Hijjaz - Sunnah Orang Berjuang - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Hijjaz - Sunnah Orang Berjuang

Sunnah Orang Berjuang
The Sunnah of a Warrior
Berjuang menempah susah
Struggling, enduring hardship,
Menanggung derita menongkah fitnah
Bearing suffering, confronting slander,
Itulah gelombang hidup samudera duka
These are the waves of life, an ocean of grief,
Seorang mujahid membela tauhid
A mujahid defending the oneness of God.
Dipisah dia berkelana
Separated, he wanders,
Dibelenggu dia uzlah menagih mehnah
Imprisoned, he isolates himself, seeking trials,
Namun jiwa tetap mara memburu cinta
Yet his spirit still marches, hunting for love,
Membara demi Allah dan rasul-Nya
Burning for Allah and His Messenger.
Berjuang tak pernah senang
Struggling is never easy,
Ombak derita tiada henti
Waves of suffering never cease,
Tenang resah silih berganti
Calm and anxiety alternate,
Inilah sunnah orang berjuang
This is the sunnah of a warrior.
Malamnya bagai rahib merintis sayu
His nights are like a monk's, carving out sorrow,
Dihiris dosa air mata
Sins sliced by tears,
Siangnya bagaikan singa dirimba
His days are like a lion in the jungle,
Memerah keringat mencurah tenaga
Sweating, pouring out his energy,
Sudah sunnah berjuang ke jalan Allah
It's the sunnah to strive on the path of Allah.
Berjuang memang pahit
The struggle is indeed bitter,
Kerana syurga itu manis
Because paradise is sweet,
Bukan sedikit mahar yang perlu dibayar
The dowry to be paid is not small,
Bukan sedikit pedih yang ditagih
The pain demanded is not insignificant.
Berjuang ertinya terkorban
To struggle means to be sacrificed,
Rela terhina kerna kebenaran
Willing to be humiliated for the truth,
Antara dua jadi pilihan
Between two, a choice must be made,
Dunia yang fana atau syurga
The fleeting world or paradise.
Berjuang tak pernah senang
Struggling is never easy,
Ombak derita tiada henti
Waves of suffering never cease,
Tenang resah silih berganti
Calm and anxiety alternate,
Inilah sunnah orang berjuang
This is the sunnah of a warrior.
Malamnya bagai rahib merintis sayu
His nights are like a monk's, carving out sorrow,
Dihiris dosa air mata
Sins sliced by tears,
Siangnya bagaikan singa dirimba
His days are like a lion in the jungle,
Memerah keringat mencurah tenaga
Sweating, pouring out his energy,
Berjuang ertinya terkorban
To struggle means to be sacrificed,
Rela terhina kerna kebenaran
Willing to be humiliated for the truth,
Antara dua jadi pilihan
Between two, a choice must be made,
Dunia yang fana atau syurga
The fleeting world or paradise.

Writer(s): Pahrol Mohamad Joui, Zarie Ahmad

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