Horkýže slíže - Hazard - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Horkýže slíže - Hazard

Pozri sa na ňho.
Take a look at him.
Chrapúň silné karty a tvári sa, že nemá nič.
The rascal has strong cards and pretends to have nothing.
A ešte sa tvári, že to nevie hrať.
And he still pretends that he doesn't know how to play.
Henten zase navyšuje a hovno.
That one over there is raising and he has crap.
Vždy, keď hovno tak prižmuruje.
Every time he has crap he squints.
Myslím, že si myslí, že si myslím, že nemá nič.
I think he thinks that I think that he has nothing.
Ale prečo potom prižmuruje, pandrava?
But why is he squinting then, the rascal?
Je to jasné, nemá nič.
It's clear, he has nothing.
A ty čo?
And you?
Čo tu sedíš jak múmia?
What are you doing sitting there like a mummy?
Čo hráš Kamennú tvár?
Why are you playing poker face?
Však sprav voľačo, nech viem, lebo takto neviem.
Do something, so I know, because this way I don't know.
Našťastie ty nevieš, že ja neviem, takže budem sa tváriť, že viem, aby si nevedel, že neviem...
Luckily you don't know that I don't know, so I'll pretend that I know, so you won't know that I don't know...
You son of a gun
Máš dva páry a tri dámy, super karty, wow!
You have two pairs and three ladies, great cards, wow!
Máš ich písané v svojej bubline nad hlavou Scrabble môže handry fajčiť aj monopoly.
You have them written in your bubble above your head. Scrabble can suck it, and so can Monopoly.
Hráme pokiaľ nezostane nám...
We're playing until there's nothing left...
Au kokos to bolí!
Ouch, that hurts!
Veríš, že raz zbohatneš a rozjasníš sa tvár.
You believe that one day you'll get rich and your face will light up.
Predstierame Royal flash a máme jeden pár.
We pretend to have a Royal Flush, but we have one pair.
Iba chorý ako my, len ten nám rozumie.
Only one as sick as us can understand us.
Taká býva pravda, také býva resumé.
That's how the truth is, that's how the summary is.
Tak ako máš sa, ináč?
How are you, by the way?
Za menom máš zavináč.
You have an at sign behind your name.
Ale veď hádam si náš Ale veď hádam si náš Tak ako máš sa, ináč?
But surely you're ours But surely you're ours How are you, by the way?
Za menom máš zavináč.
You have an at sign behind your name.
Ale veď hádam si náš Ale veď hádam si náš hazardný hráč.
But surely you're ours But surely you're ours a gambling man.
Tak poďme hore stávky a srať na pohľadávky!
So let's go up in stakes and forget about the debts!
Poď s kožou na trh, aj keď ti to gule natrhne.
Come on, put your money where your mouth is, even if it rips your nuts off.
Tak poďme hore stávky a ser na chyby lávky!
So let's go up in stakes and screw the mistakes!
Daj dvesto navrch, aj tak celý život na dlh je.
Put two hundred on top, because your whole life is already in debt anyway.
Silní radia slabým a berú to na ex.
The strong give advice to the weak, and they take it in one gulp.
Fullhouse ešte neznamená bude grupensex.
A Fullhouse doesn't mean there's going to be a group sex.
Nevie prvý, to čo druhý si o ňom myslí.
The first doesn't know what the second thinks of him.
Napíše to do scrabble a on to hneď zistí.
He writes it in Scrabble and he finds out right away.
Zober loptu, drogy máme, alko nápoje.
Take the ball, we have drugs, alcoholic beverages.
Si schopný prehrať barák, mamku, tato takto je.
You're capable of losing your house, your mother, your father, that's how it is.
Neplač, keď to nevynáša.
Don't cry when it doesn't pay off.
Je to iba cash.
It's just cash.
Himalájsky šerpa ti vynesie čo len chceš.
The Himalayan Sherpa will bring you whatever you want.
Tak ako máš sa, ináč?
How are you, by the way?
Za menom máš zavináč.
You have an at sign behind your name.
Ale veď hádam si náš Ale veď hádam si náš Tak ako?
But surely you're ours But surely you're ours How are you?
Máš sa?
How are you?
Díky, celkom crazy...
Thanks, pretty crazy...
Trénujem pokrfejsy, Prehľadné, jak duch Patricka Swayziho vo filme.
I'm practicing poker faces, Clear as Patrick Swayze's ghost in the movie.

Writer(s): Juraj štefánik, Marek Viršík, Mário Sabo, Peter Hrivnak

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