Hitomi Yaida - Itsukawa Love Song - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Hitomi Yaida - Itsukawa Love Song

Itsukawa Love Song
Itsukawa Love Song
最近ようやく 仕事も任されるようになって
I've finally started getting more work responsibilities,
「順風満帆」 友人はそう羨むけれど
And my friends call it "smooth sailing," but I don't feel that way at all.
何か足りないのに過ぎていく 毎日はモノクローム
Every day passes by like a black and white movie.
いつも同じようなタイミングで 迂回路を探してる
It's always the same, and I'm always looking for a way out.
街を慰めるようにLOVE SONG
The city's love songs try to comfort me,
But it never really works.
お構いなしね 雄弁なLOVE SONG
The love songs sing so eloquently,
心の隙間に虚しく 響いた誰かの「アイシテル」
But they're just empty words that echo in the void of my heart.
傷つく位なら 何もしない方が得策
It's better to do nothing than to get hurt,
どうせ駄目だろうって 諦め方も器用になった
So I've learned to give up before I even try.
誰かに必要とされたくて 自分に嘘を重ねる
I want to be needed by someone, so I tell myself lies
報われる事のない願いが 夜空に堕ちてく
And make wishes that will never come true, only to see them fall from the sky like shooting stars.
街を慰めるようにLOVE SONG
The city's love songs try to comfort me,
With all their beautiful words,
"I miss you," "I love you," they sing,
ただぼんやりと聴いていたら ふとあなたの顔 浮かんだ
But as I listen, my mind wanders and your face comes to me.
忘れたふりじゃ消えない あなたへの気持ち確かめたくて
I can't forget you, no matter how hard I try,
街を流れるLOVE SONGみたいに
The city's love songs flow through me,
Not with perfect words,
まとまりもなく しおらしくない
But with a jumbled mess of emotions.
But that's the truth.
If only we could meet again, just as we are,
If only you could see me as I am.
素直に聴いてみたいのLOVE SONG
I want to hear a love song that is real,
心の隙間が埋まれば いつか言えるかな「愛してる」
A love song that will fill the void in my heart,

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