Homayoun Shajarian feat. Mohammadreza Shajarian, Kayhan Kalhor & Hossein Alizadeh - Sodaye to - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Homayoun Shajarian feat. Mohammadreza Shajarian, Kayhan Kalhor & Hossein Alizadeh - Sodaye to

Sodaye to
The Sound of You
هرکه سودای تو دارد چه غم از هر دو جهانش
Whoever has a longing for you, what sorrow for both worlds
نگران تو چه اندیشه و بیم از دگرانش
What worry and fear of others for you
آن پی مهر تو گیرد که نگیرد پی خویشش
He who follows your love will not follow his own
وان سر وصل تو دارد که ندارد غم جانش
And he who has the secret of your union has no sorrow in his soul
هر که از یار تحمل نکند یار مگویش
Anyone who cannot endure the beloved, do not call him the beloved
وان که در عشق ملامت نکشد مرد مخوانش
And do not call him a man who cannot bear reproach in love
چون دل از دست به درشد مثل کره توسن
When the heart escapes from the hand like a ball, a colt
نتوان باز گرفتن به همه شهر عنانش
It is not possible to hold back the reins in the whole city
به جفایی و قفایی نرود عاشق صادق
With cheating and deception, the sincere lover will not go
مژه بر هم نزند گر بزنی تیر و سنانش
He will not close his eyes if you shoot him with arrows and spears
خفته خاک لحد را که تو ناگه به سر آیی
The dust of the grave is sleeping, you come suddenly to the head
عجب ار باز نیاید به تن مرده روانش
It's no wonder that the spirit does not return to the dead body
شرم دارد چمن از قامت زیبای بلندت
The lawn is ashamed of your beautiful tall stature
که همه عمر نبوده ست چنین سرو روانش
That all his life there has not been such a cypress tree
گفتم از ورطه عشقت به صبوری به درآیم
I said that with patience I will enter the whirlpool of your love
باز می بینم و دریا نه پدید است کرانش
I look again and the sea is nowhere to be seen
عهد ما با تو نه عهدی که تغیر بپذیرد
Our covenant with you is not a covenant that will change
بوستانیست که هرگز نزند باد خزانش
It is a garden that the wind of autumn never blows on
چه گنه کردم و دیدی که تعلق ببریدی
What sin did I commit and you saw that you broke the connection
بنده بی جرم و خطایی نه صواب است مرانش
A servant without guilt and error, it is not right to drive him away
نرسد ناله سعدی به کسی در همه عالم
Saadi's laments do not reach anyone in the world
که نه تصدیق کند کز سر دردیست فغانش
Who would not confirm that it is from the pain of the head that his lament
گر فلاطون به حکیمی مرض عشق بپوشد
If Plato covers up the disease of love with wisdom
عاقبت پرده برافتد ز سر راز نهانش
Eventually the curtain will fall from the secret of his secret

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