IZ*ONE - Slow Journey - traduction des paroles en anglais

Slow Journey - IZ*ONEtraduction en anglais

Slow Journey
Slow Journey
Slowly slowly hoo hoo
Slowly slowly hoo hoo
우리 처음 만난 그날 낯선 오후에
On that strange afternoon we first met,
너와 함께 우리가 되기 시작한 거야
You and I together began to become us.
같이 발걸음이 가벼웠을
When together my dignified stride was light,
마치 여행을 떠나기 전에 설렘이었어
It was like the excitement before embarking on a journey.
길을 걷다 보면 어둠이 수도
As you walk along the path, darkness may come,
시간에 쫓길 수도 있어요
You might be chased by time.
그렇지만 우리 소중한 순간을
But let's feel this precious moment,
아주 천천히 느껴봐요
Very slowly.
느린 여행
Slow Journey,
너와 함께 떠난 여행처럼
Like this journey I embarked on with you.
아주 천천히 하나하나
Very slowly, one by one,
눈에 담고 싶어요
I want to hold it all in my eyes.
느리게 흘러가는 시간에 hoo
In the slow-flowing time hoo
살며시 기댄채로
Leaning in quietly,
마주 손잡고 걸어봐요 아주 천천히
Let's walk hand in hand very slowly.
Slowly slowly 느린 만큼 많이 간직할게
Slowly slowly I'll cherish the more as it slows.
Slowly slowly hoo hoo
Slowly slowly hoo hoo
구름이 느리게 흘러 가는 같지만
The clouds seem to drift slowly,
무엇보다 빠른 우리의 시간처럼
But nothing is faster than our time.
때론 걷다 보면 작은 익숙함에
Sometimes as we walk, a small sense of familiarity
소중함을 잊을 있어요
Can make us forget its preciousness.
그렇지만 우리 마주한 순간을
But let's feel this moment we face,
아주 천천히 느껴봐요
Very slowly.
느린 여행
Slow Journey,
너와 함께 떠난 여행처럼
Like this journey I embarked on with you.
아주 천천히 하나하나
Very slowly, one by one,
눈에 담고 싶어요
I want to hold it all in my eyes.
느리게 흘러가는 시간에 hoo
In the slow-flowing time hoo
살며시 기댄채로
Leaning in quietly,
마주 손잡고 걸어봐요 아주 천천히
Let's walk hand in hand very slowly.
한발 두발 발을 내디뎌
Take one step, two steps,
그래 급할 필요 없어
Really, there's no need to rush.
너와 함께라면 뭐든지 okay
With you and I together, anything is okay.
같이 떠나 볼래?
Will you leave with me?
차가운 비가 내린다고 해도
Even if cold rain falls,
함께라면 웃을 있어요
Together we can laugh.
한걸음 그래 걸음씩
One step, then two steps,
선명한 발자국처럼 영원한 기억이길
May it be an eternal memory like a vivid footprint.
창가에 맺힌 시간에 조급할 필요 없잖아
There's no need to be impatient with the time condensed on the window,
크게 숨을 쉬어 아주 천천히
Take a deep breath very slowly, more.
느린 여행
Slow Journey,
너와 함께 떠난 여행처럼
Like this journey I embarked on with you.
아주 천천히 하나하나
Very slowly, one by one,
눈에 담고 싶어요
I want to hold it all in my eyes.
느리게 흘러가는 시간에 hoo
In the slow-flowing time hoo
살며시 기댄채로
Leaning in quietly,
마주 손잡고 걸어봐요 아주 천천히
Let's walk hand in hand very slowly.
Slowly slowly 느린 만큼 많이 간직할게
Slowly slowly I'll cherish the more as it slows.
Slowly slowly
Slowly slowly

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