Wieviel
leben
auf
dera
welt
ganz
ohne
geld
ganz
ohne
geld
und
wieviel
haben
so
viel
dass
gar
nit
wissen
wohin
wie
oft
muaß
die
sun
aufgehn
bis
ma
verstehn
bis
ma
verstehn
oder
muaß
erst
untergehn
wann
i
ma
die
welt
anschau
dann
siag
i
dann
siag
i
soviel
was
ma
gar
nit
taugt
an
jeden
tag
aber
wann
i
in
mir
a
so
a
liadl
gspür
des
daherkommt
wie
da
regen
im
summer
ja
dann
geh
i
auf
wie
a
blüah
und
vergiss
alls
was
is
um
mi
solang
i
sing
solang
i
spiel
solang
hab
i
des
gfühl
jodleiouri-huidiridi
dieiouri-huidieirihoudueiri
aumam
we
can
make
a
change
in
pieces
by
pieces
aumam
we
can
make
it
one
by
one
piece
by
piece
gemma
gemma
gemma
gemma
gemma
gemma
gemma
gemma
gemma
gemma
gemma
nach
afrika
aumam
we
can
make
a
change
...
How
many
people
live
in
the
world
without
money,
without
money
at
all,
and
how
many
have
so
much
that
even
they
don't
know
what
to
do
with
it?
How
many
times
must
the
sun
rise
until
we
understand,
until
we
understand,
or
must
it
first
set?
When
look
at
the
world,
see,
see
so
much
that
we
don't
need
at
all
every
day,
but
when
feel
a
song
like
this
inside
me,
that
comes
like
the
rain
in
summer,
then
bloom
like
a
flower
and
forget
everything
that's
around
me,
as
long
as
sing,
as
long
as
play,
as
long
as
have
this
feeling,
jodleiouri-huidiridi,
dieiouri-huidieirihoudueiri.
Au-a,
we
can
make
a
change
bit
by
bit,
au-a,
we
can
make
it
one
by
one,
bit
by
bit.
Let's
go,
let's
go,
let's
go,
let's
go,
let's
go,
let's
go,
let's
go,
let's
go,
let's
go,
let's
go,
let's
go
to
Africa.
Au-a,
we
can
make
a
change...