Hidra - Merhamet - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Hidra - Merhamet

Çek elini bebe yine faka bastin bak anca duvara punch atar hasmim
Take your hand off, babe, you stepped on a crack again, look, my only enemy punches walls
Yok sana kastim, stil aragazlik, rap piyasasina yeni bi para bastim.
I have no beef with you, style's like a stove, I just dropped a new stack on the rap game.
Hiphop atesi de bensiz yanamazdi, paran olmasa bi sikime yaramazdin lan
The fire of hip-hop wouldn't burn without me, you'd be useless without money, man
Sanma ki bunu yine sana yazdim, bu müzik bana sölen ama sana yastir!
Don't think I wrote this for you again, this music speaks to me, but I'm pinning it on you!
Simdi o sesini bi kes lan, beyin hücrelerimde Nicola Tesla
Now shut your mouth, I got Nikola Tesla in my brain cells
Yazcam diye bosa sarmiyom esrar, kafa bos ama yine benim adim masta.
I don't smoke weed in vain to write, head's empty but I'm still the master.
Lolita degil sizi Kezbanlar dinler ama bizi Vinnie Paz lan
Lolitas don't listen to you, Kezban's do, but Vinnie Paz listens to us, man
Bu ritimi kes lan, vur elini 'best one' sarki degil bebe bu yeni bi destan!
Cut this beat, slap your hand, this ain't a 'best one' song, babe, this is a new epic!
Stabile oldu bu sakinles ya da bunu dinle sonra katilles
This is stable, calm down, or listen to this and then kill yourself
Sana tatil bes gün bes gece Hidra'nin playlistinde var Dilkes.
A five-day, five-night vacation for you, Dilkes is on Hidra's playlist.
Beni görünce diyor bebe 'tam bir kes' hadi siktir o pipi boyu santim bes
When she sees me, she says, 'What a dick,' get lost, your dick's only five centimeters
Gece vampir des, ele kandil, les hadi hiphop için uyan ve kalk birles!
A vampire at night, a candle in hand, a corpse, come on, wake up for hip-hop and unite!
Beni görsen o arenada 'boga' derdin, çok Matador harcadim dogal halim
If you saw me in that arena, you'd call me 'bull,' I've worn out many Matadors, it's my nature
Peki bu mu derdin? Ben gene geldim, ergene rap dersini yere serdim.
Is this what you meant? I'm back again, I slammed the rap lesson to the ground for the teenagers.
Çok üzgünüm basiniza bu da geldi, bana dil uzatan o kasara kuma geldin
I'm so sorry, this happened to you too, you who insulted me, you came to the sand
Sen sanalda bana ana baci sövüyorken bana kupa veriyordu Fuat Ergin!
While you were cursing my mother and sister online, Fuat Ergin was giving me a trophy!
Çok attim sana çalim, gidin ve haraç alin, bi ezigi bulun hadi ondan para çalin
I've thrown you a lot of lines, go and extort, find a loser, come on, steal money from him
Benim için üstad; Defkhan, Mekanize, Joker & Allame ve Saian & Karaçali.
Masters for me; Defkhan, Mekanize, Joker & Allame and Saian & Karaçali.
Bu nasil bir amaç? Adi hiphop. Araç alip ara gazi verin hadi, atcan bana çamur
What kind of purpose is this? It's called hip-hop. Get a car and gas it, you'll throw mud at me
Aptal, savas alani burasi yanasani yok ediyorum hem de benimle savasani!
Fool, this is a battlefield, I destroy anyone who comes near, even those who fight me!
Birçogunun hayali headline ve çogu da kendini saniyo bi TechN9ne
Many dream of headlines, and many think they're a TechN9ne
Kariyerine bedel yaptigim tek rhyme, rap fight ama sana kalmadi pek pay.
The only rhyme I made worth your career, rap fight, but you didn't get much share.
Amaçlari sadece reklam, sonucu nakavt bana yeterli tek round
Their goal is just advertising, a knockout is enough for me, just one round
Ben yine sahnede onlar background, yüksek kalite ve parlak bir ekran (Hiphop!)
I'm on stage again, they're background, high quality and a bright screen (Hiphop!)
Yaptigim bu flowu akil almaz, beni görünce deli gibi sakinanlar gibi mal
This flow I make is mind-blowing, like idiots who hide when they see me
Dibi var hadi takil aptal, içi bos beyin ayni bi raki bardagi.
There's a bottom, hang out, fool, an empty brain is like a raki glass.
Var her gece kulüpte takilanlar gibi küfür edip edebini takinanlar
There are those who hang out in clubs every night, cursing and pretending to be polite
Yok fayda kaderden yakinandan, tabi suratina kapanan kapilar var.
There's no use complaining about fate or your close ones, of course there are doors that close in your face.
Vardim firarda, kalktim bir anda baktim, kim anlar aklin ziyansa
I was on the run, I got up in an instant, I looked, who understands if your mind is bright
Hakkim bi yanda, tatlim Rihanna sattin rüyanda, battin riyanla.
My right on one side, my sweet Rihanna, you sold in your dream, you sank with hypocrisy.
Kansiz diyarda yansin, bi anlam alsin, bi anda kalsin
Let it burn in the bloodless land, let it make sense, let it stay in an instant
Tiraj da yapsin, virajdan atsin, bi bastan alsin, hiphop da yazsin kitapta!
Let it make circulation, let it throw it from the bend, let it take it from the beginning, let it write hip-hop in the book too!
Bu yalana aldancan, bana bulasma git evine sar ganja
You'll fall for this lie, don't mess with me, go home and roll some ganja
Sen gül tabi doluysa tabancan, rap merhamet adimsa Jean Valjean.
You laugh, of course, if your gun is full, if the name of rap is mercy, then I'm Jean Valjean.
Ama yine de bu kalemde kan kalcak, dinlemeden ötmek çok aptalca
But still, there will be blood left in this pen, it's foolish to criticize without listening
Bak puncha; 'Bi punchima kaç parçan denk? It gibi kapimda kalcan bitch!
Look at the punch; 'How many pieces of you are equal to one punch of mine? Open your mouth like a dog at my door, bitch!'

Writer(s): Ali Hallı, Fatih Uslu

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