I Muvrini - U pastore di Ghisoni - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais I Muvrini - U pastore di Ghisoni

U pastore di Ghisoni
The Shepherd of Ghisoni
Per rompe a santa pace
To break the holy peace
Di a notte di Natale,
Of Christmas Eve night,
Dicembre avia sceltu
December had chosen
À prima ora vesperale
At the first hour of evening
Di move à l'ispensata
To unleash unexpectedly
Un funestu timpurale.
A deadly storm.
Fraiu di tanu è timpesta
Brother of thunder and tempest
Ne sufria la cuntrata
The countryside suffered
Nu la piana à Cumineddu
Not on the plain at Cumineddu
Da la neve accampata
From the snow encamped
C' era una banda di capre
There was a band of goats
A la morte cundannata
Condemned to death
A spicciera u pastore
The shepherd set out quickly
Corse ver di l'alta serra
Ran towards the high hills
Da le borghe risunava
From the village resounded
U rughju di a fiumara
The roar of the river
Quandu chjama lu destinu
When destiny calls
Ùn c'hè forza chi u para.
There is no force that can stop it.
U duvere per la manu
The duty in his hand
U s'hà presu, l'hà purtatu
He took it, he carried it
Fin'à la so bandarella,
Right to his flock
Mezu à ella cascatu
He fell amidst them
Prima di francà la verga
Before reaching the gate
A u puntu signalatu.
At the appointed time.
U pastore si murria
The shepherd died
À l'eternu si n'andava
He went to eternity
A banda di e so capre
His flock of goats
In chjerchju lu ricaldava
Warmed him in a circle
Nu la notte negra è bianca
In the black and white night
A parca s'incaminava
The fates were approaching
Mezu à le so caprarelle
Amongst his flock of she-goats
Si n 'hè mortu un gran pastore
There died a great shepherd
S'hè spentu quandu nascia
He died as the Child
U Bambinu redentore
The Redeemer was born
Ci aghju vistu cum'un cennu
I saw it as a sign
D'una manu superiore.
From a higher hand.
Ci aghju vistu cum'un cennu
I saw it as a sign
D'una manu superiore.
From a higher hand.
Pour briser la quiétude /
To break the quietude /
De la nuit de Noël /
Of the Christmas night /
Décembre avait choisi /
December had chosen /
A l'heure vespérale
In the evening hour
De déchaîner soudain /
Of setting loose suddenly /
Ses funestes tempêtes
His fatal storm
Le fracas du tonnerre /
The crash of thunder /
Et les vents emportés /
And the winds carried /
Faisaient trembler la terre
Made the earth tremble
Là-haut sur le plateau /
Up there on the plateau /
Harcelé par la neige /
Harassed by the snow /
Un troupeau condamné /
A flock condemned /
Attendait son destin
Waited for its fate
Et la vallée roulait /
And the valley rolled /
Des eaux tumultueuses /
Of tumultuous waters /
Mais le berger soucieux /
But the caring shepherd /
A entendu la voix
Has heard the voice
Et se hâte déjà /
And is already hurried /
Vers le fatal appel
Towards the call of destiny
Le devoir le mène /
The duty leads him /
Jusqu'au troupeau perdu /
Until the lost flock /
C'est qu'il est tombé /
It is there that he fell /
Des éléments victime
Victim to the elements
Alors qu'il était près /
While he was near /
De toucher à son but
To reach his goal
L'homme agonisant /
The agonizing man /
Allant vers l'Eternel /
Going to the Eternal /
Et son troupeau serré /
And his close flock /
En cercle lui faisait
Made him a
Un giron de chaleur /
Lap of warmth /
Pendant qu'à la nuit noire /
While during the dark night /
La Parque cheminait
The Fate walked
Au milieu de ses bêtes
In the midst of his beasts
/ Est mort ce grand pasteur /
/ Died this great shepherd /
À ce moment précis /
At this precise moment /
naît l'enfant Jésus
When the Child Jesus is born
Et j'y vois comme un signe /
And I see it as a sign /
Du plus haut descendu
Of the highest descended
Et j'y vois comme un signe /
And I see it as a sign /
Du plus haut descendu
Of the highest descended

Writer(s): B. Dolovici, Gf Bernardini

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