Ian - Urgențe - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ian - Urgențe

Au fost discuții, ai zis nu-mi folosești numele
There were discussions, you said you wouldn't use my name
Foști tovarăși care cântă, folosesc dumele
Former comrades who sing, use my words
Brigada mea doar de băieți, când restu-s glumele
My brigade, boys only, when the rest are jokes
Onokey fully loaded
Onokey fully loaded
Ai sume mari, sări la masă, scoate-le, pune-le
You have large sums, jump at the table, take them out, put them down
Bagă-ți pula-n ele, nu răspunde, da' fute-le
Stick your dick in them, don't answer, but fuck them
Șerpii și-o-ncearcă, precaut, ascunde sutele
Snakes try it, be cautious, hide the hundreds
Drogat pe net, așa auzi tu sunete
Drugged online, that's how you hear sounds
Lasă cardeala, vrăjeala, nu merg șustele
Leave the chatting, the boasting, your scams don't work
25, pe la urgențe, mamă, ce-ai?
25, at the emergency room, mom, what's wrong?
Trag întruna, 24/7 high
I'm constantly high, 24/7
Șase zile fără somn, conduc pe Splai
Six days without sleep, driving on the Splai
Cântă c-au pistoale, da-i adoarme un pai
They sing they have guns, but a fly would put them to sleep
Toți frații cu dosare, fapte ilegale
All the brothers with files, illegal deeds
Râd în față, n-au crezut sunt în stare
Laughing in their faces, they didn't believe I was capable
Plictisit fut într-una panarame
Bored of fucking the same old thing
întreabă de ce-i staniol pe termopane
They ask me why there's foil on the thermal panes
Te-ai înecat ca țiganu', d-aia io-s valu', tu malu'
You drowned like a gypsy, that's why I'm the wave, you're the shore
Dau în ei ca toboșaru'
I hit them like a drummer
Am un tovarăș cu planu'
I have a friend with the plan
Am un tovarăș cu banu'
I have a friend with the money
Am un tovarăș cu xanu'
I have a friend with the Xanax
Am un tovarăș, te bate, nu te salvează spitalu'
I have a friend, he beats you up, the hospital won't save you
tu medico-legalu', pizdo, ți-e gol buzunaru'
Do the forensic examination, bitch, your pocket's empty
Dau trei de șase cu zaru'
I roll three sixes with the dice
Shamanu', amidamaru'
The Shaman, bitter
Nu pot să-nghit, simt amaru'
I can't swallow, I feel bitter
Stă-n genunchi, cere analu'
She kneels, asks for anal
Furi versuri ca papagalu'
Stealing verses like a parrot
Nu știm ce înseamnă banalu'
We don't know what banal means
Vine de la sine, traversează când vede-n jur
It comes naturally, she crosses the street when she sees me around
N-a fost semafor poa' țină din drum
There wasn't a traffic light to stop me on my way
Prea pulă, nu mișc pentru-o buca' de cur
Too cool, I don't move for a piece of ass
Nu vrea vină din prima, cum dracu' s-o mai sun?
She doesn't want to come on the first try, how the fuck do I call her again?
Vine de la sine, traversează când vede-n jur
It comes naturally, she crosses the street when she sees me around
N-a fost semafor poa' țină din drum
There wasn't a traffic light to stop me on my way
Prea pulă, nu mișc pentru-o buca' de cur
Too cool, I don't move for a piece of ass
Nu vrea vină din prima, cum dracu' s-o mai sun?
She doesn't want to come on the first try, how the fuck do I call her again?
Am un vis care-mi strigă-n cap
I have a dream screaming in my head
Vis care-mi pică-n sac
A dream falling into my pocket
Viitoru' meu arată bombă, al tău vinde skunk
My future looks bomb, yours is selling skunk
Care vinde îl scap, marfă-n bag, e plin de praf
Whoever sells, I let go, goods in the bag, it's full of dust
Frate, frate, dar brânza se vinde dac-o face crack
Brother, brother, but cheese only sells when it's crack
Orice top în jurul meu e sub nivelu' max
Every top around me is below the max level
Stau patru bagaboante-n brațe le mângâi pe crac
I have four babes in my arms, caressing their cracks
Le sărut, o piatră prețioasă, dinte alb
I kiss them, a precious stone, white teeth
Dau buză-n buză cu cristalu', fac linii pe ceas
Lip to lip with the crystal, I do lines on my watch
Pe interval, asta da harababură
On interval, this is a mess
Metalu'-n SCAR, asta da aparatură
Metal in the SCAR, that's what I call equipment
Dosar penal, asta înseamnă o treabă bună
Criminal file, this means good business
Fără molari, poate-nveți taci din gură
No molars, maybe you'll learn to shut your mouth
Coaiele mari, nu mai zic cât sunt de pulă
Big balls, not to mention how cool I am
Devin golan, te-a prăjit o tastatură
I'm becoming a thug, a keyboard fried you
Am mercenari, matahale, o întreagă turmă
I have mercenaries, brutes, a whole herd
Culcat pe-asfalt, asta numesc o statură
Lying on the asphalt, this is what I call posture
Vine de la sine, traversează când vede-n jur
It comes naturally, she crosses the street when she sees me around
N-a fost semafor poa' țină din drum
There wasn't a traffic light to stop me on my way
Prea pulă, nu mișc pentru-o buca' de cur
Too cool, I don't move for a piece of ass
Nu vrea vină din prima, cum dracu' s-o mai sun?
She doesn't want to come on the first try, how the fuck do I call her again?
Vine de la sine, traversează când vede-n jur
It comes naturally, she crosses the street when she sees me around
N-a fost semafor poa' țină din drum
There wasn't a traffic light to stop me on my way
Prea pulă, nu mișc pentru-o buca' de cur
Too cool, I don't move for a piece of ass
Nu vrea vină din prima, cum dracu' s-o mai sun?
She doesn't want to come on the first try, how the fuck do I call her again?
Vine de la sine, traversează când vede-n jur
It comes naturally, she crosses the street when she sees me around
N-a fost semafor poa' țină din drum
There wasn't a traffic light to stop me on my way
Prea pulă, nu mișc pentru-o buca' de cur
Too cool, I don't move for a piece of ass
Nu vrea vină din prima, cum dracu' s-o mai sun?
She doesn't want to come on the first try, how the fuck do I call her again?
Vine de la sine, traversează când vede-n jur
It comes naturally, she crosses the street when she sees me around
N-a fost semafor poa' țină din drum
There wasn't a traffic light to stop me on my way
Prea pulă, nu mișc pentru-o buca' de cur
Too cool, I don't move for a piece of ass
Nu vrea vină din prima, cum dracu' s-o mai sun?
She doesn't want to come on the first try, how the fuck do I call her again?

Writer(s): Carlos Pfersdorf, Bogdan Anghel

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