Iris - Baby - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Iris - Baby

Cat am fost de singur, tu nu ai stiut
You never knew how lonely I've been
Ti-ai ferit mereu privirea, de la inceput
You always averted your gaze, right from the start
Anii trec, si viata merge iar
Years pass, and life goes on again
Te caut zi si noapte, te caut, dar stiu ca e-n zadar
I search for you day and night, I search, but I know it's in vain
Baby stiu acum ca mergi sa intalnesti
Baby, I know now that you're going to meet
Un strain ce te va duce, la casa din povesti
A stranger who will take you to the house from the fairy tales
Ce noroc, ce mare nenoroc
What luck, what great misfortune
Ca timpul stinge totul, dar focul naste foc
That time extinguishes everything, but fire begets fire
Mai da-i o zi din viata ta, acelui om care-ti spunea
Give one more day of your life to that man who told you
Baby, baby, baby, tu vei fi a mea
Baby, baby, baby, you will be mine
Baby, baby, baby, tu vei fi a mea
Baby, baby, baby, you will be mine
Tu esti unica iubire, unica iubire
You are the only love, the only love
Umbra noastra se asterne in trecut
Our shadow stretches into the past
Nimeni nu era ca noi
No one was like us
Cand ne-am cunoscut
When we first met
Ne vom pleca pe ploi si prin apus
We will wander through rains and sunsets
Ca totul este bine, iar noi vom fi doar fum
Because everything is fine, and we will be just smoke
Mai da o zi din viata ta
Give one more day of your life
Acelui om care-ti spunea
To that man who told you
E toamna-n viata mea, totul este scrum
It's autumn in my life, everything is ashes
Stiam ca vei pleca dar lasa-ma sa-ti spun
I knew you would leave but let me tell you
Tu vei fi a mea...
You will be mine...

Writer(s): minculescu cristian

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