IU - 안경 Glasses - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais IU - 안경 Glasses

안경 Glasses
웃고 있는 표정 너머에
Behind that smiling expression of yours,
진심까지 꿰뚫어 없어요
I can't see through to your true feelings.
그저 따라서 웃으면 그만
I'll just smile along, that's all.
누군가 힌트를 적어 놨어도
Even if someone wrote down a hint,
너무 작아서 읽을 수가 없어요
It's too small, I can't read it.
차근차근히 푸는 수밖에
There's no choice but to solve it step by step.
그렇다 해도 안경을 쓰지는 않으려고요
Even so, I'm not going to wear glasses.
하루 온종일 눈을 뜨면
If I open my eyes all day long,
당장 보이는 것만
I'm busy enough just seeing
보고 살기도 바쁜데
what's right in front of me.
나는 지금도 충분히 피곤해
I'm tired enough as it is.
까만 속마음까지 보고 싶지 않아
I don't want to see your dark inner thoughts.
나는 그래도 충분히 피곤해
I'm tired enough as it is.
작은 글씨까지 읽고 싶지 않아
I don't want to read even smaller letters.
공들여 감춰놓은 약점을
The weaknesses you've carefully hidden,
짓궂게 찾아내고 싶진 않아요
I don't want to mischievously seek them out.
그저 적당히 속으면 그만
I'll just be deceived moderately, that's all.
무지개 뒤편엔 뭐가 있는지
What's behind the rainbow,
너무 멀어서 보이지가 않아요
It's too far away, I can't see it.
대단한 상상할 수밖에
I can only imagine something amazing.
그렇다 해도 안경을 쓰지는 않으려고요
Even so, I'm not going to wear glasses.
속고 속이고 그러다 믿고
Deceiving and being deceived, and then believing again,
상상을 하고 실망하기도 바쁜데
Imagining and being disappointed, I'm busy enough.
나는 지금도 충분히 피곤해
I'm tired enough as it is.
누구의 흠까지 궁금하지 않아
I'm not curious about anyone's flaws.
나는 지금도 충분히 피곤해
I'm tired enough as it is.
멀리까지 보고 싶지 않아
I don't want to see even further.
나는 지금도 충분히 피곤해
I'm tired enough as it is.
무거운 안경까지 쓰지 않을 거야
I won't wear heavy glasses.
나는 그래도 충분히 피곤해
I'm tired enough as it is.
각진 안경까지 쓰지 않을 거야
I won't wear even more angular glasses.

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