Ignito feat. Siene - FLOWER (feat. SIENE) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ignito feat. Siene - FLOWER (feat. SIENE)

간밤의 악몽을 떨치고 일어난 머리맡엔
I wake up from last night's nightmare, and by my bedside
따사로운 햇볕대신 지독한 고독과 나태
Instead of warm sunlight, there's only terrible loneliness and lethargy
소망을 잃고 두려움만이 홀로된 아침은
A morning when I lost all hope and only fear was with me,
마무리가 그려지듯 전개가 뻔한 비극
Its ending is already written, like a predictable tragedy
규정된 낮과 밤을 가늠 없는
I can't measure the set days and nights,
짧은 하루가 아득하군
The short days seem so distant
생기 없이 흩어진 이불 따위와 구겨진
The lifeless, scattered sheets and the crumpled
옷가지들의 푸념만이 삶의 가치를 대변하지
Clothes only represent the worth of this life
모두가 눈감은 일상의 구석진
Hidden in the corner of everyone's everyday life
가림막 안쪽 생의 권태를 그렸지
I draw the tedium of life behind the screen
헝클어지고 불편한 열기로 후덥지근하게
The messy, uncomfortable heat makes the
가라앉은 방안의 공기가 무겁지
Air in the room heavy
무력히 집어든 낡은 연필 자루의
I weakly pick up an old pencil,
동선을 따라 써내려갈뿐 끝없이
And follow the guidelines, writing endlessly
숨이 막히도록 굳게 자리 잡은 어둠의
The darkness that suffocates me
한가운데 미동 없이 날이 눈매
Settles in, and my blank stare doesn't waver
And Why Don′t You Love Me
And Why Don′t You Love Me
And Why Don't You Feel Me
And Why Don't You Feel Me
And Why Don′t You Take Me
And Why Don′t You Take Me
I'm Just a Flower
I'm Just a Flower
잠이 들면 나타나고 눈을 뜨면 사라지는
The afterimage that appears when I fall asleep, and disappears when I open my eyes,
잔상만이 남아 있는 꿈이라는 허망한 이름
Only the vain name of a dream remains
흐릿한 기억의 형체를 놓치지 않으려
To capture the hazy form of the memory,
손길을 따라 빚어내는 무정형의 하루여
I shape it with my hands, creating a formless day
광활한 백지 위에 가득하게 펼치는
On the vast blank page, I spread out
간절하면서도 닿을 없는 편지들
Heartfelt but unreachable letters
쓰다 버려지는 종잇장이 구겨지듯
Like crumpled up paper being thrown away,
다신 펴보지 못할 후회의 문장은 없기를
I hope there are no regretful words that I won't be able to read again
바라만 봐도 숨이 막히는 거대한 인공의 아치
The giant artificial arch that takes my breath away just by looking at it
아래 외롭게 활짝
Underneath it, a lonely
붉은 송이의 향기는
Red flower in full bloom
어디도 닿지 못하고 이른 이별을 맞지
Its fragrance can't reach anywhere, and it meets an early end
그건 세상에 내민 화해의 몸짓 혹은
Is it a gesture of reconciliation to the world, or
고고하게 솟은 밤을 비추던 작은 보물
A small treasure that illuminated the rising night?
과연 무엇이 자릴 채울 있을까
What could possibly fill its place?
익숙한 목소리가 거리엔 없던 이유일까
Is it because my familiar voice wasn't there in the streets?
And Why Don't You Love Me
And Why Don't You Love Me
And Why Don′t You Feel Me
And Why Don′t You Feel Me
Break Me Right Now Take Me
Break Me Right Now Take Me
I′m Just a Flower
I′m Just a Flower
무언가를 애타게 적고 그려내는
Someone who writes and draws something passionately
예술가 그는 어떻게 유배되는가
An artist, how does he become an exile?
자신으로 부터 시작해 돌아오는 투쟁은
A struggle that starts from oneself and returns,
걸친 고독의 무게를 옮기는 수행
Is an ascetic practice that shifts the weight of loneliness
사랑받지 못한 살아남지 못한
The sin of not being able to survive without being loved,
닮아가지 못한 달아나지 못한
The sin of not being able to run away without resembling
한순간 스치우는 바람 같은 야망
An ambition that flashes by like a gust of wind,
다만 값진 언어의 재료가 되진 않아
But it doesn't become the material for my precious language
작품 속에 모든 말할 없어
I can't say everything in my work,
너와 이로써 완전한 작별을 이뤘어
You and I have said our complete farewells
간극을 깨닫게 순간부터
From the moment I realized that gap,
나는 무한한 가능성 앞에 마주서
I stand before infinite possibilities
And Why Don't You Love Me
And Why Don't You Love Me
And Why Don′t You Feel Me
And Why Don′t You Feel Me
And Why Don't You Take Me
And Why Don't You Take Me
I′m Just a Flower
I′m Just a Flower
And Why Don't You Love Me
And Why Don't You Love Me
And Why Don′t You Feel Me
And Why Don′t You Feel Me
Break Me Right Now Take Me
Break Me Right Now Take Me
I'm Just a Flower
I'm Just a Flower

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