Holograf - Vine Vineri - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Holograf - Vine Vineri

Vine Vineri
Friday's Coming
Azi e luni, e ziua care nu-mi convine
Today is Monday, the day that I'm not a fan of
Maine-i marti cu siguranta
Tomorrow is definitely Tuesday
Miercurea de abia apuc sa ma trezesc, in fine
Wednesday I barely have time to wake up, finally
Joi imi pierd orice speranta
By Thursday I lose all hope
Vine vineri... iar incepe fara tine
Friday's coming... but starts without you
Vine vineri... tot la tine ma gandesc
Friday's coming... but all I think about is you
Vine vineri... toate imi merg bine
Friday's coming... everything's going well for me
Insa fara tine simt ca-nnebunesc
But without you I feel like I'm going crazy
Iar a mai trecut o saptamana plicticoasa
Another boring week has passed
Sambata imi spun asa
On Saturday I tell myself this
Daca a mai ramas ceva acum din toate astea
If there's anything left of all this
A venit duminica
Sunday has arrived
Ooo, Doamne cat as vrea sa treaca timpul
Ooo, Lord how I wish time would pass
Iata intrebarea mea
Here's my question
Ooo, cat as vrea sa fie numai vineri
Ooo, how I wish it was always Friday

Writer(s): Holograf

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