ITO KANAKO - FM-KCZ - traduction des paroles en anglais

FM-KCZ - ITO KANAKOtraduction en anglais

何よりも何よりも 幼い記憶の彼方で
First and foremost, I think of that childhood memory
大きな背中に顔うずめて 優しく守られてた
Snuggling my face into your wide back, being gently protected
誰よりも誰よりも 大切なその存在は
More than anyone, that precious existence
愛と呼べる沢山の瞬間 眩しく輝いてる
Is love, and countless moments shine brightly
不意に時は残酷で 全てを奪い去った
Suddenly, time was cruel and took everything away
The tuning isn't right anymore...
聞こえないあの声 果たされぬ約束
I can't hear that voice, that unfulfilled promise
Now, my thoughts are dancing in the air──
さよならは言わない 開かれた可能性
I won't say goodbye; A possibility opened up
僕らは永遠 耳を澄ますよ
We'll listen forever
置き去りの時間は 埋められやしないけど
The time we lost won't be replaced
未来の どこかで会えるかな?
Will we meet again somewhere in the future?
空高く 飛び越えた場所
High in the sky, we soared
This world is full of lies
But I still want to believe
何よりも何よりも 悲しい事があった夜
First and foremost, that sad night
黙ったまま頭を抱き寄せ 涙をぬぐってくれた
You silently held my head in your hands, wiping away my tears
誰よりも誰よりも 憧れてた僕のヒーロー
More than anyone, my admired hero
どんな夜も特別な笑顔で 強くさせてくれたね
Every night, with a special smile, you made me strong
急に途切れた想い出 受け止める覚悟もなく
Memories abruptly ended; I wasn't ready to accept it
The tuning isn't right anymore...
伝えたい言葉も まとめきれないまま
The words I want to say are still jumbled up
雑踏の中に 消えてく──
Now, in the crowd, I disappear──
近くて遠い場所 残されたラジオなら
Near yet far, if we still have the radio
ノイズの隙間に 奇跡を起こす
Miracles can happen amidst the static
かけがえのない日々 指先をすり抜ける
Irreplaceable days slip through our fingers
真っ直ぐ 一途な眼差しで
Directly, with unwavering eyes
あなたを 見つめていた
I watched you
This world is full of lies
But I still want to believe
境界の向こうへ 吹き抜ける風がいま
Across the boundary, the wind is now blowing through
僕らの言葉を 運んでくれる
Carrying our words
心に刻まれた 美しき物語
A beautiful story etched in my heart
無数の場面が 広がって
Countless scenes unfold
鮮やかに 浮かび上がるよ
Emerging vividly
さよならは言わない 開かれた可能性
I won't say goodbye; A possibility opened up
僕らは永遠 耳を澄ますよ
We'll listen forever
置き去りの時間は 埋められやしないけど
The time we lost won't be replaced
未来の どこかで会えるかな?
Will we meet again somewhere in the future?
空高く 飛び越えた場所
High in the sky, we soared
This world is full of lies
But I still want to believe

Writer(s): Chiyomaru Shikura

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