Hugues Aufray - Le Petit Ane Gris - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Hugues Aufray - Le Petit Ane Gris

Le Petit Ane Gris
The Little Grey Donkey
Écoutez cette histoire
Listen to this story, my dear,
Que l'on m'a racontée
That someone told to me.
Du fond de ma mémoire
From the depths of my memory,
Je vais vous la chanter
I'm going to sing it to thee.
Elle se passe en Provence
It takes place in Provence, love,
Au milieu des moutons
Amidst the woolly sheep.
Dans le sud de la France
In the south of France, my dove,
Au pays des santons
Where the santons softly sleep.
Dans le sud de la France
In the south of France, my sweet,
Au pays des santons
Where the santons softly sleep.
Quand il vint au domaine
When he came to the domain, dear,
Y avait un beau troupeau
There was a handsome flock to see.
Les étables étaient pleines
The stables were completely full, my dear,
De brebis et d'agneaux
Of ewes and lambs, happy and free.
Marchant toujours en tête
Always walking at the head, my love,
Aux premières lueurs
At the very first light of day.
Pour tirer sa charrette
To pull his cart, my little dove,
Il mettait tout son cœur
He put his whole heart in the fray.
Pour tirer sa charrette
To pull his cart, my sweet,
Il mettait tout son cœur
He put his whole heart in the fray.
Au temps des transhumances
In the time of transhumance, dear,
Il s'en allait heureux
He went away so happy and bright.
Remontant la Durance
Going up the Durance, my dear,
Honnête et courageux
Honest and courageous, a noble knight.
Mais un jour, de Marseille
But one day, from Marseille, my love,
Des messieurs sont venus
Some gentlemen came to call.
La ferme était bien vieille
The farm was very old, my dove,
Alors on l'a vendue
So they sold it, lock, stock, and all.
La ferme était bien vieille
The farm was very old, my sweet,
Alors on l'a vendue
So they sold it, lock, stock, and all.
Il resta au village
He stayed in the village, dear,
Tout le monde l'aimait bien
Everyone loved him, it's true.
Vaillant, malgré son âge
Valiant, despite his age, my dear,
Et malgré son chagrin
And despite his sorrow, too.
Image d'évangile
Image of the gospel, my love,
Vivant d'humilité
Living in humility.
Il se rendait utile
He made himself useful, my dove,
Auprés du cantonnier
Helping the roadmender, you see.
Il se rendait utile
He made himself useful, my sweet,
Auprés du cantonnier
Helping the roadmender, you see.
Cette vie honorable
This honorable life, dear,
Un soir, s'est terminée
One evening, came to an end.
Dans le fond d'une étable
In the back of a stable, my dear,
Tout seul il s'est couché
All alone, he lay down to mend.
Pauvre bête de somme
Poor beast of burden, my love,
Il a fermé les yeux
He closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.
Abandonné des hommes
Abandoned by men, my dove,
Il est mort sans adieux
He died without a goodbye to weep.
Abandonné des hommes
Abandoned by men, my sweet,
Il est mort sans adieux
He died without a goodbye to weep.
Cette chanson sans gloire
This song without glory, dear,
Vous racontait la vie
Told you the life, so bittersweet.
Vous racontait l'histoire
Told you the story, my dear,
D'un petit âne gris
Of a little grey donkey, small and neat.

Writer(s): Vline Buggy, Hugues Aufray

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