Hordatoj feat. Portavoz - Fase Imperial - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Hordatoj feat. Portavoz - Fase Imperial

Fase Imperial
Imperial Phase
Apocalipsis, crisis, frenesis mundial,
Apocalypse, crisis, global frenzy,
Una nueva sintesis de esta guerra infernal.
A new synthesis of this infernal war.
El globo se divide en dos polos,
The globe is divided in two poles,
Pocos que deciden todo,
A few decide everything,
Y miles de miles sobreviven de cualquier modo.
And thousands of thousands survive any which way.
Banco mundial, fondo monetario internacional,
World Bank, International Monetary Fund,
A diaro cortan el salario pa' su maquina salvar,
Daily they trim your salary to save their machine,
Van a cargar en ti su propia crisis,
They will charge upon you their own crisis,
Van a engordar encima de la humanidad, cuida tu psiquis.
They will fatten themselves on humanity, watch your psyche.
Los dueños, mandamases, de la banca y de la empresa,
The owners, bosses, of banks and corporations,
Concentran la "guita" y hacen repartija del planeta.
Concentrate the "jack" and divide up the planet.
No dejes que ellos te informen,
Don't let them inform you,
Todos sus informes son conforme a su puro orden uniforme.
All their reports are according to their own pure, uniform order.
Las caras del imperio está en variadas gamas,
The faces of the empire come in varied ranges,
Se aclara su cara, osea la cara de Obama,
Their face lightens, that is to say Obama's face,
Su programa aclama a mandar a escala planetaria,
His program proclaims to rule on a planetary scale,
Con granadas y balas que infaman la vida humana.
With grenades and bullets that disgrace human life.
Bomba sobre Iran, Bomba en Afganistan
Bomb Iran, bomb Afghanistan
Bomba pa' a quien se interponga con Tio Sam,
Bomb whoever gets in the way with Uncle Sam,
Imperialismo y Monopolio, la guerra contra el terrorismo es la escusa pa sacar petroleo.
Imperialism and Monopoly, the war against terrorism is an excuse to extract oil.
Bomba con mas ganancia, Bomba en Franja de Gaza
Bomb more profit, bomb in the Gaza Strip
Pa' quien toca su torta y su democracia,
For anyone who touches their cake and their democracy,
Que no es mas que tirania de magnates,
Which is only the tyranny of magnates,
Y eso se ve en la calle, no es profecia de Salfate.
And that can be seen in the streets, it's not Salfate's prophecy.

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