Hijjaz - Ratu Nil (Yukabid) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Hijjaz - Ratu Nil (Yukabid)

Ratu Nil (Yukabid)
Queen of the Nile (Yukabid)
Khabar itu merusuh jiwa
The news stirs my soul, my love
Titah yang dicerca semesta
A decree scorned by all the heavens above
Si kecil bergelar lelaki
A little one, deemed a man so small
Bakal korban si derhaka
A victim of defiance, destined to fall
Resahmu bertukar debaran
Your worry turned to fear, a trembling heart
Ketika bergema ketukan
As the knocking echoed, tearing you apart
Di mana nak kau sembunyikan
Where could you hide him, precious and pure?
Tubuh kecil tak berdosa
A tiny body, innocent and sure
Alam bagaikan membisu
The world stood silent, hushed and still
Arus Sungai Nil pun mengalir lesu
Even the Nile's current flowed with a chill
Mendengarkan tangismu
Listening to your cries, your heart's lament
Saat menyaksikan
As you watched him drift, alone he went
Bayimu yang hanyut bersendirian
Your baby adrift, a sight so forlorn
Duka tak terbanding kata
Grief beyond words, a pain so deep
Dan halus nalurimu terdera
Your gentle spirit, wounded and weep
Sungguh kerinduanmu hebat terduga
Such longing, more than you could foresee
Teguhlah ibu yang mulia
Be steadfast, noble mother, strong and true
Berpegang pada satu percaya
Hold onto one belief, shining through
Berpisah bukan selamanya
Parting is not forever, this you must know
Janji-Nya bukan dusta
His promise is not a lie, let your faith grow
Tika dipanggil ke istana
When summoned to the palace, grand and tall
Lengkaplah kisah kasih yang sempurna
A perfect love story, destined to enthrall
Bayimu kehausan
Your baby, parched with thirst, his lips so dry
Lalu kau susukan
You nursed him, my love, with tears in your eye
Menitis airmatamu kesyukuran
Tears of gratitude, a blessed relief
Nyatalah janji Yang Esa
The promise of the One, now clear and bright
Terpisah 'tuk bertemu semula
Separated to reunite, bathed in love's light
Kau genggam kembali jemari kecilnya
You clasp his tiny fingers once again
Walau diam dalam rahsia
Though kept in secret, hidden from view
Terpujuk sudah hati yang hiba
Your grieving heart, now soothed and anew
Yang dirindu kini kau dakap bahagia
The one you longed for, now held in embrace
Yukabid engkau tamsil cinta
Yukabid, you are a symbol of love's grace
Lambang tulusnya kasih ibunda
An emblem of a mother's love so pure
Pengorbanan yang tiada mula
A sacrifice without beginning, evermore
Dan tiada hujungnya
And without end, forever it shall endure

Writer(s): Putra Aiman, Atie

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