Hilcrhyme - ソウサ - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Hilcrhyme - ソウサ

そうさ そうさ お手のもんさ
That's right, that's right, it's my specialty.
ソウサ ソウサ さてどーなる?
Investigation, investigation, now what will happen?
ハニー 話題が尽きないな
Honey, we never run out of things to talk about.
Personal affairs and conversations are constantly being streamed.
どちらがソース 「知らない」で通す
Which one is the source? We'll play dumb.
見ておくか様子 ポーズとる 一同
Let's see what happens. Everyone strike a pose.
What's wrong already?
触れられないゴシップはスルー 関せず我
Untouchable gossip, we'll ignore it. Doesn't concern us.
降る火の粉 どばっちりだけは勘弁
Falling embers, just spare us the collateral damage.
先に読もう 互いの行動
Let's anticipate each other's actions.
北から南まで 完全網羅です
From north to south, completely covered.
sorry 用意済みのストーリー
Sorry, it's a pre-written story.
引く興味 飽きたらごみ箱ポイ
Losing interest, toss it in the trash when we're bored.
逃れられない 筋書き通り
Can't escape it. Just as planned.
Unfortunately, you're the heroine.
A longer run than a 9 PM drama.
Today's extra-wide show,
what episode is it?
Sentences of criticism and support.
Currently being heavily promoted.
火で炙られ 針で刺され
Seared by fire, pierced by needles,
boiled in a cauldron,
全て晒されるサインと違う ひどい大人
everything exposed. This isn't the agreement. Terrible adults.
Isn't there a mound?
Toilet paper flushed and gone.
大人より怖い 子役も終わり
Scarier than adults. Child actor days are over.
Rehearsed year-end race.
If you feel sorry for me, give me money.
操作された世論 政治も管理下
Manipulated public opinion, politics under control.
money or power 権威かネットの世界もBurnin'
Money or power, authority or the internet world is burnin'.
This is good, that is bad.
Why? Tell me, giant.
イジメとコレ 何が違うの
What's the difference between this and bullying?
叩かれるかも 笑われるかも
Might get criticized, might get laughed at.
何も言えない まるで鳥かご
Can't say anything, like a bird in a cage.
弱いものは悪 強いものが正義
The weak are evil, the strong are righteous.
Even 70 years after the war ended,
nothing has changed.
世間の皆様方 この度はお騒がせしました
To the public, we apologize for the disturbance.
すいません すいません もう2度とすいません
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
どれだけ謝っても 足りない...
No matter how much I apologize, it's not enough...
どれだけ虐めても 足りない...
No matter how much I'm tormented, it's not enough...
捕われてはニュース 解かれてはニュース
Arrested, it's news. Released, it's news.
つぶやいてはニュース 黙っていてもニュース
Tweet, it's news. Stay silent, it's news.
栄光のシューズ もはや窮屈
Shoes of glory, now too tight.
青い幕に守られて 只管エクスキューズ
Protected by a blue curtain, just making excuses.

Writer(s): Justin Trugman, Dj Katsu, Toc

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