Holograf - Mafia - Live Unplugged - traduction des paroles en anglais

Mafia - Live Unplugged - Holograftraduction en anglais

Mafia - Live Unplugged
Mafia - Live Unplugged
Greu, n-ai sa poti sa te ascunzi mereu.
Darling, you won't be able to hide forever.
Rau, cercul lor se strange in jurul tau
The noose is tightening around your neck.
Dai, dar de fapt iti cumperi viata ta.
You give, but in fact you're buying your own life.
Nu mai poti scapa.
You can't escape anymore.
Mafia e-n tot si-n toate.
The Mafia is in everything and everyone.
Mafia te ajuta, poate.
The Mafia can help you, maybe.
Mafia iti da c-o mana, iti ia cu alta
The Mafia gives you with one hand, takes away with the other
Tot ce ai.
Everything you have.
Mafia, o voce-n noapte,
The Mafia, a voice in the night,
Mafia ascunsa-n soapte
The Mafia hidden in whispers
Mafia, tu crezi ca scapi
Mafia, you think you can escape
Dar esti mereu la mana lor.
But you're always at their mercy.
Stiu, stiu ca esti prea slab si ei te stiu
I know, I know you're too weak and they know you
Dai, daca nu, vei pierde tot ce ai.
Give in, or you'll lose everything you have.
Crezi, crezi ca poti sa fugi din calea mea
You think you can escape my wrath
Nu mai poti scapa.
You can't escape anymore.
Daca vrei sa iei,
If you want to take,
Daca vrei sa ai,
If you want to have,
Daca vrei sa iei
If you want to take
Trebuie sa dai.
You have to give.

Writer(s): Holograf

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