I Cavalieri Del Re - Chappy - traduction des paroles en anglais

Chappy - I Cavalieri Del Retraduction en anglais

Piccola Chappy, piccola Chappy
Little Chappy, little Chappy
Da Magilandia quinta dimensione blu
From Magicland, the fifth blue dimension
Con tocco di magia è giunta fin quaggiu'
With a touch of magic, she came all the way down here
La maga Chappy, Chappy quando fa
The magician Chappy, Chappy when she does
Piccola Chappy, Chappy ha grande fantasia
Little Chappy, Chappy has a great imagination
La vita sulla Terra non la stanca mai
Life on Earth never tires her
Lei si diverte un mondo con gli amici suoi
She has a blast with her friends
La maga Chappy, Chappy quando fa magie
The magician Chappy, Chappy when she does magic
Piccola Chappy, Chappy ha grande fantasia
Little Chappy, Chappy has a great imagination
Ma in una notte fredda e scura scende una bufera non si canta piu'
But on a cold and dark night, a storm descends, no more singing
Nel bosco c'e' una strega nera che fa gran paura, Chappy aiuta tu
In the woods, there's a black witch who's very scary, Chappy, help us
La strega è solo fantasia, con magolamagamagia...
The witch is just imagination, with magolamagamagia...
La sua bacchetta magica non sbaglia mai
Her magic wand never fails
Con grande abilita' lei scaccia tutti i guai
With great skill, she chases away all troubles
La maga Chappy, Chappy quando fa magia
The magician Chappy, Chappy when she does magic
Piccola Chappy, Chappy ha grande fantasia
Little Chappy, Chappy has a great imagination
Lei gioca con gli amici salta, corre, canta
She plays with her friends, jumps, runs, sings
Regina di magia rossa, nera, bianca
Queen of red, black, and white magic
Forza Chappy, Chappy quando fa magia
Go Chappy, Chappy when she does magic
Piccola Chappy, Chappy ha grande fantasia
Little Chappy, Chappy has a great imagination
Ma in una sera al chiar di luna va sulla collina, c'e' mamma' e papa'
But on an evening under the moonlight, she goes to the hill, there's mommy and daddy
Son scesi dal lontano mondo per sapere in fondo, come Chappy sta
They came down from the distant world to find out deep down, how Chappy is doing
Conoscere con fantasia
To know with imagination
Un mondo senza la magia
A world without magic
Con tutta la famiglia gira la citta'
With the whole family, she tours the city
La vita sulla Terra piace anche a papa'
Life on Earth also pleases dad
La brava Chappy, Chappy quando fa magia
The good Chappy, Chappy when she does magic
Non fa capricci, Chappy ha grande fantasia
She doesn't throw tantrums, Chappy has a great imagination
La sua bacchetta magica non sbaglia mai
Her magic wand never fails
Con grande abilita' risolve tutti i guai
With great skill, she solves all problems
La maga Chappy, Chappy quando fa magia
The magician Chappy, Chappy when she does magic
Non fa pasticci, Chappy ha grande fantasia
She doesn't make a mess, Chappy has a great imagination
Piccola Chappy, Chappy piena di poesia
Little Chappy, Chappy full of poetry
La maga Chappy, Chappy quando fa magia
The magician Chappy, Chappy when she does magic
Non fa pasticci, Chappy ha grande fantasia
She doesn't make a mess, Chappy has a great imagination
Lei gioca con gli amici salta, corre e canta
She plays with her friends, jumps, runs and sings
Regina di magia rossa, nera, bianca
Queen of red, black, and white magic
Forza Chappy, Chappy quando fa magia
Go Chappy, Chappy when she does magic
Piccola Chappy, Chappy ha grande fantasia
Little Chappy, Chappy has a great imagination
La maga Chappy, Chappy quando fa magia
The magician Chappy, Chappy when she does magic
Non fa pasticci, Chappy ha grande fantasia
She doesn't make a mess, Chappy has a great imagination
La maga Chappy, Chappy quando fa magia
The magician Chappy, Chappy when she does magic
Non fa capricci, Chappy ha grande fantasia
She doesn't throw tantrums, Chappy has a great imagination
Ciao ciao Chappy, Chappy quando fa magia
Bye bye Chappy, Chappy when she does magic
Ciao ciao Chappy, Chappy ha grande fantasia
Bye bye Chappy, Chappy has a great imagination
Ciao ciao Chappy, Chappy quando fa magia
Bye bye Chappy, Chappy when she does magic
Ciao ciao Chappy, Chappy ha grande fantasia
Bye bye Chappy, Chappy has a great imagination
Ciao ciao Chappy, Chappy quando fa magia
Bye bye Chappy, Chappy when she does magic
Ciao ciao Chappy, Chappy ha grande fantasia...
Bye bye Chappy, Chappy has a great imagination...

Writer(s): Riccardo Zara

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