Horus - El Optimista - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Horus - El Optimista

El Optimista
The Optimist
Que cosas tan tristes que tiene la vida
Life has its share of sorrows, it's true,
La plata no alcanza ni pa' la comida
Money's so tight, not enough for food.
Con la situación que estamos viviendo
With the situation we're all going through,
Ya mas de un fulano se esta enloqueciendo.
More than one guy's losing his mind, boo hoo.
Me fui de travesti a buscar empleo
I went out in drag, looking for a job,
Y me rechazaron por que soy muy feo
They turned me away, said I was too much of a slob.
Ya cumplí tres años buscando trabajo
Three years I've been searching, high and low,
Me mandan pa' arriba y de arriba pa' bajo
Sent up and down, where to go, I don't know.
Yo estaré dispuesto a cualquier oficio
I'm open to any work, that's for sure,
Cuidando pirañas, lavando edificios
From watching piranhas to scrubbing the floor.
Matando zancudos, persiguiendo ratas
Killing mosquitoes, chasing after rats,
O desactivando minas quiebrapatas
Or defusing landmines that blow off your hats.
Yo pego botones y cambio bombillas
I can sew on buttons and change lightbulbs too,
Cuido pensionados y hago mascarillas
Take care of pensioners, give facials to you.
Le tiro las cartas le leo el tabaco
I'll read your cards, or your tobacco leaves,
Le tiño el cabello, le afeito el sobacooo
Dye your hair, shave your armpits, if you please.
Si quiere le sirvo de gato pa'l coche
If you need, I'll be your car jack, steady and strong,
Sino tiene perro le ladro de noche
And if you don't have a dog, I'll bark all night long.
Persigo ladrones y cargo ataudes
I chase after thieves and carry the dead,
Le traigo razones y llevo saludes
Bring you reasons and messages instead.
Le busco un perdido, le celo a la esposa
I'll find your lost items, keep your wife in check,
Y si esta aburrido le consigo moza
And if you're bored, I'll find you a chick, by heck.
Lavo calzoncillos, aplico inyecciones
I wash underwear, give injections with skill,
Le cuido los niños y pongo condones
Look after your kids, and condoms I fill.
Consigo entrevistas, invento disculpas
I get you interviews, make excuses so sweet,
Yo le hago la fila, le pago la multa
I'll stand in line for you, pay your fines, complete.
Falsifico firmas, le cambio las huellas
I forge signatures, change fingerprints with ease,
Y soy un experto inflando botellas
And I'm an expert at inflating, if you please.
Yo hago exorcismo, le espanto al demonio
I perform exorcisms, scare the demons away,
Y le ensaño novias para el matrimonio
And find you brides for your wedding day.
Yo le cargo el niño, le arreglo el tetero
I'll carry your baby, prepare their bottle with care,
Le saco los gases, le limpio el reguero
Burp them gently, clean up messes everywhere.
Le cambio pañales cuando huela a feo
I'll change their diapers when they start to smell,
Despues de bañarlo, yo se lo asoleo
After bath time, I'll dry them off well.
Cuando este muy triste, yo le calmo el llanto
When they're feeling sad, I'll soothe their cries,
Y si usted no puede yo se lo amamanto
And if you can't, I'll even breastfeed, no lies.
Sirvo de testigo en cualquier asunto
I'll be a witness in any kind of case,
Sino tiene pruebas consigo el difunto
And if you lack evidence, I'll bring the deceased.
Hago de payaso, de contiorcionista
I'll be a clown, a contortionist with flair,
Domador de tigres o balabarista
A tiger tamer or a juggler in the air.
Soy todo un experto en asuntos de amor
I'm an expert in matters of the heart,
Sino se le para, yo le hago el favor
If you can't get it up, I'll play my part.
Si a usted por desgracia le faltan las manos
If by misfortune, you're missing your hands,
Yo podre servirle como fiel hermano
I can serve you as your loyal brother, understand?
Cuando necesite hacer uso del baño
When you need to use the bathroom, don't you fret,
No se preocupe que yo lo acompaño
I'll be there with you, no need to sweat.
Si llego el momento de hacerlo y no pudo
If the moment comes and you can't do the deed,
Pues yo se lo saco y se lo sacudo
I'll take it out and shake it, plant the seed.
Amaestro pulgas, micos y elefantes
I train fleas, monkeys, and elephants too,
Entreno tortugas, preparo purgantes
Turtles I coach, and prepare laxatives for you.
Le tengo el remedio para la diarrea
I have the remedy for diarrhea's woes,
Con tal que me paguen yo hago lo que sea
As long as you pay me, anything goes.
Me le tiro a un carro, me le pongo a un tren
I'll throw myself in front of a car, a train,
Me lanzo empelota del empire state
Jump naked from the Empire State, it's insane.
Me ofrezco de sapo pa' un experimento
I'll be a guinea pig for experiments bold,
Me encierro en la jaula de un león hambriento
Lock myself in a cage with a lion, hungry and cold.
Me voy pa' Israel como palestino
I'll go to Israel, as a Palestinian, you see,
Por necesidad vendo mi intestino
Out of desperation, I'll sell my intestines, believe me.
Y aunque los gringos conmigo se enfaden
And even if the Americans get mad, it's true,
Me iria a cuidar a osama bin laden
I'd go and take care of Osama Bin Laden, boo hoo.
Me lanzo amarra'o desde un avión
I'll jump tied up from a plane, what a sight,
Me agarro a mordizcos con un tiburón
Get in a biting match with a shark, with all my might.
Por plata he dormido dentro de una caba
For money, I've slept in a tomb, dark and deep,
He montado en globo, lo que me faltaba
Ridden in a balloon, the only thing left to leap.
Mostrando mi hoja de vida de ambulo
I walk around with my resume, it's plain to see,
Tan solo me falta ponermela al cu... y falta poquito.
The only thing left is to stick it up my... and it's getting close, honey.

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