Ical Mosh - Dunia Kejam - traduction des paroles en anglais

Dunia Kejam - Ical Moshtraduction en anglais

Dunia Kejam
Cruel World
Sang Kakala on the track
Sang Kakala on the track
Squad, squad
Squad, squad
Berdiri aku disini
I stand here
Puasku berjalan dan berlari
I'm content walking and running
Masih tak kujumpa dan temui
I still haven't found and met
Keinginan dari hati
The desires of my heart
Aku mahu anak aku
I want my children
Hidup senang cukup pakai
To live comfortably and have enough to wear
Makan kenyang walau pokai
To eat their fill, even if they're not hungry
Senyum tawa di bibir mengilai
A smile and laughter on my lips haunt me
Walau iblis dan kuncu mengintai
Although the devil and his minions lurk
Saat hasilku semua digadai
When all my belongings are pawned
Tika hidupku dilanda badai
When my life is hit by a storm
Susah payah biar aku telan semua
I will swallow all the hardship and suffering
Biar aku telan derita
I will swallow the pain
Biar kau takkan kenal sengsara
So that you will never know misery
Dan aku tetap aku takkan berubah
And I will still not change
Ini kisahku, bukan berkhutbah
This is my story, not a sermon
Bagai diari helaian hidup
Like a diary, the pages of my life
Tekanan hidup itu aku hirup
I inhale the pressures of life
Ketidakadilan wujud mungkin ditakdirkan
Injustice exists, perhaps it is destiny
Bukan aku nak tolak takdir
It's not that I reject destiny
Cuma mahu bebas dari belenggu
I just want to be free from its shackles
Sebelum maut datang hampir
Before death comes near
Aku teruskan perjalanan
I continue on my journey
Moga tamat penantian
May the waiting end
Terketar aku di titian
I tremble on the bridge
Apa yang kubekalkan
What will I leave behind?
Hanya rasa salah
Only a sense of guilt
Walau aku benar
Even though I am right
Takkan boleh menang
I cannot win
Di dunia kejam, di dunia kejam (yeah, yeah)
In a cruel world, in a cruel world (yeah, yeah)
Di dunia kejam, didunia kejam
In a cruel world, in a cruel world
Di dunia kejam, di dunia kejam (yeah, yeah)
In a cruel world, in a cruel world (yeah, yeah)
Di dunia kejam, di dunia kejam
In a cruel world, in a cruel world
Tapi apa kau tahu
But do you know?
Ramai hanya mampu bisu
Many are only capable of silence
Ramai tak nak buka mulut takut kepala ditembusi peluru
Many do not want to open their mouths for fear of their heads being shot
Jadi sampai bila?
So until when?
Kalau diam mungkin boleh jadi gila
If we stay silent, we may go mad
Mahu bebas aku mahu lepas dari helah dunia
I want to be free, I want to escape the world's tricks
Kau bukan aku jadi better diam
You're not me, so you better shut up
Kau hidup mewah tidur lena beralas tilam
You live in luxury, sleeping soundly on a mattress
Ego dalam diri menjadikan kau selfish
The ego within you makes you selfish
Wanita kiri kanan selevel Nora Danish
Women left and right, on the level of Nora Danish
Bergelumbang dengan kemewahan
Wallowing in luxury
Jadi apa kau tahu tentang hidup di jalanan?
So what do you know about living on the streets?
Susah senang cari makan
The struggle to find food
Halal atau haram janji dapat makan nasi sepinggan
Halal or haram, as long as you can eat a plate of rice
Tak punya apa-apa, cuma ada mimpi
Having nothing, only having dreams
Impian untuk senangkan anak dan isteri
Dreams to make my children and wife happy
Tak mahu rumah besar cuma mahu
I don't want a big house, I just want
Sebuah tempat berteduh untuk aku mengeluh
A place to take shelter where I can complain
Lepas seharian jadi hamba
After being a servant all day
Siapa tak teringin untuk jadi raja
Who doesn't want to be a king?
Penat lelah lemah takkan rebah
Tired, weak, I will not fall
Walau azab datang takkan pernah sudah
Even if the torment comes, it will never end
Sedang kau masih lagi di kelab malam sampai pagi
While you're still in the nightclub until morning
Habiskan segala duit yang bapak kau bagi
Spending all the money your father gave you
Jadi apa yang kau tahu tentang hidup aku
So what do you know about my life?
Susah senang aku hanya Tuhan saja tahu
My struggles and joys, only God knows
Aku masih lagi mencari jalan untuk pulang
I'm still looking for a way to go home
Sampai aku nampak satu cahaya terang
Until I see a bright light
Aku teruskan perjalanan
I continue on my journey
Moga tamat penantian
May the waiting end
Terketar aku di titian
I tremble on the bridge
Apa yang kubekalkan
What will I leave behind?
Hanya rasa salah
Only a sense of guilt
Walau aku benar
Even though I am right
Takkan boleh menang
I cannot win
Di dunia kejam, di dunia kejam (yeah, yeah)
In a cruel world, in a cruel world (yeah, yeah)
Di dunia kejam, di dunia kejam
In a cruel world, in a cruel world
Di dunia kejam, di dunia kejam (yeah, yeah)
In a cruel world, in a cruel world (yeah, yeah)
Di dunia kejam, di dunia kejam
In a cruel world, in a cruel world
Tapi apa kau tahu
But do you know?
Ramai hanya mampu bisu
Many are only capable of silence
Ramai tak nak buka mulut takut kepala ditembusi peluru
Many do not want to open their mouths for fear of their heads being shot
Jadi sampai bila?
So until when?
Kalau diam mungkin boleh jadi gila
If we stay silent, we may go mad
Mahu bebas aku mahu lepas dari helah dunia
I want to be free, I want to escape the world's tricks

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