Iluminatik - Mayday - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Iluminatik - Mayday

Suena la sirena, tumbaron la red
The siren sounds, they've taken down the net
Llegan en Lincolc suburban no escalé
They arrive in Lincoln Suburbans, I didn't climb
Bajan encapuchados, contra pared
They get down hooded, you against the wall
Suena la sirena, tumbaron la red
The siren sounds, they've taken down the net
Llegan en Lincoln suburban no escalé
They arrive in Lincoln Suburbans, I didn't climb
Bajan encapuchados, contra pared
They get down hooded, you against the wall
Mayday, mayday todos tienen miedo
Mayday, mayday everyone is afraid
Mayday, Mayday aquí está el infierno
Mayday, Mayday hell is here
Mayday, mayday
Mayday, mayday
Diaro gente muere, nuestra sangre hierve
People die daily, our blood boils
Aquí en el barrio cada quien se hace con sus propias uñas
Here in the hood, everyone makes it with their own nails
Aquí fumas o desayunas
Here you smoke or have breakfast
Aquí no llegan las ayudas
Help doesn't arrive here
No son pálidos los potos en las urnas
The asses in the polls are not pale
Acudas con quien acudas
Whoever you go to
Estos Judas evitan que subas
These Judases prevent you from rising
No quieren ver en ti un progreso
They don't want to see you progress
Prefieren verte dentro de un proceso
They prefer to see you in a process
Penal en un cerezo
Jail in a cherry tree
Es por eso es que la mayoría recurren al crimen
That's why most people resort to crime
Lastimen a quien lastimen
Pity whoever they pity
Terminen con quien terminen
End up with whoever they end up with
Por eso es que hacemos justicia a nuestra propia mano
That's why we do justice with our own hand
Puro desquiciado con el ojo bien pelado
Pure madman with a wide-open eye
Desvelado por todo lo que ha fumado
Sleepless for all he has smoked
Con el corazón helado sin miedo para cometer algún pecado
With a frozen heart, fearless to commit any sin
Pam-pam-pam se escucha a lo lejos
Pam-pam-pam is heard in the distance
Es otro cuerpo tirado en el pavimento
It's another body lying on the pavement
Otra deuda que se cobra
Another debt that is collected
Otra madre orando rezos
Another mother praying prayers
Es otra víctima de la famosa calle y sus excesos
It's another victim of the famous street and its excesses
Suena la sirena, tumbaron la red
The siren sounds, they've taken down the net
Llegan en Lincoln suburban no escalé
They arrive in Lincoln Suburbans, I didn't climb
Bajan encapuchados, contra pared
They get down hooded, you against the wall
Suena la sirena, tumbaron la red
The siren sounds, they've taken down the net
Llegan en Lincoln suburban no escalé
They arrive in Lincoln Suburbans, I didn't climb
Bajan encapuchados, contra pared
They get down hooded, you against the wall
Mi gente nunca descansa, nunca se duerme
My people never rest, never sleep
Son de colores que por la noche sus problemas resuelven
They are of colors that solve their problems at night
Tengan cuidado con quien se envuelven
Be careful who you get involved with
Qué en una de esas a su casa nunca vuelve
What if one of those never comes back home
Puede esconder y correrse pero tarde o temprano tendrá que pagarlo con intereses
You can hide and run but sooner or later you will have to pay it with interest
Por seguridad, en el negocio no existe amistad
For safety, there is no friendship in business
Tenlo por seguro que a esa gente lo vamos a enterrar
Rest assured that we will bury those people
Cuando escuchan y ven por la tele
When they listen and see on TV
La emisora que escuchan que mueren a diario
The station they listen to that they die daily
Fue asesinado por estar mirando los crímenes organizados
He was killed for watching organized crime
Estas personas mueren marcados por culpa de una balacera
These people die marked because of a shootout
Otro inocente que muere allá afuera
Another innocent who dies out there
Una bala perdida amargada que queda en el barrio
A stray bitter bullet that remains in the neighborhood
Por más elementos que ponga en la calle el negocio no va a parar
No matter how many elements you put on the street, the business will not stop
El dinero en el medio mueve cualquier cosa, está por encima de la autoridad
Money in the middle moves anything, it is above authority
Todo tiene algún precio, cada boca su silencio
Everything has a price, every mouth its silence
Tenlos bien vigilados a los tuyos y sus movimientos
Keep yours and their movements well watched
Antes que colabore, porque no quiero pedotes
Before he collaborates, because I don't want big dicks
Cualquier movimiento mis perros se tapan la cara como luchadores
Any movement my dogs cover their faces like wrestlers
Mayday, bien sabes que puede pasar
Mayday, you know well what can happen
Mi gente no duerme siempre andamos prendidos
My people don't sleep, we're always on
Entorno caliente pero pensando frío
Hot environment but thinking cold
Nunca vemos selvas o vacío
We never see jungles or emptiness
Solo bajo y la vacío
Just down and empty it
Suena la sirena, tumbaron la red
The siren sounds, they've taken down the net
Llegan en Lincolc suburban no escalé
They arrive in Lincoln Suburbans, I didn't climb
Bajan encapuchados, contra pared
They get down hooded, you against the wall
Suena la sirena, tumbaron la red
The siren sounds, they've taken down the net
Llegan en Lincolc suburban no escalé
They arrive in Lincoln Suburbans, I didn't climb
Bajan encapuchados, contra pared
They get down hooded, you against the wall
Mayday, mayday, mayday, mayday
Mayday, mayday, mayday, mayday

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