Ico - Habibi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ico - Habibi

My Love
*My Life is Yours*
(Dawar katir, alashí ies edni)
(I have searched for everything, to be happy)
Todo busqué, para ser feliz
I have searched for everything, to be happy
(Jawelt alei - jagá tishbani)
(I have wandered around - trying to satisfy myself)
Tanteando así - satisfacerme
I have wandered around - trying to satisfy myself
(Ufdelt tuyei, fealdoni aljeyu)
(I was lost living, walking in the world)
Perdido vivía, vagando en el mundo
I was lost living, walking in the world
(Albi lessa atshaaaan)
(Empty in my heart)
Vacío en mi corazón
Empty in my heart
(Semah wuehed, binadini)
(I heard someone calling my name)
llamaba por mi nombre
I heard someone calling my name
(El, tahem, emsek beí di, Ana arfak)
(He said, "Take my hand, I know you")
Él me dijo: "Toma mi mano, Yo te conozco"
He said, "Take my hand, I know you"
(Ddana jalak, Ana jases biiik)
(I created you, I felt your pain)
Yo te he creado, tu dolor sentí
I created you, I felt your pain
(Wi guit ashanak, ya habibi)
(For you I came, Oh my beloved)
Por he venido, Oh mi amado
For you I came, Oh my beloved
(Moti badalak alaal salib)
(I died for you on the cross)
Por yo he muerto, en la cruz
I died for you on the cross
(Uajabtak jayaah)
(I gave you my life)
Mi Vida te
I gave you my life
(Wu detak negah)
(And I gave you my salvation)
Te di mi salvación
And I gave you my salvation
(Kull znubak magfuura lakaaa)
(All your sins are forgiven)
Todos tus pecados perdonados
All your sins are forgiven
(Wi shoft eiyidu mamduda leiya)
(Coming to me I looked at His hands,)
Viniendo a miré sus manos,
Coming to me I looked at His hands,
(Bellamsa shafya fatah enaia)
(His healing touch, opened my eyes)
Su toque sanaba, mis ojos Él abría
His healing touch, opened my eyes
(Nawar tarii, ghayar jayaty)
(I saw His light, it changed my life)
Su luz yo veía, cambió mi vida
I saw His light, it changed my life
(Ana elu kuntu baiiid)
(How far away from Him, I lived)
Cuán lejos d'Él, viví
How far away from Him, I lived
(Ezei makontesh, shayf Robbi?)
(How could I not see you before, my God?)
¿C'mo no te vi antes, Dios mío?
How could I not see you before, my God?
(Wu kunti ayiesh, menguegriu gambi?)
(And I lived without Him, being with Him?)
Sin Él yo viví, ¿siendo Él conmigo?
And I lived without Him, being with Him?
(Rakaata udamu, um sikt fiidu)
(Bowed down before Him, I held onto His hand)
Postrado ante Él, me así de su mano
Bowed down before Him, I held onto His hand
(Sorokh t baala soooooooot)
(I cried out loud)
Lloré en alta vooooooooz
I cried out loud
(Jayaty tebba liiik alyuuum)
(My life is yours, today my Lord)
Mi vida es tuya, hoy mi Señor
My life is yours, today my Lord
(Tesh -jad aan Yasua wu tuul)
(To testify of you, Jesus)
Testificar de ti, Jesús
To testify of you, Jesus
(Juwa da al-Tariik)
(He is my Way)
MI Camino es Él
He is my Way
(Wu oaal Maliiik. Uwa da Ilahi el Abady)
(He is my King, He is my Eternal God Jesus Christ)
Él es mi Rey, Él es mi Eterno Jesucristo
He is my King, He is my Eternal God Jesus Christ
(Taala wu sallem hayatak udamu, Da howa ilajak)
(Come and give your life to Jesus, He is your God)
Camina y entrega tu vida a Jesús, Él es tu Dios
Come and give your life to Jesus, He is your God
(Wa jases be jalak, Hayindilak auwa)
(He knows what you are going through, He gives you His strength)
Sabe lo que pasas, te da de Su fuerza
He knows what you are going through, He gives you His strength
(Wu idilak nosra, ala kolakatya, Matrannem majaya)
(And He will give you your victory, over all sin, come and praise with me)
Te dará tu victoria, sobretodo pecado, ven alaba conmigo
And He will give you your victory, over all sin, come and praise with me
(Jayaty tebba liiik alyuuum)
(My life is yours, today my Lord)
Mi vida es tuya, hoy mi Señor
My life is yours, today my Lord
(Tesh -jad aan Yasua wu tuul)
(To testify of you, Jesus)
Testificar de ti, Jesús
To testify of you, Jesus
(Juwa da al-Tariik)
(He is my Way)
MI Camino es Él
He is my Way
(Wu oaal Maliiik. Uwa da Ilahi el Abady)
(He is my King, He is my Eternal God Jesus Christ)
Él es mi Rey, Él es mi Eterno Jesucristo
He is my King, He is my Eternal God Jesus Christ

Writer(s): salim elakkari

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