Hladno Pivo - Moralne Dileme Vlasnika Bmw-A - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Hladno Pivo - Moralne Dileme Vlasnika Bmw-A

Moralne Dileme Vlasnika Bmw-A
Moral Dilemmas of a BMW Owner
Tri sata popodne pokazuje moj Rolex
My Rolex shows three o'clock
Na semaforu stojim, a pored mene bus
I'm standing at a traffic light, next to me a bus
Kao u zoološkom vrtu gledam izumiruću vrstu
Like in a zoo, I watch an endangered species
Izgužvana lica zure mi u bemburu
Wrinkled faces stare at me in my BMW
S Ray Banom na nosu žalim frustriranu masu
With Ray Bans on my nose, I pity the frustrated masses
Njihov me pogled baca u bad
Their gaze throws me into a rut
Zato okrećem glavu na drugu, ljepšu stranu
So I turn my head to the other, more beautiful side
Jer duša mi ne podnosi tužne prizore
Because my soul can't stand sad sights
Sutra sam već u crkvi na malom pranju savjesti
Tomorrow I'm already in church for a little cleansing of my conscience
Jer moje veze sežu ravno do neba
Because my connections reach straight to heaven
U navali humanosti pomolit ću se i za njih
In a surge of humanity, I will also pray for them
Nakon čega slijedi tečaj tenisa
After that, tennis class
Ne mogu ih gledati više, uključujem svoj air-condition
I can't look at them anymore, I turn on my air conditioning
Polako da me vide pice iz busa
Slowly, so the plebs on the bus can see me
Konačno spas, zeleno je, dodajem gas i nestajem
Finally, salvation, the light is green, I hit the gas and disappear
A gomila me gleda kao zločinca
And the crowd looks at me like a criminal
Penzići novi i penzići polovni
New and used pensioners
Doživotne žrtve javnog prijevoza
Lifelong victims of public transportation
Blesavi od znojenja u kutiji
Sweating fools in a box
Još samo dva radna vijeka do fićeka
Only two more working lives until the bathtub
Gomila plazi po bljuzgavoj stazi
The crowd crawls on the muddy path
S gađenjem gleda metak što prolazi
Looking with disgust at the bullet that passes by

Writer(s): Kekin Milan, Kodzoman Davor, Subosic Mladen

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