuto bon ma xe tuta na merda
It seems all good but it's all shit
No posso stare bon se xe tuto na merda
I can't be good if it's all shit
Se ga rienpio el casson prova dire: de merda
If the bin is full try saying: of shit
So che sta canson te pare na merda
I know this song seems like shit to you
Pare tuto bon ma xe tuta na merda
It seems all good but it's all shit
No posso stare bon se xe tuto na merda
I can't be good if it's all shit
Se ga rienpio el casson prova dire: de merda
If the bin is full try saying: of shit
Merda che se pesta? schei in vista
Shit that you step on? Money in sight
Merda inscatoeá? xe merda d'artista
Shit in a box? That's artist's shit
Merda, merda, merda come un vero artista
Shit, shit, shit like a true artist
Merda, merda, merda in quantità mai vista
Shit, shit, shit in quantities never seen before
Posti de merda, xente de merda
Shitty places, shitty people
Giorni de merda, vita de merda
Shitty days, shitty life
Senti che merda, varda che merda
Feel that shit, look at that shit
Magna sta merda, bevi sta merda
Eat this shit, drink this shit

Writer(s): E. Menegazzo

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