Hippocampe Fou feat. Procussions - Dream - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Hippocampe Fou feat. Procussions - Dream

Hippocampe Fou - Dream
Hippocampe Fou - Dream
J'm'endors plus vite le ventre plein et les bourses vides
I fall asleep faster with a full belly and empty pockets.
Cette nuit, je vais rêver, je suis à cours de weed
Tonight, I'm going to dream, I'm out of weed.
Le ciel est dégagé, et La Grande Ourse brille
The sky is clear, and the Big Dipper is shining.
J'me sens comme un niveau à bulle dans la vieille Tour de Pise
I feel like a spirit level in the old Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Donc j'ferme les paupières, fonce à la vitesse de la lumière
So I close my eyelids, rush at the speed of light
À bord d'un bateau-mouche tsé-tsé
Aboard a tsetse fly boat
J'y fais la poussière, admire des poissons-lunes, des dodos et des chimères
I dust, admire moonfish, dodos, and chimeras
Tandis que j'pourfends des zombies et des sorcières avec mon sexe stressé
While I slay zombies and witches with my stressed sex
Puis j'mets de belles fessées à mes fantasmes et mes pulsions
Then I spank my fantasies and impulses
Histoire de déstresser, j'gravis des pics de pollution
To de-stress, I climb pollution peaks
Nocturne, enfile mon costume de Marchand de Sable
Nocturnal, put on my Sandman costume
Chevauche un tigre à dents de sabre et fume avec fierté
Ride a saber-toothed tiger and smoke with pride
J'tisse des toiles de maître, fist une étoile de mer
I weave masterpieces, fist a starfish
Hérisse les poils d'un kiwi très sale évadé d'l'orifice d'un prêtre
Bristle the hairs of a very dirty kiwi escaped from a priest's orifice
Ça y est, j'ai la main verte, je drague les insectes
That's it, I have a green thumb, I hit on insects
J'avale des bolées de lave avant de dévaler des vagues de vingt mètres
I swallow bursts of lava before unleashing twenty-meter waves
Fell asleep in a car with a match in my hand
Fell asleep in a car with a match in my hand
Remember Elysee Montmartre? Well it happened again
Remember Elysee Montmartre? Well it happened again
I was laughing with friends filling a flask full of gin
I was laughing with friends filling a flask full of gin
Feeling like I was so silly for rapping to them when really my car had no passengers in
Feeling like I was so silly for rapping to them when really my car had no passengers in
Blacked out in a Twingo bashed out all it's windows
Blacked out in a Twingo bashed out all it's windows
Bought a gallon of gas and stepped on it like- how fast does this thing go?
Bought a gallon of gas and stepped on it like- how fast does this thing go?
Deranged and could care less, I'm just a stranger in Paris
Deranged and could care less, I'm just a stranger in Paris
Drove to the Zenith clothed in some Kleenex with toiletry rolls arranged in a headdress;
Drove to the Zenith clothed in some Kleenex with toiletry rolls arranged in a headdress;
Sleeping on me said that I'm getting too old
Sleeping on me said that I'm getting too old
Now I'm sleeping on them making a "hit" when they step in the road
Now I'm sleeping on them making a "hit" when they step in the road
They say that I've taken the ride but are they so sure I'm the driver?
They say that I've taken the ride but are they so sure I'm the driver?
They say I was waiting outside- playing some, "Earth, Wind, and..."
They say I was waiting outside- playing some, "Earth, Wind, and..."
Wondering how I got here
Wondering how I got here
I'm in a room much like
I'm in a room much like
My own
My own
Feeling comfortable at first and then it got weird
Feeling comfortable at first and then it got weird
The living room outside of the room is from another house
The living room outside of the room is from another house
In another country that I used to live in '92;
In another country that I used to live in '92;
Stuck inside of a loop, and the nights enough time
Stuck inside of a loop, and the nights enough time
But I must find my ticket to make it across the city before I'm
But I must find my ticket to make it across the city before I'm
In a rough situation, that I must fear though it's unclear
In a rough situation, that I must fear though it's unclear
Why I'm
Why I'm
Suddenly at this station, with a couple of zombies chasing
Suddenly at this station, with a couple of zombies chasing
Armies pacing street adjacent to a riot, that's gone silent
Armies pacing street adjacent to a riot, that's gone silent
Fire in the sky Below's a man that's yelling violently
Fire in the sky Below's a man that's yelling violently
"I'm Portuguese and Scottish" with his hands tied behind
"I'm Portuguese and Scottish" with his hands tied behind
Inside his Honda Phillip Bailey wailing ba dee ya now why am in this.
Inside his Honda Phillip Bailey wailing ba dee ya now why am in this.
Dream, chaque nuit, j'deviens immortel
Dream, every night, I become immortal
Dream, j'm'épanouis dans ce pêle-mêle
Dream, I flourish in this mishmash
Dream, j'rêve d'un songe éternel
Dream, I dream of an eternal dream
Mon esprit se déchaîne pendant que j'remue les orteils
My mind is unleashed as I wiggle my toes
Dream, chaque nuit, je deviens immortel
Dream, every night, I become immortal
Dream, j'm'épanouis dans ce pêle-mêle
Dream, I flourish in this mishmash
Dream, j'rêve d'un songe éternel
Dream, I dream of an eternal dream
J'bave sur l'oreiller en traquant démons et merveilles
I drool on the pillow while chasing demons and wonders

Writer(s): Jason Christopher Medeiros, Brian Elliot Roberson, Pascal Luvisi, Sebastien Gonzalez, Derrick D Curtis

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