Ical Mosh - Bla Bla Bla - traduction des paroles en anglais

Bla Bla Bla - Ical Moshtraduction en anglais

Bla Bla Bla
Bla Bla Bla
Setan tidur jangan cuba bangunkan ia
Darling, the devil sleeps, don't try to awaken him
Orang diam jangan uji kesabarannya
Quiet people, don't test their patience
Kau harus tahu
You should know
Dunia ini bukan milik kamu
This world doesn't belong to you
Jangan kau cuba-cuba menguji kesabaranku
Don't you dare to test my patience
'Cause bila-bila all my hitters will let good on you
'Cause anytime, all my hitters will let good on you
Uu-uu-uuh, huu-uu, yeah
Uu-uu-uuh, huu-uu, yeah
Aku masih berdiri depan mic
I'm still standing in front of the mic
Macam aku ceramah on Sunday
Like I'm giving a sermon on Sunday
Every word penuh wisdow calem
Every word filled with wisdom, calm
Pukul lima on the bit ini doomsday
Five o'clock on the bit, this is doomsday
Hitters go, krikk, krikk
Hitters go, click, click
So tell that motherfucker tolong jangan play play
So tell that motherfucker, please don't play around
Jangan sampai Sang Kakala masak beat
Don't make Lord Sang Kakala cook the beat
Memang confirm ramai yang jadi buffet
Indeed, many will become a buffet
Aku bukan king, aku bukan guard
I'm not a king, I'm not a guard
Cuma nak jaga safety aku punya squad
I just want to keep my squad safe
So jangan usik, so jangan kacau
So don't mess with me, don't bother me
Kalau kau tak nak tidur seminggu dalam wad kecemasan, kecemasan
If you don't want to end up in the emergency room for a week
Hapuskan ruang dan peluang keemasan
Eliminate the space and golden opportunity
Tak ada kias-kiasan untuk orang perasan
There are no allusions for pretentious people
Aku akan hancurkan laluan dan landasan
I will destroy the path and the runway
Budak-budak konon otai baru belasan
Kids who think they're veterans are just in their teens
Tak ada belas kasihan
There will be no mercy
Perang habis habisan
A war of attrition
Ini baru sikit setan cuma bagi bisikan
This is just a little, the devil is only whispering
Ini lagu korang punya pampasan
This is your song, your compensation
So stop jadi balaci, bro
So stop being a lackey, man
Aku tak nak duduk kat atas bukit
I don't want to sit on the mountaintop
'Cause duduk bawah lagi best dan bebas
'Cause sitting down here is better and free
Aku dan HHG bole naik rakit, wohh
Me and HHG can take the raft
Setan tidur jangan bangunkan ia
Darling, the devil sleeps, don't wake him
Orang diam jangan uji kesabarannya
Quiet people, don't test their patience
Kau harus tahu
You should know
Dunia ini bukan milik kamu
This world doesn't belong to you
Jangan kau cuba-cuba menguji kesabaranku
Don't you dare to test my patience
'Cause bila-bila all my hitters will let good on you
'Cause anytime, all my hitters will let good on you
Uu-uu-uuh, huu-uu, yeah
Uu-uu-uuh, huu-uu, yeah
Ini verse kedua dan terima kasih
This is the second verse and thank you
Untuk still dengar ceramah aku
For still listening to my sermon
Kalau kau mahu kita teruskan
If you want us to continue
Untuk next peranggan
For the next paragraph
And I don't give a fuck kalau kau enggan
And I don't give a fuck if you refuse
Sebab ramai sangat yang cuba test aku
Because there are too many people trying to test me
Cuba menipu, cuba jadi ini cuba jadi itu
Trying to deceive, trying to be this, trying to be that
Kalau tade bakat kenapa kau tiru?
If you don't have the talent, why do you imitate?
Bukan aku tak dengar lagu local, bro
It's not that I don't listen to local songs, dear
Tapi kenapa banyak lagu local
But why is it that many local songs
Diaorang punya vocal flow lebih kurang, bro
Their vocals and flow are more or less the same
Semua content nak diss haters
All the content is about dissing haters
Even itu diaorang punya first single bro
Even if it's their first single
Tell me kenapa semua bunyi macam track koyak
Tell me why do they all sound like ripped tracks
Tapi lagu tak pedas macam maggi koyak
But the songs aren't spicy like maggi koyak
Semua sama sebijik macam boria
They're all identical like boria
Aku fuck lagu kau sebab kau bohsia
I'm fucking your song because you're a bohsia
Aku jaguh kampung macam Rusia
I'm a village champion like Russia
Aku gerila macam gorilla
I'm a guerrilla like a gorilla
Tak cool macam ice bukan vanila
I'm not cool like ice, I'm not vanilla
Kenapa ramai sangat nak jadi carina?
Why do so many people want to be carina?
Berebut jadi famous dalam sosial media
Fighting to be famous on social media
Setan tidur jangan bangunkan ia
Darling, the devil sleeps, don't wake him
Orang diam jangan uji kesabarannya
Quiet people, don't test their patience
Kau harus tahu
You should know
Dunia ini bukan milik kamu
This world doesn't belong to you
Jangan kau cuba-cuba menguji kesabaranku
Don't you dare to test my patience
'Cause bila-bila all my hitters let good on you
'Cause anytime, all my hitters let good on you
Uu-uu-uuh, huu-uu, yeah
Uu-uu-uuh, huu-uu, yeah

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