Horkýže slíže - Kruh - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Horkýže slíže - Kruh

Tridsať homosexuálov uzavrelo kruh,
Thirty homosexuals have formed a circle,
ďalší stojí za dverami, búcha do nich,
Another one stands outside the door, knocking on it,
Buch buch buch.
Knock knock knock.
Lenže nik ho medzi seba pustiť neráči,
But nobody lets him in,
Keďže ide sprava, dáva prednosť tým, čo na kruháči.
Because he's coming from the right, he gives way to those on the roundabout.
Našťastie bol medzi nimi jeden z polišov,
Luckily, there was a cop among them,
Ten ho pustil pred seba, no veľkolepá šou,
He let him in front of him, but a spectacular show,
šou šou šou.
show show show.
V najlepšom zazvoní mobil - manželské faux pas.
At its best, the mobile phone rings - marital faux pas.
Áno drahá, prídem neskôr, strašná zápcha, nestíham to, pá.
Yes, honey, I'll be late, terrible traffic, I can't make it, bye.
Príde archa, príde Noe,
The ark is coming, Noah is coming,
Nehorázne čo toto je,
This is outrageous,
Verejný dom na stračej nohe.
A brothel on stilts.
Príde archa, príde Noe,
The ark is coming, Noah is coming,
Nehorázne čo toto je,
This is outrageous,
Verejný dom na stračej nohe.
A brothel on stilts.
Odpájam sa chlapci moji, stará huláka,
I'm signing off, my boys, the old lady is yelling,
Chcela hodiť kozmetičke, to viete ženy, ha ha ha ha,
She wanted to throw a beautician, you know women, ha ha ha ha,
že či neviem, kde bývam, na ktorej adrese.
Don't I know where I live, at what address?
Pri dverách sa otriasol a odpadli mu traja v závese.
He shook himself at the door and three fell off in tow.
Príde archa, príde Noe,
The ark is coming, Noah is coming,
Nehorázne čo toto je,
This is outrageous,
Verejný dom na stračej nohe.
A brothel on stilts.
Príde archa, príde Noe,
The ark is coming, Noah is coming,
Nehorázne čo toto je,
This is outrageous,
Verejný dom na stračej nohe.
A brothel on stilts.
Dievčatá, čo dobrého Vám môžem urobiť?
Girls, what good can I do for you?
Ivanovi chrbtom, lesu čelom.
Ivan with his back, facing the forest.
Ivanovi chrbtom, lesu čelom.
Ivan with his back, facing the forest.
A teba dedo starý za čo mám ťahať?
And you, old man, what should I pull you for?
A teba dedo starý za čo mám ťahať?
And you, old man, what should I pull you for?
Našli moji rádcové, našli? našli?
My advisers have found, have they found? have they found?
Našli moji rádcové, našli? našli?
My advisers have found, have they found? have they found?
Príde archa, príde Noe,
The ark is coming, Noah is coming,
Nehorázne čo toto je,
This is outrageous,
Verejný dom na stračej nohe.
A brothel on stilts.
Príde archa, príde Noe,
The ark is coming, Noah is coming,
Nehorázne čo toto je,
This is outrageous,
Verejný dom na stračej nohe.
A brothel on stilts.
Príde archa, príde Noe,
The ark is coming, Noah is coming,
Nehorázne čo toto je,
This is outrageous,
Verejný dom na stračej nohe.
A brothel on stilts.
Príde archa, príde Noe,
The ark is coming, Noah is coming,
Nehorázne čo toto je,
This is outrageous,
Verejný dom na stračej nohe.
A brothel on stilts.

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