IZ4648 - 必然性 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction IZ4648 - 必然性

道端に咲いてる花を ⾒ていて思った
As I gazed upon the flowers blooming on the roadside
なぜここに咲いているのか? 理由を知りたくなった
A thought occurred to me, why do they bloom here? I wanted to know
種⼦はどこから来たんだろう? 季節の⾵に吹かれ
From where did their seeds come? They must have been carried by the seasonal winds
そう 遠く離れたこの空へ
Yes, from afar, to this land, the wind brought them
An unexpected encounter, an invisible thread drew them here
And so, they arrived in this sunlit place
I am where I am for a reason
I wasn't brought here by chance
Wow wow wow wow destiny
Wow wow wow wow 運命を
Wow wow wow wow I feel it
Wow wow wow wow 感じるよ
What will the future hold?
My existence serves a purpose
求められて 初めて
I finally understand
⽣きる意味を ⾒つけた気がする
The butterfly flutters around the petals, what is it looking for?
花びらのまわりの蝶は 何を迷うのか?
In life, there are many paths to take, but one is meant to be
⽣き⽅がいくつあっても 本当は決まっているんだ
I never had ambitions, I drifted through life
やりたいことなんかなくて 何も求めず暮らしてた
But now I know, this world is filled with wonders
In times of trouble, when my thoughts overwhelm me,
I look up at the sky and ask
For our earthly sorrows seem so small
It is inevitable that I should dream
The future I envision
Wow wow wow wow a wish
Wow wow wow wow 願いとは
Wow wow wow wow is a seed
Wow wow wow wow 種⼦なんだ
Today leads to tomorrow
今が続いて 未来になる
Looking back, I finally see
振り返って ようやく
The path I should take
進むべき道 わかった気がする
It's foolish to dwell on coincidences
偶然の連続と 思ってちゃ勿体無い
For everyone we encounter is meant to be
めぐり逢った誰もみんな そうお互いに 必要なんだ
Wow wow wow wow
Wow wow wow wow
There is a reason for everything
I can't waste another moment
Wow wow wow wow I will explore my possibilities
Wow wow wow wow 可能性を 試したい
I am where I am for a reason
I wasn't brought here by chance
Wow wow wow wow destiny
Wow wow wow wow 運命を
Wow wow wow wow I feel it
Wow wow wow wow 感じるよ
What will the future hold?
My existence serves a purpose
求められて 初めて
I finally understand
⽣きる意味を ⾒つけた気がする
a place in life

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