Ical Mosh - Benjamin - traduction des paroles en anglais

Benjamin - Ical Moshtraduction en anglais

Aku melihat dunia ku sendiri,
I see my own world,
Akal dan mindaku diuji,
My mind and intellect are tested,
Ditindas dipijak untuk kekal berdiri,
To be oppressed and trampled, to stand forever,
Silap hari nanti aku jadi,
Soon I will become,
Pedulikan omong kosong sibangsat,
I care about the bullshit of the bastards,
Mereka bukan hidup kat aku punya tempat,
They are not living in my place,
Mereka tak pernah rasa susah,
They have never felt hardship,
Dapat jolokan rasuah,
They were accused of corruption,
Ini bukan satu fitnah,
This is not a slander,
Aku selalu hustle, untuk kekal hidup,
I always hustle, to live forever,
Tak kisah apa cara walau
I don't care what the way is, although
Sebenarnya aku pun tak sanggup,
In fact, I can't do it either,
Hidup semakin sempit
Life is getting narrower
Macam hidup dalam kotak,
Like living in a box,
Tabur janji palsu macam
Sow false promises like
Kita ni takde otak,
We don't have a brain,
Apa kau perlu buat, perlu nekad,
What do you need to do, to be determined,
Politik semua tipu mereka
All politics are deceiving, they
Muntah paksa kita jilat,
Vomit, we lick,
Nekad macam benjy jadi pablo escobar,
Determined like Benjy to become Pablo Escobar,
Banyak buat baik tapi
Do a lot of good, but
Yang buruk dikhabar,
The bad news is spread,
Aku melihat dunia ku sendiri,
I see my own world,
Akal dan mindaku diuji,
My mind and intellect are tested,
Ditindas dipijak untuk kekal berdiri,
To be oppressed and trampled, to stand forever,
Silap hari nanti aku jadi,
Soon I will become,
Taraf hidup semakin tinggi,
The standard of living is getting higher and higher,
Merempat di tanah sendiri,
Squatting on my own land,
Kerna berbeza ideologi,
Because of different ideologies,
Langsung tak peduli,
Don't care at all,
Esok apa jadi,
What will happen tomorrow,
Jangan bising di cuping telingaku,
Don't make noise in my ears,
Jika hari esok aku dah tak macam dulu,
If I'm not like I was yesterday,
Persetan semua sistem
Screw all the systems
Janji lepas tengkok,
After the neck is promised,
Hustle gila babi sampai
I'll hustle like crazy until
Badan naik bengkok,
My body is bent,
Yang kaya jalan berlenggok,
The rich walk gracefully,
Orang bawah bertikam
The downtrodden fight each other
Rebut maggi semangkuk,
For a bowl of Maggi,
Benda ni tidak mustahil terjadi,
It's not impossible,
Kalau kita tidak mengubah
If we don't change
Nasib kita hari ni.
Our fate today.
Aku melihat dunia ku sendiri,
I see my own world,
Akal dan mindaku diuji,
My mind and intellect are tested,
Ditindas dipijak untuk kekal berdiri,
To be oppressed and trampled, to stand forever,
Silap hari nanti aku jadi,
Soon I will become,

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