Ikimonogakari - Mudai Tookue (No Fade Out Version) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ikimonogakari - Mudai Tookue (No Fade Out Version)

Mudai Tookue (No Fade Out Version)
Far Away (No Fade Out Version)
遠くへ 流れてく 僕らの影は
As the shadows of us flow far away,
今も変わらずにあるから 見失ってしまってもいいさ
They still exist unchanged, so even if lost sight, it's okay.
またとない"今"それは 孤独を 背負ったり
In the unique "now," it's loneliness I bear,
歩むべき道を違えて 焦ったり泣き出したりの連続
Or wandering off the path, the constant cycle of impatience and tears.
閉ざした心 矛盾にはさまれ 息も出来ないくらいに耐えてた
A closed off heart, caught between contradictions, I endured to the point of suffocation.
疼き出した この感情に押されて 揺れ始めた 僕を残して
Pushed by this aching emotion, it began to waver, leaving me behind.
僕は 強ささえ超えて はばたける鳥になる
I will become a bird that can soar beyond strength,
声は やがて届くだろう 今あなたのいる場所へ
My voice will eventually reach you, to the place where you are now.
叫ぶとしても 避けられはしない
Even if I cry out, it won't be avoided,
果てしない物語 僕は 欲しがる
This endless tale that I long for.
きっと未来への扉さえ 「開くのが怖い けど見てみたい」の葛藤
Surely it's the door to the future, "I'm scared to open it, but I want to see it," the conflict.
いつかどこかで 出会ったのかな かすむ記憶をたぐりよせて
Somewhere, sometime, did we meet? Searching through fading memories,
白いシーツに くるまる僕に 生まれたての 明日をください
Wrapped in white sheets, grant me a newborn tomorrow.
僕の わずかな迷いよ はばたいて風になれ
Let my slight hesitation flutter and become the wind,
誰かの 手を握ったなら 離さずに舞い上がれ
If I grasp someone's hand, let us soar without letting go.
僕は 強ささえ超えて はばたける鳥になる
I will become a bird that can soar beyond strength,
声は やがて届くだろう 変わらずにその場所へ
My voice will eventually reach you, unchanging to that place.
叫ぶとしても 避けられはしない
Even if I cry out, it won't be avoided,
掴んだものは 輝きの日々
What I've grasped are days of brilliance.

Writer(s): Hotaka Yamashita

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