Herman Medrano - Opus Dei - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Herman Medrano - Opus Dei

Opus Dei
Opus Dei
3, 2, 1, ghe demo el via
3, 2, 1, here we go
Mi come che a vedo? no come ti, così sia
I see it differently than you, so be it
Ma se lo dise el papa, eora xe deciso
But if the Pope says so, then it is decided
Do ave e un paternoster e te rivi in paradiso
Two Hail Marys and an Our Father, and you arrive in Paradise
Questi xe in poitica, banche, aziende
These are in politics, banks, companies
Inserii nee scuoe e in ogni posto conveniente
Inserted in schools and in every convenient place
Mi no me stupisso, un marketing mai visto
I'm not surprised, a marketing never seen before
Un logo che funsiona costruìo so un poro cristo
A logo that works built on a bit of Christ
Xente atonita, prete sensa tunica co gin e tonica
Astonished people, priests without tunics with jeans and shirts
Se fosse bianco e nero sarìa na comica
If it was black and white it would be a comic
Xe finio el medioevo e el controeo co a paura
The Middle Ages and control by fear are over
A parte co cualcuno adesso, a xe pi dura
Except with someone now, it is harder
Sto bonismo postisso nol me sfiora de strisso
This imposed do-goodism does not touch me in the least
Sto pastisso de paure, afari e crocefisso
This pastiche of fears, business, and crucifix
Tanti se a ga bevua, anca se xe scadua
Many have drunk it, even if it's expired
Ma se no te porti gnente no te magni casa sua
But if you don't bring anything, you don't eat at their house
E vie del signore xe infinite, no te se quante
And the ways of the Lord are infinite, you don't know how many
E ogni do kiometri un prete caseante
And every two kilometers a preaching priest
Preghiere pa davanti, cortei pa da drio
Prayers up front, deals in the back
I affari come vai? i va da dio
How's business going? It's going godly
Opus dei, caressemo i to putei
Opus Dei, we caress your children
Semo tuti fradei ma puntemo ai to schei
We are all brothers but we aim at your money
Puntemo ai to schei, puntemo ai to schei
We aim at your money, we aim at your money
Tuti fradei ma puntemo ai to schei
All brothers but we aim at your money
Ma lesi do tre libri, no digo miga tanti
But I read two or three books, I'm not saying many
Pa darte un'idea dei morti fati dai santi
To give you an idea of the dead made by saints
Da quei che iera santi co spada e breviario
By those who were saints with sword and breviary
Desso almanco li blinda e li seda col valium
Now at least they blind them and sedate them with Valium
Ma omani inportanti desso minimo beati
But important men now are at least blessed
Xe quei che in finansa altro che spregiudicati
There are those who in finance are anything but unbiased
Bernardino nogara, josèmaria escrivà
Bernardino Nogara, Josemaría Escrivá
I afari xe afari non inporta con chi i se fa
Business is business, no matter who you do it with
Ma pare che qua no sapia gnente nessuno
But it seems that no one knows anything here
Pi de calcuno ga fato a fine de giordano bruno
More than someone ended up like Giordano Bruno
Pa essere precisi i saria milioni
To be precise, there would be millions
So che ghe da fastidio e ghe ronpe i maroni
I know it bothers them and breaks their balls
Me pare me ga dito de assare stare i preti
My father told me to leave the priests alone
"Ti no te voi rogne, ma pare te tee serchi
"You don't want trouble, but Dad, you're looking for it
I ga oci dapartuto e co i schei xe na furia
They have eyes everywhere and with money they are a fury
Mesa padova oramai xe proprietà dea curia"
Half of Padua is now owned by the Curia"
E vie del signore xe infinite, no te se quante
And the ways of the Lord are infinite, you don't know how many
E ogni do kiometri un prete caseante
And every two kilometers a preaching priest
Preghiere pa davanti, cortei pa da drio
Prayers up front, deals in the back
I affari come vai? i va da dio
How's business going? It's going godly
Opus dei, caressemo i to putei
Opus Dei, we caress your children
Semo tuti fradei ma puntemo ai to schei
We are all brothers but we aim at your money
Puntemo ai to schei, puntemo ai to schei
We aim at your money, we aim at your money
Tuti fradei ma puntemo ai to schei
All brothers but we aim at your money
Ti te pensi inpossibie, bon, vegnemo al come
You think it's impossible, well, let's get to the how
Gheto mai sentio parlare ti dei prestanome?
Have you ever heard of front men?
Xente sensa scrupoi ma co na fede granda
People without scruples but with great faith
Che fiuta filigrana e la ritorna a chi li manda
Who sniff out the watermark and return it to those who sent it
Sindona, gelli, ortolani no xe che alcuni
Sindona, Gelli, Ortolani are not just a few
Marcinkus, calvi, nomi noti e ormai comuni
Marcinkus, Calvi, known and now common names
Legai da mafia, banche e ogni sorta de porcaria
Linked by mafia, banks and all sorts of filth
"No se aministra a ciesa co do ave maria"
"You don't administer the Church with two Hail Marys"
Dai tanti dati emersi el voeume dei so interessi
From the much data that has emerged, the volume of their interests
Xe tanto quanto i investimenti, imensi
Is as much as the investments, immense
In tuto el mondo, in ogni tenbo, co chiuncue
All over the world, at any time, with anyone
Come rivare ai schei, come rivare al dunque
How to get to the money, how to get to the point
Ma mi so rajoniere e me piase fare i conti
But I'm an accountant and I like to do the math
Parlemo de schei e de morti quei sconti
Let's talk about money and deaths, those discounts
Fra invasion dee americhe crociate e inquisission
Between invasion of the Americas, crusades, and inquisitions
I ga 80 milioni de morti sol groppon
They have 80 million deaths on their backs
E vie del signore xe infinite, no te se quante
And the ways of the Lord are infinite, you don't know how many
E ogni do kiometri un prete caseante
And every two kilometers a preaching priest
Preghiere pa davanti, cortei pa da drio
Prayers up front, deals in the back
I affari come vai? i va da dio
How's business going? It's going godly
Opus dei, caressemo i to putei
Opus Dei, we caress your children
Semo tuti fradei ma puntemo ai to schei
We are all brothers but we aim at your money
Puntemo ai to schei, puntemo ai to schei
We aim at your money, we aim at your money
Tuti fradei ma puntemo ai to schei
All brothers but we aim at your money

Writer(s): Dr

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