Ho3ein feat. Milad S & Justina - Traffic Jensi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ho3ein feat. Milad S & Justina - Traffic Jensi

Traffic Jensi
Traffic of Lust
خیابون شده ترافیک جنسی
The streets are filled with the traffic of lust,
راهنما بوق نگا میشه حسی
Every honk and stare a spark of desire.
حسی که تش تو گشت و آهن و کاغذِ
A desire that ignites within steel, flesh, and paper,
اون بگا میره فکری
As she walks by, lost in her thoughts.
هر نگاه میفهمه دارن بش نظر
Each gaze, she knows, is directed at her,
قطاری جلوش بنز تا ال نود
A train of Benz to Nissans lining up before her.
اون براش حتی مهم نیست ثروت هم
But wealth means nothing to her,
ایمان قوی نداره به عشق اصلا
She has no faith in love anymore.
اون به هرچی مرد بدبینه
Every man she sees, she sees as evil,
اون گشنه ی حرف سنگینِ
She craves a heavy word, a profound connection,
خود ساز ضربه غمگین
Her own instrument, strumming a sorrowful tune,
تحملش قدر سقف زمینه
Her endurance stretched thin, like the ceiling above.
چشیده خیانت سن کم
Betrayal tasted too young,
تجربه زود هنگام جلو کرد
Early experiences have hardened her, pushing her forward.
حرفش یکی مثل مرد
Her words hold the weight of a man's,
مدت هاست داده دل به در
For too long she has poured her heart out to the wind.
همه دوستاش از دم طلاقی
Her friends, all of them, divorced,
حق با مرد، حقم نداری
Always the man's right, no right for her.
صورت چروک کم کم سرازیر
Her face, slowly crinkling, begins to sag,
سخته این حسو کردن شفاهی
It's hard to articulate this feeling.
هرکی اومد ضربه زدو رفت
Every man who came, struck her and left,
محکم پشت سرش درو بست و رفت
Slamming the door shut behind him, without a second thought.
عشقی نی بشه ختم جرو بحث
No love can end the dispute, the argument,
چرا کم شده مشق درک و فهم
Why has compassion and understanding diminished?
تکرار تا سر صبح می شه
The cycle repeats until dawn,
جلو اینه زده زل میگه
She stands before the mirror, staring,
این همه ظلم با من چرا
Asking why all this injustice has befallen her.
اولش خوبه عشق تهش شد کینه
Love starts sweet, but ends in bitterness,
لبه پنجره میریخت گلوله برف
Snowballs were thrown from the window's edge,
خر شد ازش خورد گوله حرف
She was ridiculed, bombarded with hurtful words.
اعتماد اومد از هوس
Trust was built on lust,
دودرفت تو چشاش حالا شده گونه اشک
Smoke filled her eyes, now tears stream down her cheeks.
شهر شلوغی که بو گل نمید
A bustling city that offers no fragrance of flowers,
اعتماد نیست کسی رو پول نمیره
No trust exists, money cannot buy it,
حقیقت رو تو حب نمیگه
The truth remains hidden, lost in passion,
حاضر بی سر صدا تو عمق بمیره
Ready to silently drown in the depths, she disappears.
باور دروغایی که کردش
Clinging to the lies she believed,
حبس حقایقو شنید اومد و رفتش
Imprisoned truths were heard, he came and left.
ترس، آزاد کرد اون مرز دلو
Fear, freed her heart's boundaries,
گفت سلام برسون اگه مرد هست
"Say hello, if you're a real man," she said.
تن برام عاره شب برام زاره
My body is a burden, the night a torment,
من تو دستاشم این برام کار
I'm in his hands, this is my fate.
مرگ من بوی اون تن سرده
My death smells of that cold body,
این خیابونا تا ابد درده
These streets will forever be filled with pain.
خودشو کشت همو روز
She killed herself every day,
همو روز که از تو می پاشید
Every day that she faded away from you,
همو روز که واسه چند دقیقه ای
Every day that for a few minutes,
تنو دادو گرفت پول ناچیز
She gave her body and received paltry money.
رنگ روژش مث نور آژیر
The color of her lipstick like the flashing lights of a siren,
کوچه رو بست دنبالش بوق ماشین
The alley closed, car horns chasing after her.
میزن دست بهش، اما لاله و جیک نمیزنه
They touch her, but she remains silent, not a whimper,
چون نونش بنده به دول حاجی
Because her bread is tied to the whims of these men.
خریدار تنشن نه عشوش
They buy her body, not her love,
بدجور به خونه همه تشنست
She's desperately thirsty for a home,
حق داره دنیا بدهکاره بش بد
She has the right, the world owes her a great debt,
تک واساده انگار روبرش کشور
She stands alone, as if facing a nation.
کی می تونه داور شه
Who can be the judge?
تقصیر کیه اونم دلش می خواد مادر شه
Whose fault is it, she desires to be a mother too.
یه چی بگم،شاید سخت باور شه
Let me tell you something, it might be hard to believe,
ولی بدون یه سریشون میان با بچه
But without a man, they come with children.
دنیای گوهی، میدونی ؟
A fucked up world, you know?
اینجا دور دور گل به خودیه، میدونی ؟
It's all own goals here, you know?
هرکی رسید زد نقابی به پیشونیش
Everyone who comes puts on a mask,
چیزی از بازار داغ کلیه میدونی ؟
Do you know anything about the black market for kidneys?
اینجا خیلی وقت تو خطر
It's been dangerous here for a long time,
بالا پایین از دورورش گرفتار سرماست
From top to bottom, its inhabitants trapped in coldness.
راسش هرچی دزد بی پدر
The truth is, every fatherless thief,
پره مغز بی هنر ولی بازم ناز خار بدخاش
Their minds are filled with mediocrity, yet they still have the audacity to boast.
خدا خیلی وقت خوابیده با دیگران
God has been asleep for a long time, with others,
دلیلشم این همه سوالایه بی جواب
The proof is in all these unanswered questions.
بچه کوچیکی که میگه خواهش
A small child, voicing his wish,
یکی بخر با چشای بی گناهش
"Someone buy me," he pleads with innocent eyes.
میدونی چیه هان منم با این دنیا لجم
You know what, I'm also angry with this world,
با پول لجن با خلق تو پای بشر
With its filthy money, with mankind's creation.
صد دفعه کردم سیب وجب
A hundred times I've measured apples by hand,
دیگه تشم، بستم به ر کجم
I'm exhausted, I've tied myself to my own exhaustion.
تن برام عاره شب برام زاره
My body is a burden, the night a torment,
من تو دستاشم این برام کار
I'm in his hands, this is my fate.
مرگ من بوی اون تن سرده
My death smells of that cold body,
این خیابونا تا ابد درده
These streets will forever be filled with pain.

Ho3ein feat. Milad S & Justina - Traffic Jensi - Single
Traffic Jensi - Single
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